摘要: 陕西西乡县广泛出露的晋宁期岩浆岩是研究和理解扬子克拉通基底地质演化的一个窗口。通过对西乡县龙王塘地区的辉长岩体、花岗岩脉和钠长斑岩脉进行锆石U-Pb定年和原位Lu-Hf同位素分析,确定了岩浆侵位时代,揭示了岩浆源区特征。年代学研究结果表明,辉长岩体和花岗岩脉的侵位时间分别为(863.6±4.4)Ma和(863.6±3.8)Ma,是新元古代岩浆作用的产物。在两条钠长斑岩脉中识别出(905.2±8.2)Ma、(807.0±8.9)Ma和(762.5±4.2)Ma三组锆石年龄,第一组为继承锆石的年龄,后两组年龄分别代表两条岩脉的侵位时代。综上可知,龙王塘地区存在~864 Ma、~807 Ma和~763 Ma三期岩浆作用,以及早期(~905 Ma)构造热事件,岩浆作用具有长期性和多阶段性特征。Lu-Hf同位素分析结果表明,辉长岩体和脉岩的εHf(t)平均值介于+7.1~+10.0之间。对已有地质资料进行综合分析发现,汉南地区的绝大多数新元古代岩体的εHf(t)为正值,具有随时间偏离亏损地幔线,接近球粒陨石线的基本演化趋势。上述锆石U-Pb年龄和原位Lu-Hf同位素结果表明,龙王塘地区出露的新元古代岩浆岩起源于亏损地幔或新生地壳的部分熔融,形成于活动型大陆边缘环境。Abstract: There exist a number of Jinningian magmatic rocks in Xixiang county, Shaanxi Province, which is an important "fingerprint" to study and understand the evolution of the Yangtze craton basement. This paper focuses on gabbro body, granite and albitophyre dikes from Longwangtang region, aiming to understand their formation ages and source characteristics through the methods of LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and in-situ Lu-Hf isotope analyses. Age data show that gabbro and granite dike emplacement ages are (863.6±4.4) Ma and (863.6±3.8) Ma, respectively, suggesting they are the products of Neoproterozoic magmatism. Three age groups of (905.2±8.2) Ma, (807.0±8.9) and (762.5±4.2) Ma are identified in the two albitophyre dikes; The first group records the inherited zircon ages and the latter two groups represent emplacement ages for the two dikes, respectively. These results suggest that there existed three stages of magmatism (~864 Ma, ~807 Ma and ~763 Ma), and also existed an early tectonic-thermal event (~905 Ma), indicating Longwangtang region has undergone and preserved long-lived and multi-phased intrusive activities. Lu-Hf isotopic analysis shows that these samples have εHf(t) average values of +7.1~+10.0. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the available geological data, most εHf(t) values of Neoproterozoic rocks in Hannan are positive, showing the trend of deviating from depleted mantle line and closing to chondrite line with time in general, indicating the Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks of Hannan mainly derived from the partial melting of depleted mantle or juvenile crust in an active continental margin setting.
图 3 陕西西乡县龙王塘地区野外产状及典型样品显微结构照片
Qtz—石英; Py—辉石; Hbl—角闪石; Kfs—钾长石; Pl—斜长石; Bi—黑云母; Op—不透明矿物
Figure 3. Field occurrence and typical microstructure photographs of typical samples from Longwangtang region in Xixiang, Shananxi Province (Qtz: quartz; Py: pyroxene; Hbl: hornblende; Kfs: K-feldspar; Pl: plagioclase; Bi: biotite; Op: opaque mineral)
表 1 汉南地区火成岩已有锆石U-Pb年龄一览表
Table 1. Summary of published zircon U-Pb ages of igneous rocks from Hannan region
