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李壮 高杨 贺凯 高浩源 卫童瑶 刘铮 赵志男

李壮, 高杨, 贺凯, 等, 2020. 贵州省六盘水水城高位远程滑坡流态化运动过程分析. 地质力学学报, 26 (4): 520-532. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.04.045
引用本文: 李壮, 高杨, 贺凯, 等, 2020. 贵州省六盘水水城高位远程滑坡流态化运动过程分析. 地质力学学报, 26 (4): 520-532. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.04.045
LI Zhuang, GAO Yang, HE Kai, et al., 2020. Analysis of the fluidization process of the high-position and long-runout landslide in Shuicheng, Liupanshui, Guizhou Province. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (4): 520-532. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.04.045
Citation: LI Zhuang, GAO Yang, HE Kai, et al., 2020. Analysis of the fluidization process of the high-position and long-runout landslide in Shuicheng, Liupanshui, Guizhou Province. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (4): 520-532. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.04.045


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.04.045

国家重点研发计划项目 2018YFC1504806

国家重点研发计划项目 2018YFC1504804

国家自然科学青年基金项目 41907257

中国地质科学院地质力学研究所基本科研业务费项目 DZLXJK201901

重庆市地质灾害自动化监测工程技术研究中心开放课题 KF2019-8


    李壮(1995-), 男, 在读硕士, 从事高位远程滑坡动力解体研究。E-mail:1346871141@qq.com


    高杨(1989-), 男, 助理研究员, 从事高速远程滑坡机理研究。E-mail:737263992@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P642.22

Analysis of the fluidization process of the high-position and long-runout landslide in Shuicheng, Liupanshui, Guizhou Province

  • 摘要: 高位远程滑坡是中国西南山区常见的一类灾难性地质灾害,其发生往往伴随有碰撞解体效应,导致滑体碎裂化,转化为碎屑流或泥石流,具有流化运动堆积的特征。2019年7月23日发生于中国贵州省六盘水市水城县的鸡场镇滑坡是典型的高位远程流态化滑坡,滑坡前后缘高差430 m,水平运动距离1340 m,堆积体体积200×104 m3,导致21幢房屋被掩埋,51人遇难。基于野外详细调查和滑前滑后地形对比,采用DAN-W软件对水城滑坡的整个运动堆积过程进行了模拟,结果显示:水城滑坡在滑源区残留堆积体厚度最大为27 m,堆积区最大堆积厚度为15 m,滑坡碎屑流前缘最大运动速度为27 m/s,最大动能为6.57×106 J;滑坡高位剪出,由于势能转化为动能,滑坡快速达到速度峰值,并铲刮地表松散土层;由于强降雨,滑体高速运动使基底孔隙水来不及排出,导致基底摩擦力下降,降低能量损耗,滑体解体促进颗粒流化运动,减少了摩擦,也是滑坡远程运动的重要原因。


  • 图  1  贵州六盘水水城滑坡地质简图

    Figure  1.  Geological map of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou

    图  2  研究区峨眉山玄武岩岩体结构特征

    Figure  2.  Structural characteristics of Emeishan basalt in the study area

    图  3  贵州六盘水水城滑坡滑前滑后影像对比图

    Figure  3.  Image comparison before and after the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou Province

    图  4  贵州六盘水水城滑坡工程地质剖面示意图

    Figure  4.  Engineering geological profile of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou

    图  5  贵州六盘水水城滑坡滑源区现场

    Figure  5.  Site photos of the source area of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou

    图  6  贵州六盘水水城滑坡滑源区a-a′工程地质剖面图(剖面位置见图 1)

    Figure  6.  Engineering geological profile a-a′ of the source area of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou (The position of the profile is shown in Fig. 1)

    图  7  贵州六盘水水城滑坡铲刮区现场

    Figure  7.  Site photos of the erosion area of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou

    图  8  贵州六盘水水城滑坡铲刮区b-b′工程地质剖面图(剖面位置见图 1)

    Figure  8.  Engineering geological profile b-b′ of the erosion area of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou (The position of the profile is shown in Fig. 1)

    图  9  贵州六盘水水城滑坡流通堆积区现场

    Figure  9.  Site photos of the propagation & accumulation area of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou

    图  10  贵州六盘水水城滑坡堆积区c-c′工程地质剖面图(剖面位置见图 1)

    Figure  10.  Engineering geological profile c-c′ of the propagation & accumulation area of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou (The position of the profile is shown in Fig. 1)

    图  11  贵州六盘水水城滑坡DAN模型

    Figure  11.  DAN model of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou

    图  12  Frictional模型摩擦系数、Voellmy模型湍流系数与滑坡运动距离关系三维趋势图(优势参数组合对应运动距离为1355 m)

    Figure  12.  Three-dimensional trend diagram of the relationship between friction coefficient of the Frictional model, turbulence coefficient of the Voellmy model and landslide movement distance (The motion distance corresponding to the dominant parameters combination is 1355 m)

    图  13  Frictional模型摩擦系数、Voellmy模型湍流系数与滑源区堆积体厚度关系三维趋势图(优势参数组合对应堆积体厚度为27 m)

    Figure  13.  Three-dimensional trend diagram of the relationship between friction coefficient of the Frictional model, turbulence coefficient of the Voellmy model and thickness of accumulation body in the slip source area (The thickness of the accumulation body corresponding to the dominant parameters combination is 27 m)

    图  14  Frictional模型摩擦系数、Voellmy模型湍流系数与堆积区堆积体厚度关系三维趋势图(优势参数组合对应堆积厚度为15 m)

    Figure  14.  Three-dimensional trend diagram of the relationship between friction coefficient of the Frictional model, turbulent coefficient of the Voellmy model and thickness of accumulation body in the accumulation area (The accumulation thickness corresponding to the dominant parameters combination is 15 m)

    图  15  贵州六盘水水城滑坡滑坡体内速度分布图(时间间隔为20 s)

    Figure  15.  Velocity distribution map of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou (20 s interval)

    图  16  贵州六盘水水城滑坡前后缘速度随时间变化图

    Figure  16.  Velocity diagram of the front and rear of the Shuicheng landslide with time

    图  17  贵州六盘水水城滑坡前后缘速度随滑程变化图

    Figure  17.  Velocity diagram of the front and rear of the Shuicheng landslide with slip distance

    图  18  贵州六盘水水城滑坡动能变化图(时间间隔为20 s)

    Figure  18.  Kinetic energy variation diagram of the Shuicheng landslide (20 s interval)

    图  19  贵州六盘水水城滑坡滑体运动过程中形态变化图(时间间隔为20 s)

    Figure  19.  Shape variation diagram of the Shuicheng landslide in movement (20 s interval)

    表  1  贵州六盘水水城滑坡数值计算控制参数表

    Table  1.   Table of numerical calculation control parameters of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou

    参数 光滑系数 Tip Ratio 刚度系数 离心力 块体几何形状 压力关系
    默认值 0.02 0.5 0.05 On Normal Modified
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    表  2  贵州六盘水水城滑坡模型参数表

    Table  2.   Table of model parameters of the Shuicheng landslide in Liupanshui, Guizhou

    滑坡区域 模型 孔隙水压力系数ru 摩擦角φ/(°) 铲刮深度/m 摩擦系数f 湍流系数ξ/(m·s-2)
    滑源区 Frictional模型 0.39 30 - - -
    铲刮区 Voellmy模型 - - 10 0.21 400
    堆积区 Voellmy模型 - - - 0.21 400
    下载: 导出CSV
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