Element association anomaly of tectonites and prediction of concealed deposit in the Xiaozhuqing exploration area on the periphery of Huize lead-zinc mine area, northeastern Yunnan Province
摘要: 云南会泽超大型富锗铅锌矿位于扬子地块西南缘、川滇黔铅锌成矿区小江深断裂东侧,受北东向断褶构造控制。尽管会泽铅锌矿研究程度高,但作为矿区外围找矿重点区域的小竹箐勘查区地质研究程度较低。基于构造岩中金属元素组合晕(MEAHFZ)找矿方法,通过地质测量和构造解析,认为该勘查区具有良好的成矿地质条件,其构造样式为银厂坡左行斜冲走滑断层及其上盘的倒转倾伏背斜组成的断褶构造,与矿山厂、麒麟厂矿床控矿构造样式基本一致。结合已有研究成果,厘定印支期以来该勘查区构造体系成生发展为北东构造带—晚南北构造带—东西构造带。在此基础上,基于地表 1:10000构造地球化学、蚀变岩相精细填图及重力剖面勘查,绘制了铅-锌-镉元素组合和铅、锌单元素异常综合图,结合该区的重力异常,发现其综合异常沿银厂坡断裂上盘上震旦统灯影组、下石炭统摆佐组中的北北东—北东向压扭性层间断裂带分布,进而圈定了Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ号重点找矿靶区。该成果不仅为该勘查区工程验证指明了方向,而且对同类矿床深部和外围找矿预测具有重要的指导意义。Abstract: The Huize super-large Ge-rich Pb-Zn deposit in Yunnan is located on the southwestern margin of the Yangtze block and east of the Xiaojiang deep fault in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou lead-zinc metallogenic areas, and it is controlled by the NE-trending thrust-fold structures. Although the Huize Pb-Zn deposit has a high research level, the geological research level of the Xiaozhuqing exploration area, which is a key prospecting area on the periphery of the mining area, is relatively low. According to the prospecting method of Metal-element association halos within mineralization-related fault zones(MEAHFZ), through geological survey and structural analysis, it is considered that the Xiaozhuqing exploration area has good metallogenic geological conditions, and its tectonic style is the fault-fold structures composed of the Yinchangpo sinistral oblique strike-slip fault and its hanging wall inverted and tilted anticline, which is basically consistent with the ore-controlling structural style of the Kuangshanchang deposit and Qilinchang deposit. Combined with previous research results, it is determined that the structural system in the exploration area has developed from the NE structural zone to the late SN structural zone to the EW structural zone since the Indosinian period. On this basis, based on the 1:10000 tectono-geochemistry, altered lithofacies mapping and gravity profile survey, a comprehensive map of Pb-Zn-Cd element combination anomaly and Pb, Zn single element anomaly is drawn. Combined with the gravity anomaly in this area, it is found that the comprehensive anomalies distribute along the NE-directed compressive and torsional interlayer fault zone in the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation and Lower Carboniferous Baizuo Formation of the hanging wall of Yinchangpo fault, and the key prospecting target areas I, Ⅱ and Ⅲ are delineated. This achievement not only indicates the direction for the exploration and verification of the exploration area, but also has important guiding significance for the prospecting prediction of similar deep and peripheral deposits.
图 1 会泽铅锌矿区地质简图
a—中国华南构造简图(据Zhang et al., 2015修改);b—川滇黔铅锌成矿区主要断裂及矿床分布图(据柳贺昌和林文达,1999修改);c—会泽铅锌矿区地质简图(据韩润生等,2012修改)
Figure 1. Geological sketch map of the Huize Pb-Zn mine area
图 2 会泽铅锌矿区冲断褶皱构造与矿床分布剖面图(据韩润生等,2012修改)
Figure 2. Profile showing the thrust-fold structures and deposits in the Huize Pb-Zn mine area(modified after Han et al., 2012)
图 9 小竹箐勘查区印支期以来构造变形及其演化图解(据韩润生等,2014修改)
Figure 9. Diagram showing the tectonic deformation and evolution since the Indosinian period in the Xiaozhuqing exploration area (modified after Han et al., 2014)
表 1 不同方向断裂构造岩中铅锌含量表
Table 1. Contents of lead and zinc in fracture tectonites of different directions
断裂类型 样品数量/件 铅+锌/×10-6 均值/×10-6 北东向断裂 40 17.40~1367.97 140.40 北西向断裂 27 16.63~345.42 71.72 东西向断裂 6 21.90~510.32 147.86 南北向断裂 9 21.83~179.83 80.65 银厂坡断裂 31 18.24~423.86 96.56 总体 113 16.63~1367.97 107.60 表 2 小竹箐勘查区断裂构造岩主因子元素组合
Table 2. Element association of principal factors in the fracture tectonites in the Xiaozhuqing Pb-Zn exploration area
因子 元素组合 F1 Al、Fe、Ti、Ba、Cu、Ni、V、Be、Sc、Co、Ga、Ge、Y、Zr、Nb、In、Hf、Ta、LREE、HREE; F2 Mg、Mn、P、Cu; F3 Al、Ca(-)、K、Sr(-)、Li、Be、Rb、Sn、Cs、W、Tl、Bi、Th; F4 Zn、Cd、Pb; F5 Cu、Cr、V; -
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