样号 地点 岩石类型 年龄/Ma 测试方法 参考文献 HN155-1 龙王塘 辉长岩 863.6±4.4 LA-ICP-MS 文中数据 HN155-2 龙王塘 花岗岩脉 863.6±3.8 LA-ICP-MS 文中数据 HN153-1 龙王塘 钠长斑岩脉 905.2±8.2 LA-ICP-MS 文中数据 HN153-1 龙王塘 钠长斑岩脉 807±8.9 LA-ICP-MS 文中数据 HN152-1 龙王塘 钠长斑岩脉 762.5±4.2 LA-ICP-MS 文中数据 L52 碑坝 辉长岩 879±6 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[29] L53 天坪河 花岗岩 860±6 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[29] L38 桃家坝 花岗闪长岩 770±3 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[29] L64 黄官 正长花岗岩 774±4 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[29] L42 铁船山 花岗岩 782±4 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[29] HN150-1 毕机沟 辉长岩 793±4 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[32] HN150-9 毕机沟 花岗岩脉 759±4 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[32] HN108-1 潘坝 含矿热液脉 744±10 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[16] HN145-3 余家山 辉长岩 808±7 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[3] HN145-11 余家山 辉长岩 791±4 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[3] BB-17 碑坝 闪长岩 869±5 SIMS 参考文献[33] WJS-10 望江山 辉长岩 823±6 SIMS 参考文献[33] WJS-11 望江山 闪长岩 823±5 SIMS 参考文献[33] BJG-4 毕机沟 闪长岩 785±5 SIMS 参考文献[33] ZNZ-009 喜神坝 二长花岗岩 706±9.6 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] ZNZ-030 牟家坝 辉长苏长岩 746±4 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] ZNZ-032 黄官 二长花岗岩 777±8 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] ZXX-005 西乡 正长花岗岩 707±20 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] HN03 五堵门 英云闪长岩 718±9.6 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] MC01 西河 花岗岩 829±5 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] MC02 西河 辉长岩 824±4 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] ZNJ-025 南江 闪长岩 840±6 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] ZNJ-027 光雾山 花岗岩 838±17 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] ZWC-022 正源 辉长苏长岩 857±46 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[14] ZXX-001 望江山 辉长岩 784.3±6.0 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[27] ZXX-007 柳树店 辉长岩 898±10 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[27] 10BJG-01 西家坝 辉长岩 798.7±4.5 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[27] 10BJG-12 酉水 辉绿岩 794.7±5.2 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[27] 10BJG-23 酉水 辉长岩 751.5±6.3 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[27] XX16 沙河坎 闪长岩 763.8±9.4 SHRIMP 参考文献[5] XX05 沙河坎 闪长岩 768±12 SHRIMP 参考文献[5] XX10 沙河坎 闪长岩 767±11 SHRIMP 参考文献[5] D11-1 孙家河 英安质火山熔岩 814.8±5.2 SHRIMP 参考文献[25] 08-99TW 南江光雾山 钾长花岗岩 745±11 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[2] 08-109TW 南江光雾山 石英闪长岩 774±37 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[2] 08-95TW 旺苍檬子乡 辉长苏长岩 764±38 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[2] 08-104TW 旺苍檬子乡 角闪辉长岩 766±34 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[2] DBS291-1 子午 花岗岩 773±9 ELA-ICPMS 参考文献[34] LJB16 骆家坝 辉长岩 746±4 SHRIMP 参考文献[19] BB39 碑坝 辉长岩 814±9 SHRIMP 参考文献[19] 06-3 孙家河 玄武岩 845±17 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[24] 06-4 孙家河 英安岩 832.9±4.9 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[24] 