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黄小龙 吴中海 吴坤罡

黄小龙, 吴中海, 吴坤罡, 2021. 滇西北弥渡地区主要断裂晚新生代发育特征及其动力学机制. 地质力学学报, 27 (6): 913-927. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.074
引用本文: 黄小龙, 吴中海, 吴坤罡, 2021. 滇西北弥渡地区主要断裂晚新生代发育特征及其动力学机制. 地质力学学报, 27 (6): 913-927. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.074
HUANG Xiaolong, WU Zhonghai, WU Kungang, 2021. Late Cenozoic development characteristics and dynamic mechanism of the main faults in the Midu area, northwestern Yunnan[BP(]Development characteristics of the main faults of the late cenozoic in the Midu area, northwestern Yunnan, and their dynamic mechanism. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (6): 913-927. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.074
Citation: HUANG Xiaolong, WU Zhonghai, WU Kungang, 2021. Late Cenozoic development characteristics and dynamic mechanism of the main faults in the Midu area, northwestern Yunnan[BP(]Development characteristics of the main faults of the late cenozoic in the Midu area, northwestern Yunnan, and their dynamic mechanism. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (6): 913-927. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.074


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.074

国家自然科学基金项目 41571013

国家自然科学基金项目 U2002211

中国地质调查局项目 DD20160268

中国地质调查局项目 12120114002101

中国地质科学院地质力学研究所基本科研业务费项目 DZLXJK201702


    黄小龙(1989-), 男, 博士, 主要从事新构造与活动构造研究。E-mail: tinyloong@163.com


    吴中海(1974-), 男, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事活动构造与地震研究。E-mail: wzhly@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: P546;P542

Late Cenozoic development characteristics and dynamic mechanism of the main faults in the Midu area, northwestern Yunnan[BP(]Development characteristics of the main faults of the late cenozoic in the Midu area, northwestern Yunnan, and their dynamic mechanism


the National Natural Science Foundation of China 41571013

the National Natural Science Foundation of China U2002211

the China Geological Survey Project DD20160268

the China Geological Survey Project 12120114002101

the Basic Research Funds of Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences DZLXJK201702

  • 摘要: 弥渡地区位于滇西北断陷带东南缘,红河断裂带尾端与程海断裂交汇部位,是揭示滇西北断陷带形成机制及其与红河断裂带间运动学关系的关键区域。综合利用遥感解译及野外调查发现,区内主要发育有北东向的毛栗坡断裂,北西—北北西向的凤仪-定西岭断裂、弥渡断裂、密祉断裂、寅街断裂。对断裂错动地质、地貌体及擦痕的统计分析结果表明,毛栗坡断裂第四纪以左旋走滑活动为主兼具有正断分量;弧形的弥渡断裂及北西向的寅街断裂第四纪期间均以正断活动为主;上新世期间凤仪-定西岭断裂以右旋走滑为主,密祉断裂主要为伸展正断,二者第四纪期间均无明显活动。据弥渡地区主要断裂的几何形态、运动学特征及红河断裂带晚新生代活动性变化过程推测,控制弥渡盆地展布的弥渡断裂、寅街断裂等主要第四纪活动断裂是在继承和改造红河断裂带原有断层行迹的基础上形成的。上新世或更早,弥渡地区及滇西北断陷带的断裂活动与地壳张扭变形可能与红河断裂带尾端伸展变形作用有关,但第四纪期间,程海断裂基本上完全控制了弥渡地区主要活动断裂的发育,这一时期区内张扭变形的动力可能来自于川滇内弧带的顺时针旋转以及周缘南汀河断裂、畹町断裂与理塘断裂等左旋走滑断裂引起的区域性走滑拉分的共同作用。


  • 图  1  研究区地质背景图

    a—青藏高原东南缘活动构造格架图; b—滇西北地质构造简图

    Figure  1.  Geological background of the study area

    (a) Active tectonic framework of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau; (b) Simplified geological map of northwestern Yunnan

    图  2  弥渡地区主要断裂分布图

    擦痕统计采用Stereo32软件完成, 为吴氏网下半球投影

    Figure  2.  Major faults in the Midu area

    图  3  毛栗坡断裂活动的地貌及野外证据

    a—毛栗坡断裂中部左旋错动的水系; b—毛栗坡断裂控制的断层槽谷地貌; c—毛栗坡断裂北段被左旋错动的年轻水系; d—毛栗坡断裂上出露的断层破碎带; e—跨毛栗坡断裂的地形剖面图(据Google earth影像数据绘制, 剖面位置见图 3a)

    Figure  3.  Landforms and field evidence of the Maolipo fault

    (a) Sinistral offset water system in the middle of the Maolipo fault; (b) Fault valley along the Maolipo fault; (c) Sinistral offset young water system in the northern part of the Maolipo fault; (d) Fault fracture zone exposed on the Maolipo fault; (e) Topographic profile across the Maolipo fault (Based on the Google Earth image; the location of the profile is shown in Fig. 3a)

    图  4  弥渡断裂运动学特征

    a—弥渡断裂北部的断层崖; b—破碎带内主要断面及擦痕; c—被错断的上新世地层; d—跨弥渡盆地地质剖面图(剖面位置见图 2)

    Figure  4.  Evidence showing the kinematic features of the Midu fault

    (a) Fault scarps occurred in the north of the Midu fault; (b) Main fault planes and slickensides in the fracture zone; (c) Faulted Pliocene strata; (d) Geological section across the Midu basin (the section location is shown in Fig. 2)

    图  5  弥渡地区主要断裂活动的地貌及野外证据

    a—寅街断裂上出露的断层破碎带及擦痕; b—凤仪-定西岭断裂地貌; c—密祉断裂上的断层破碎带

    Figure  5.  Landforms and field evidence of fault activities in the Midu area

    (a) Fault fracture zone and slickensides exposed on the Yinjie fault; (b) Landforms along the Fengyi-Dingxiling fault; (c) Fault fracture zone on the Mizhi fault

    图  6  弥渡盆地西北部的地形地貌特征

    Figure  6.  Landform characteristics of the northwestern Midu Basin

    图  7  上新世—第四纪青藏高原东南缘构造格架及弥渡地区断裂形成演化过程

    a—上新世弥渡地区断裂及盆地发育情况简图; b—青藏高原东南缘上新世构造格架简图(据Schoenbohm et al., 2006修改); c—第四纪弥渡地区断裂及盆地发育情况简图; d—青藏高原东南缘第四纪构造格架简图(据吴中海等, 2015; Shen et al., 2005修改)

    Figure  7.  Tectonic framework of the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and the fault formation and evolution process in the Midu area

    (a) Sketch map of faults and basins in the Midu area in the Pliocene; (b) Structural framework of the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau in the Pliocene (modified after Schoenbohm et al., 2006); (c) Sketch map of faults and basins in the Midu area in the Quaternary; (d) Tectonic framework of the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau in the Quaternary (modified after Wuzhonghai et al., 2015; Shen et al., 2005)

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