摘要: 在系统阐述冀中坳陷南部束鹿凹陷斜坡带成藏条件的基础上, 探讨了油气藏的分布规律、不同区带成藏模式及主控因素。研究表明, 斜坡带主要发育4种类型油气藏, 斜坡北、中、南段成藏条件与模式不同; 斜坡内外两带成藏规律与油气藏类型不同, 其中斜坡中部西曹固构造带具有连片成藏的优良条件, 而沟通油源的深大断裂形成的断块是优先成藏的有利区带。Abstract: Based on the analysis of petroleum accumulation conditions in the Shulu slope, the south part of JiZhong sub-basin, North China, the hydrocarbon reservoir distribution laws and petroleum accumulation patterns in the Shahejie Formation of the study area are discussed. The results show 4 major different types of petroleum trap in the Shulu slope. The petroleum accumulation elements and patterns are different in the north, middle, and south part of the slope. Meanwhile, distribution characteristics and types of hydrocarbon traps are also different in the inner and the outer belts of the slope. As one of important petroleum accumulation regions, the Xicaogu structure, in the middle part of the slope, has perfect petroleum accumulation conditions with large-scale petroleum reservoirs. Fault blocks formed by deep and large scale faults which linked reservoirs and hydrocarbon source rocks are considered to be the most profitable belts for preferential petroleum accumulation.
图 6 束鹿斜坡不同区带的油气成藏模式(剖面位置见图 4)
Figure 6. Different petroleum accumulation patterns in different areas in Shulu slope
表 1 束鹿斜坡油气藏类型
Table 1. Petroleum reservoir types in Shulu slope
油气藏类型 油气藏特征 实例 岩性油气藏 岩性油气藏一般是由于储集层的岩性或物性发生变化时形成的油气藏 复合油气藏 由构造,岩性,地层等多种因素复合而成 断块油气藏 平面上是两条或两条以上的断层相交形成构造封闭的断块或断鼻 地层油气藏 地层油气藏与地层不整合有密切的关系,该类油气藏的最大特点是油气主要富集在地层不整合面附近 -
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