06-5 白勉峡 玄武岩 730±13 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[24] 06-6 大石沟 流纹斑岩 803±5.3 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[24] 06-7 大石沟 花岗斑岩 776±6.0 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[24] 06-8-1 望江山 辉长岩 825.5±4.0 LA-ICP-MS 参考文献[24] WDM25 五堵门 花岗岩类 735±8 SHRIMP 参考文献[30] RI23 二里坝 花岗岩类 730±6 SHRIMP 参考文献[30] WCWD-1 五堵门 英云闪长岩 789±10 ELA-ICPMS 参考文献[35] MCTP-01 天坪河 花岗闪长岩 863±10 ELA-ICPMS 参考文献[35] 五堵门 花岗闪长岩 764±2 TIMS 参考文献[4] 黄家营 钾长花岗岩 778±5 TIMS 参考文献[4] 孙家河 流纹岩 839±2 TIMS 参考文献[4] BMX-Zir 西乡 英安岩 950±12 TIMS 参考文献[18] SJH-02 西乡 流纹岩 898±8 TIMS 参考文献[18] BQZ4 毕机沟 辉长岩 782±14 SHRIMP 参考文献[12] WQZ1 望江山 辉长岩 808±14 SHRIMP 参考文献[12] WBZ1 望江山 闪长岩 819±10 SHRIMP 参考文献[12] 表 2 陕西西乡县龙王塘地区锆石U-Pb年龄数据表
Table 2. Zircon U-Pb age data of Longwangtang region in Xixiang, Shananxi Province
分析点号 Pb Th U Th/U 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 谐和度 ×10-6 同位素比值 年龄/Ma HN155-1-1 46 712 265 2.69 0.0693 0.0021 1.3754 0.0383 0.1436 0.0021 909.3 56.5 878.5 16.4 864.9 11.7 98% HN155-1-2 17 659 98 6.71 0.0761 0.0040 1.4624 0.0669 0.1402 0.0030 1098.2 106.0 915.0 27.6 846.0 17.0 92% HN155-1-3 99 511 552 0.92 0.0771 0.0018 1.5376 0.0366 0.1433 0.0016 1124.1 46.8 945.5 14.7 863.2 9.1 90% HN155-1-4 55 1205 306 3.93 0.0767 0.0019 1.5272 0.0447 0.1418 0.0018 1122.2 48.1 941.4 17.9 855.0 10.3 90% HN155-1-5 63 210 369 0.57 0.0697 0.0015 1.3851 0.0284 0.1431 0.0016 918.2 42.6 882.6 12.1 862.1 9.0 97% HN155-1-6 43 176 242 0.73 0.0713 0.0018 1.4196 0.0328 0.1438 0.0018 964.8 51.1 897.2 13.8 866.1 9.9 96% HN155-1-7 101 487 537 0.91 0.0692 0.0015 1.3883 0.0284 0.1444 0.0016 905.6 43.4 884.0 12.1 869.3 9.3 98% HN155-1-8 99 600 493 1.22 0.0700 0.0014 1.4026 0.0269 0.1444 0.0016 927.8 41.8 890.0 11.4 869.7 8.8 97% HN155-1-9 36 150 206 0.73 0.0691 0.0021 1.3704 0.0377 0.1441 0.0020 901.9 63.0 876.3 16.1 867.7 11.5 99% HN155-1-10 53 165 299 0.55 0.0706 0.0020 1.4073 0.0342 0.1447 0.0020 946.3 62.0 892.0 14.4 871.1 11.3 97% HN155-1-11 50 223 273 0.82 0.0681 0.0019 1.3594 0.0368 0.1441 0.0016 870.1 58.5 871.6 15.8 868.0 9.1 99% HN155-1-12 29 208 168 1.24 0.0735 0.0044 1.4120 0.0840 0.1390 0.0025 1027.8 121.1 894.0 35.4 839.1 13.9 93% HN155-1-13 16 118 92 1.29 0.0722 0.0028 1.4337 0.0547 0.1449 0.0029 990.7 77.8 903.1 22.8 872.3 16.3 96% HN155-1-14 20 66 114 0.58 0.0769 0.0033 1.4992 0.0557 0.1441 0.0030 1117.6 119.0 930.1 22.6 867.9 16.7 93% HN155-1-15 21 66 123 0.53 0.0723 0.0033 1.4272 0.0671 0.1417 0.0023 994.4 92.6 900.4 28.1 854.3 12.8 94% HN155-1-16 20 69 121 0.57 0.0762 0.0030 1.4714 0.0529 0.1408 0.0026 1101.9 84.3 918.7 21.7 849.5 14.6 92% HN155-1-17 88 474 470 1.01 0.0707 0.0016 1.4033 0.0299 0.1435 0.0017 950.0 46.3 890.3 12.6 864.3 9.5 97% HN155-1-18 44 164 262 0.63 0.0710 0.0018 1.4018 0.0350 0.1433 0.0024 966.7 50.8 889.7 14.8 863.0 13.4 96% HN155-1-19 66 400 377 1.06 0.0741 0.0018 1.4708 0.0328 0.1435 0.0016 1055.6 50.0 918.4 13.5 864.6 8.9 