摘要: 张家口宣化地区存在大量具有潜在危险的松散矿渣堆积体,文章以该地区具有代表性的响水沟松散矿渣堆积体为研究对象,对矿渣的颗粒组成、矿物成分、力学性质等进行详细的室内试验研究,结果表明:矿渣堆积体属砾质砂土,粘粒含量少,且级配不良,松散易流动。同一干密度下,随含水率增加,矿渣抗剪强度先增大后减小,当含水率为15%时,其粘聚力最低,表明响水沟矿渣堆积体失稳启动下滑的界限含水率可能在15%左右。综合以上分析结果,拟合得到粘聚力与含水率关系公式,初步预测矿渣碎屑流启动下滑的临界含水率。这一认识对该区矿渣堆积体的稳定性评价及碎屑流灾害预警有重要意义。Abstract: There are a large number of potentially dangerous loose slag accumulation bodies in Xuanhua area of Zhangjiakou. The representative Xiangshuigou loose slag accumulation bodies in the area is taken as the research object, and the laboratory tests are made on particle composition, mineral composition and mechanical properties. The test results show that the slag accumulation bodies belong to gravel sand with less clay content and poor gradation, loose and easy to flow. At the same dry density, the shear strength of slag increases first and then decreases with the increase of moisture content. When the moisture content is 15%, the cohesive force is the lowest, indicating that the limit moisture content of the slag accumulation bodies in Xiangshuigou may be around 15% at the beginning of the decline of instability. Based on the above analysis results, the formula of the relationship between cohesive force and water content is obtained by fitting, and the limit water content of the initial slide of clastic flow is predicted. This conclusion is of great significance to the stability evaluation of slag accumulation body and the early warning of clastic flow in this area.
Key words:
- slag accumulation body /
- clastic flow /
- water content /
- shear strength /
- engineering property
表 1 宣化赵川地区大型矿渣堆积体统计
Table 1. Statistics of large slag accumulation bodies in Zhaochuan district, Xuanhua
矿渣堆积位置 分布面积/km2 平面形态 展布方向 河阳沟村北东 0.675 不规则状 北东向 小古城南 0.590 不规则状 北东向 辛丈子村东 0.437 不规则状 北东向 河阳沟村南 0.357 不规则状 北西向 张家窑南西 0.350 纺锤状 北西向 四台咀村南西 0.328 不规则状 北西向 响水沟北 0.308 不规则状 北东向 韩家沟北 0.292 蠕虫状 北西向 小古城西 0.270 矩形 北西向 涧河口村北西 0.262 三角形 北东向 行人马沟北 0.250 不规则状 北东向 小蛤蟆口村南 0.201 蠕虫状 北东向 红庙湾村北 0.194 棱角状 北西向 河阳口村南西 0.187 三角形 北西向 关底村南 0.183 不规则状 北西向 杨家营村北 0.179 蠕虫状 北东向 响水沟内 0.176 不规则状 北西向 南窝铺南东 0.168 不规则状 北西向 四台咀村南 0.167 菱形 北东向 黄土坡村北西 0.162 不规则状 北西向 -
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