93% HN155-1-20 38 150 226 0.67 0.0693 0.0020 1.3802 0.0381 0.1440 0.0021 909.3 57.9 880.5 16.3 867.3 11.7 98% HN155-1-21 22 126 113 1.12 0.0717 0.0029 1.4135 0.0535 0.1440 0.0025 975.9 81.5 894.6 22.5 867.0 14.1 96% HN155-1-22 50 161 305 0.53 0.0729 0.0023 1.4156 0.0453 0.1403 0.0020 1009.3 64.8 895.5 19.0 846.5 11.5 94% HN155-1-23 70 472 396 1.19 0.0728 0.0017 1.4541 0.0314 0.1447 0.0017 1009.3 48.1 911.6 13.0 871.1 9.5 95% HN155-1-24 20 74 122 0.61 0.0715 0.0029 1.3991 0.0536 0.1444 0.0028 972.2 82.9 888.6 22.7 869.6 15.7 97% HN155-2-1 102 610 530 1.15 0.0673 0.0013 1.3542 0.0255 0.1458 0.0016 847.8 40.7 869.4 11.0 877.4 8.7 99% HN155-2-2 94 597 507 1.18 0.0714 0.0013 1.4206 0.0275 0.1440 0.0016 968.5 37.8 897.6 11.5 867.2 9.3 96% HN155-2-3 120 647 709 0.91 0.0682 0.0012 1.3475 0.0295 0.1430 0.0024 875.9 35.2 866.5 12.7 861.6 13.5 99% HN155-2-4 39 158 225 0.70 0.0702 0.0017 1.3949 0.0322 0.1446 0.0017 1000.0 50.0 886.8 13.7 870.4 9.7 98% HN155-2-5 33 167 186 0.89 0.0689 0.0019 1.3652 0.0360 0.1444 0.0020 894.4 56.6 874.1 15.5 869.7 11.1 99% HN155-2-6 87 482 480 1.01 0.0691 0.0013 1.3782 0.0275 0.1443 0.0016 901.9 38.9 879.7 11.7 868.9 9.0 98% HN155-2-7 58 209 350 0.60 0.0672 0.0016 1.3482 0.0319 0.1455 0.0021 855.6 50.0 866.8 13.8 875.8 11.8 98% HN155-2-8 60 333 343 0.97 0.0713 0.0017 1.3980 0.0326 0.1429 0.0024 964.8 48.1 888.1 13.8 861.2 13.7 96% HN155-2-9 377 2709 1844 1.47 0.0703 0.0011 1.3910 0.0428 0.1435 0.0042 1000.0 30.4 885.1 18.2 864.2 23.9 97% HN155-2-10 112 723 572 1.27 0.0685 0.0013 1.3548 0.0254 0.1431 0.0016 883.3 34.3 869.6 11.0 862.3 8.8 99% HN155-2-11 64 359 343 1.04 0.0668 0.0014 1.3023 0.0273 0.1413 0.0018 833.0 44.4 846.7 12.0 851.8 9.9 99% HN155-2-12 104 586 551 1.06 0.0678 0.0014 1.3338 0.0243 0.1430 0.0015 861.1 40.7 860.5 10.6 861.7 8.2 99% HN155-2-13 183 1077 958 1.12 0.0675 0.0013 1.3517 0.0286 0.1445 0.0015 853.7 40.7 868.3 12.4 869.8 8.3 99% HN155-2-14 90 540 475 1.14 0.0683 0.0014 1.3448 0.0275 0.1423 0.0014 879.6 42.6 865.3 11.9 857.6 7.7 99% HN155-2-15 92 545 485 1.12 0.0697 0.0013 1.3898 0.0261 0.1445 0.0016 920.4 41.7 884.6 11.1 869.9 9.1 98% HN155-2-16 215 1424 1054 1.35 0.0690 0.0012 1.3755 0.0234 0.1443 0.0014 898.2 34.4 878.5 10.0 868.7 7.8 98% HN155-2-17 61 330 323 1.02 0.0682 0.0017 1.3567 0.0322 0.1441 0.0015 875.9 47.2 870.4 13.9 867.9 8.4 99% HN155-2-18 29 99 170 0.58 0.0718 0.0021 1.4060 0.0368 0.1430 0.0019 988.9 59.3 891.5 15.5 861.7 10.6 96% HN155-2-19 69 385 373 1.03 0.0702 0.0015 1.3651 0.0261 0.1412 0.0016 1000.0 38.0 874.1 11.2 851.7 9.1 97% HN155-2-20 52 253 293 0.87 0.0689 0.0021 1.3338 0.0394 0.1401 0.0015 894.4 67.6 860.5 17.1 845.5 8.4 98% HN155-2-21 61 332 333 1.00 0.0692 0.0016 1.3598 0.0304 0.1427 0.0015 905.6 49.2 871.8 13.1 860.1 8.7 98% HN155-2-22 154 1106 752 1.47 0.0688 0.0012 1.3600 0.0223 0.1429 0.0014 894.4 35.2 871.9 9.6 861.3 8.1 98% HN155-2-23 149 807 825 0.98 0.0685 0.0011 1.3599 0.0236 0.1435 0.0017 884.9 35.2 871.8 10.2 864.5 9.5 99% HN155-2-24 80 400 439 0.91 0.0682 0.0018 1.3471 0.0329 0.1431 0.0017 875.9 53.7 866.3 14.2 862.0 9.8 99% HN153-1-1 26 79 153 0.51 0.0707 0.0025 1.4522 0.0477 0.1498 0.0025 947.2 70.4 910.8 19.8 900.1 14.0 98% HN153-1-2 52 225 288 0.78 0.0715 0.0016 1.5099 0.0385 0.1520 0.0019 972.2 46.3 934.4 15.6 912.0 10.5 97% HN153-1-3 18 47 111 0.42 0.0739 0.0032 1.5001 0.0606 0.1488 0.0032 1038.9 86.0 930.4 24.6 894.5 18.0 96% HN153-1-5 80 486 479 1.01 0.0696 0.0016 1.3225 0.0317 0.1375 0.0022 916.7 41.7 855.6 13.8 830.7 12.4 97% HN153-1-7 96 533 523 1.02 0.0702 0.0015 1.4484 0.0295 0.1495 0.0018 933.0 45.2 909.2 12.2 898.2 10.0 98% HN153-1-8 110 495 599 0.83 0.0706 0.0027 1.5158 0.0472 0.1557 0.0025 946.3 77.8 936.8 19.1 932.8 14.2 99% HN153-1-9 91 673 530 1.27 0.0714 0.0025 1.3197 0.0414 0.1346 0.0027 968.5 71.5 854.4 18.1 813.9 15.4 95% HN153-1-10 52 253 328 0.77 0.0684 0.0019 1.2852 0.0359 0.1363 0.0022 879.6 83.3 839.2 15.9 823.8 12.5 98% HN153-1-11 62 276 344 0.80 0.0711 0.0024 1.5210 0.0480 0.1552 0.0021 961.1 63.9 938.9 19.3 929.8 11.8 99% HN153-1-12 64 437 416 1.05 0.0671 0.0018 1.2086 0.0313 0.1312 0.0023 840.4 55.6 804.6 14.4 794.6 12.9 98% HN153-1-13 105 536 578 0.93 0.0701 0.0019 1.4613 0.0365 0.1511 0.0020 932.4 55.6 914.5 15.0 907.1 11.1 99% HN153-1-15 118 740 730 1.01 0.0692 0.0025 1.2478 0.0417 0.1306 0.0025 905.6 80.6 822.4 18.8 791.4 14.3 96% HN153-1-16 91 518 493 1.05 0.0736 0.0017 1.5074 0.0338 0.1485 0.0017 1029.3 45.2 933.4 13.7 892.8 9.6 95% HN153-1-17 82 464 495 0.94 0.0690 0.0022 1.2899 0.0489 0.1345 0.0023 898.2 65.6 841.3 21.7 813.6 13.0 96% HN153-1-19 58 267 328 0.82 0.0700 0.0019 1.4398 0.0335 0.1500 0.0019 927.8 54.2 905.6 14.0 900.7 10.8 99% HN153-1-20 112 727 692 1.05 0.0662 0.0016 1.2184 0.0281 0.1329 0.0018 813.0 50.8 809.0 12.8 804.3 10.5 99% HN153-1-21 108 735 631 1.16 0.0696 0.0016 1.2715 0.0286 0.1320 0.0017 916.7 43.5 833.1 12.8 799.0 9.5 95% HN153-1-22 82 434 504 0.86 0.0695 0.0017 1.3097 0.0327 0.1364 0.0023 922.2 50.8 850.0 14.4 824.1 12.9 96% HN153-1-23 37 151 207 0.73 0.0735 0.0023 1.5057 0.0465 0.1484 0.0020 1027.8 69.4 932.7 18.8 892.2 11.2 95% HN153-1-24 62 255 344 0.74 0.0751 0.0035 1.5404 0.0679 0.1491 0.0031 1072.2 92.6 946.7 27.2 896.1 17.3 94% HN153-1-26 69 296 381 0.78 0.0695 0.0016 1.4528 0.0324 0.1516 0.0018 914.5 48.2 911.0 13.4 909.9 10.0 99% HN153-1-27 128 861 755 1.14 0.0724 0.0021 1.3181 0.0412 0.1315 0.0020 998.2 57.9 853.7 18.1 796.2 11.2 93% HN153-1-30 79 446 485 0.92 0.0690 0.0021 1.2610 0.0455 0.1317 0.0019 899.1 63.0 828.4 20.4 797.8 10.6 96% HN152-1-01 67 254 308 0.82 0.0652 0.0021 1.1247 0.0168 0.1251 0.0015 781.1 65.7 765.2 8.1 760.1 8.4 99% HN152-1-02 283 1566 932 1.68 0.0690 0.0023 1.1916 0.0206 0.1253 0.0015 898.7 66.8 796.7 9.5 761.0 8.7 96% HN152-1-03 239 1050 949 1.11 0.0650 0.0020 1.1327 0.0154 0.1265 0.0015 774.1 64.5 769.1 7.3 767.6 8.4 100% HN152-1-05 137 586 579 1.01 0.0683 0.0022 1.1903 0.0183 0.1265 0.0015 877.1 65.0 796.1 8.5 767.8 8.6 96% HN152-1-06 88 300 430 0.70 0.0650 0.0022 1.1131 0.0217 0.1243 0.0016 773.5 70.6 759.6 10.4 755.3 9.0 99% HN152-1-07 87 375 367 1.02 0.0648 0.0028 1.1152 0.0367 0.1248 0.0019 769.1 89.0 760.7 17.6 758.2 10.8 100% HN152-1-08 198 885 682 1.30 0.0666 0.0021 1.1480 0.0178 0.1252 0.0015 823.9 65.7 776.3 8.4 760.2 8.7 98% HN152-1-09 101 405 402 1.01 0.0657 0.0023 1.1260 0.0244 0.1243 0.0016 798.0 72.9 765.9 11.7 755.2 9.3 99% HN152-1-10 109 424 402 1.05 0.0677 0.0024 1.1708 0.0244 0.1256 0.0016 858.1 71.1 787.0 11.4 762.5 9.3 97% HN152-1-11 124 462 519 0.89 0.0646 0.0021 1.1234 0.0176 0.1262 0.0016 761.6 66.4 764.6 8.4 765.9 8.9 100% HN152-1-13 218 991 643 1.54 0.0651 0.0021 1.1293 0.0179 0.1259 0.0016 777.2 66.4 767.4 8.5 764.3 9.0 100% HN152-1-14 188 665 827 0.80 0.0663 0.0021 1.1540 0.0175 0.1263 0.0016 815.4 65.3 779.1 8.3 766.7 9.0 98% HN152-1-15 170 621 690 0.90 0.0718 0.0023 1.2422 0.0181 0.1256 0.0016 979.1 63.0 819.9 8.2 762.6 8.9 93% HN152-1-16 285 1567 798 1.96 0.0660 0.0025 1.1396 0.0275 0.1253 0.0017 805.8 75.8 772.3 13.1 760.9 9.9 99% HN152-1-17 108 385 460 0.84 0.0653 0.0029 1.1433 0.0382 0.1269 0.0020 784.9 89.4 774.1 18.1 770.3 11.4 100% HN152-1-18 121 406 552 0.73 0.0662 0.0022 1.1463 0.0211 0.1255 0.0016 813.9 68.5 775.5 10.0 762.2 9.4 98% HN152-1-19 135 407 670 0.61 0.0652 0.0021 1.1250 0.0184 0.1252 0.0016 779.5 66.7 765.4 8.8 760.4 9.2 99% HN152-1-20 431 2159 1329 1.62 0.0673 0.0021 1.1684 0.0176 0.1259 0.0016 847.1 64.6 785.9 8.2 764.3 9.2 97% 表 3 陕西西乡县龙王塘地区锆石原位Lu-Hf同位素组分数据
Table 3. Zircon in-situ Lu-Hf isotopic composition data of Longwangtang region in Xixiang, Shananxi Province
测试点 年龄/Ma 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf ±2σ εHf(0) εHf(t) TDM1/Ma TDM2/Ma fLu/Hf HN155-1-1 863.6 0.056399 0.002101 0.282543 0.000027 -8.1 9.8 1035 1128 -0.94 HN155-1-2 863.6 0.022795 0.000893 0.282502 0.000025 -9.6 9.0 1059 1176 -0.97 HN155-1-3 863.6 0.057625 0.002111 0.282569 0.000022 -7.2 10.7 997 1070 -0.94 HN155-1-4 863.6 0.022631 0.000892 0.282544 0.000022 -8.1 10.5 1000 1081 -0.97 HN155-1-5 863.6 0.044045 0.001686 0.282507 0.000028 -9.4 8.7 1074 1192 -0.95 HN155-1-6 863.6 0.025991 0.001053 0.282510 0.000026 -9.3 9.2 1052 1163 -0.97 HN155-1-7 863.6 0.045756 0.001807 0.282537 0.000025 -8.3 9.7 1034 1130 -0.95 HN155-1-8 863.6 0.047205 0.001908 0.282507 0.000028 -9.4 8.6 1081 1202 -0.94 HN155-1-9 863.6 0.061977 0.002460 0.282535 0.000029 -8.4 9.3 1056 1157 -0.93 HN155-1-10 863.6 0.036924 0.001471 0.282516 0.000036 -9.0 9.2 1055 1164 -0.96 HN155-1-11 863.6 0.046751 0.001889 0.282540 0.000027 -8.2 9.8 1032 1126 -0.94 HN155-1-12 863.6 0.059521 0.002152 0.282582 0.000025 -6.7 11.1 979 1042 -0.94 HN155-1-13 863.6 0.056339 0.002241 0.282566 0.000027 -7.3 10.5 1005 1082 -0.93 HN155-1-14 863.6 0.059601 0.002398 0.282550 0.000024 -7.9 9.9 1033 1123 -0.93 HN155-1-15 863.6 0.022346 0.000909 0.282549 0.000025 -7.9 10.7 994 1071 -0.97 HN155-1-16 863.6 0.070723 0.002760 0.282538 0.000032 -8.3 9.2 1061 1163 -0.92 HN155-1-17 863.6 0.086105 0.003152 0.282590 0.000039 -6.4 10.8 994 1060 -0.91 HN155-1-18 863.6 0.036184 0.001427 0.282563 0.000027 -7.4 10.9 987 1057 -0.96 HN155-1-19 863.6 0.011469 0.000492 0.282499 0.000022 -9.6 9.2 1051 1166 -0.99 HN155-1-20 863.6 0.060051 0.002331 0.282565 0.000037 -7.3 10.4 1008 1085 -0.93 HN155-1-21 863.6 0.036360 0.001454 0.282548 0.000025 -7.9 10.3 1009 1092 -0.96 HN155-1-22 863.6 0.059154 0.002306 0.282602 0.000027 -6.0 11.7 954 1003 -0.93 HN155-1-23 863.6 0.063485 0.002511 0.282581 0.000028 -6.7 10.9 990 1056 -0.92 HN155-1-24 863.6 0.047793 0.001842 0.282533 0.000038 -8.4 9.6 1041 1139 -0.94 HN155-2-1 864.2 0.041277 0.001626 0.282464 0.000027 -10.9 7.3 1134 1286 -0.95 HN155-2-3 864.2 0.077298 0.002902 0.282544 0.000026 -8.1 9.4 1056 1154 -0.91 HN155-2-4 864.2 0.085232 0.003164 0.282559 0.000034 -7.5 9.7 1042 1130 -0.90 HN155-2-5 864.2 0.079610 0.002831 0.282573 0.000027 -7.0 10.4 1011 1087 -0.91 HN155-2-6 864.2 0.040457 0.001654 0.282503 0.000025 -9.5 8.6 1079 1200 -0.95 HN155-2-7 864.2 0.033144 0.001327 0.282494 0.000026 -9.8 8.5 1082 1208 -0.96 HN155-2-10 864.2 0.066690 0.002513 0.282463 0.000045 -10.9 6.7 1163 1321 -0.92 HN155-2-11 864.2 0.048169 0.001858 0.282514 0.000029 -9.1 8.9 1070 1184 -0.94 HN155-2-12 864.2 0.032695 0.001290 0.282498 0.000023 -9.7 8.7 1076 1199 -0.96 HN155-2-13 864.2 0.060506 0.002129 0.282608 0.000040 -5.8 12.1 941 982 -0.94 HN155-2-14 864.2 0.049969 0.001906 0.282568 0.000030 -7.2 10.8 993 1065 -0.94 HN155-2-16 864.2 0.026443 0.001004 0.282523 0.000023 -8.8 9.7 1032 1132 -0.97 HN155-2-17 864.2 0.027073 0.001028 0.282527 0.000028 -8.7 9.8 1028 1124 -0.97 HN155-2-18 864.2 0.038359 0.001457 0.282512 0.000025 -9.2 9.1 1060 1172 -0.96 HN155-2-19 864.2 0.073599 0.002581 0.282629 0.000030 -5.0 12.6 921 951 -0.92 HN155-2-20 864.2 0.093560 0.003509 0.282604 0.000029 -5.9 11.1 984 1041 -0.89 HN155-2-21 864.2 0.030941 0.001161 0.282458 0.000029 -11.1 7.3 1129 1284 -0.97 HN155-2-22 864.2 0.054892 0.002085 0.282530 0.000024 -8.6 9.3 1053 1155 -0.94 HN155-2-24 864.2 0.049069 0.001950 0.282535 0.000035 -8.4 9.6 1041 1139 -0.94 HN153-1-1 905.2 0.029117 0.001098 0.282589 0.000023 -6.5 12.9 942 963 -0.97 HN153-1-2 905.2 0.035206 0.001418 0.282510 0.000029 -9.3 9.9 1063 1153 -0.96 HN153-1-3 905.2 0.043828 0.001566 0.282583 0.000031 -6.7 12.4 962 994 -0.95 HN153-1-5 807 0.039272 0.001547 0.282490 0.000035 -10.0 7.0 1094 1257 -0.95 HN153-1-7 905.2 0.035629 0.001401 0.282501 0.000026 -9.6 9.6 1075 1172 -0.96 HN153-1-8 905.2 0.060927 0.002357 0.282605 0.000031 -5.9 12.7 951 975 -0.93 HN153-1-9 807 0.055764 0.002179 0.282500 0.000031 -9.6 7.0 1099 1257 -0.93 HN153-1-10 807 0.047279 0.001816 0.282554 0.000031 -7.7 9.2 1010 1123 -0.95 HN153-1-11 905.2 0.040836 0.001655 0.282520 0.000026 -8.9 10.1 1055 1139 -0.95 HN153-1-12 807 0.044267 0.001743 0.282479 0.000030 -10.4 6.5 1116 1289 -0.95 HN153-1-13 905.2 0.057414 0.002187 0.282579 0.000028 -6.8 11.9 985 1028 -0.93 HN153-1-15 807 0.043368 0.001708 0.282493 0.000038 -9.9 7.0 1095 1256 -0.95 HN153-1-16 905.2 0.059118 0.002281 0.282490 0.000029 -10.0 8.7 1116 1229 -0.93 HN153-1-17 807 0.037813 0.001524 0.282441 0.000033 -11.7 5.3 1164 1367 -0.95 HN153-1-19 905.2 0.045986 0.001885 0.282512 0.000024 -9.2 9.7 1072 1165 -0.94 HN153-1-20 807 0.046516 0.001779 0.282536 0.000026 -8.4 8.5 1036 1163 -0.95 HN152-1-01 762.5 0.019316 0.000795 0.282512 0.000020 -9.2 7.2 1042 1209 -0.98 HN152-1-02 762.5 0.019135 0.000854 0.282611 0.000020 -5.7 10.7 905 990 -0.97 HN152-1-03 762.5 0.067974 0.002712 0.282549 0.000025 -7.9 7.6 1042 1188 -0.92 HN152-1-05 762.5 0.028815 0.001127 0.282532 0.000021 -8.5 7.8 1023 1176 -0.97 HN152-1-06 762.5 0.041734 0.001664 0.282531 0.000022 -8.5 7.5 1039 1195 -0.95 HN152-1-07 762.5 0.013375 0.000543 0.282503 0.000021 -9.5 7.0 1048 1222 -0.98 HN152-1-08 762.5 0.021783 0.000871 0.282537 0.000019 -8.3 8.1 1009 1157 -0.97 HN152-1-09 762.5 0.024488 0.000995 0.282526 0.000018 -8.7 7.6 1028 1185 -0.97 HN152-1-10 762.5 0.087455 0.003181 0.282484 0.000061 -10.2 5.0 1154 1349 -0.90 HN152-1-11 762.5 0.086213 0.003397 0.282525 0.000026 -8.7 6.4 1100 1265 -0.90 HN152-1-13 762.5 0.033641 0.001387 0.282509 0.000021 -9.3 6.8 1063 1236 -0.96 HN152-1-14 762.5 0.058340 0.002324 0.282484 0.000022 -10.2 5.5 1126 1321 -0.93 HN152-1-15 762.5 0.031340 0.001230 0.282524 0.000019 -8.8 7.4 1038 1198 -0.96 HN152-1-16 762.5 0.146595 0.005742 0.282609 0.000028 -5.8 8.2 1042 1151 -0.83 HN152-1-17 762.5 0.068737 0.002687 0.282515 0.000025 -9.1 6.4 1093 1264 -0.92 HN152-1-18 762.5 0.079004 0.002936 0.282553 0.000023 -7.7 7.6 1043 1186 -0.91 HN152-1-19 762.5 0.044823 0.002007 0.282461 0.000049 -11.0 4.8 1150 1363 -0.94 HN152-1-20 762.5 0.110444 0.004287 0.282537 0.000022 -8.3 6.4 1109 1265 -0.87 注:εHf(0)=[(176Hf/177Hf)S/(176Hf/177Hf)CHUR, 0-1]×104;εHf(t)={[(176Hf/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)S×(eλt-1)]/[(176Hf/177Hf)CHUR, 0-(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR×(eλt-1)]-1}×104;TDM1=1/λ×In{1+[(176Hf/177Hf)S-(176Hf/177Hf)DM]/[(176Lu/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)DM]};TDM2=TDM1-(TDM1-t)×[(fcc-fs)/(fcc-fDM)];fLu/Hf=(176Lu/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR-1;其中:(176Lu/177Hf)S和(176Hf/177Hf)S为样品测量值,t为锆石结晶年龄,(176Hf/177Hf)CHUR, 0=0.282772,(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR=0.0332,(176Hf/177Hf)DM=0.28325,(176Lu/177Hf)DM=0.0384[43-44],λ=1.867×10-11a-1[45],(176Lu/177Hf)C=0.015,fcc=[(176Lu/177Hf)C/(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR]-1,fs=fLu/Hf,fDM=[(176Lu/177Hf)DM/(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR]-1 -
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