摘要: 通过资料分析与实地调查相结合,对成渝经济区南部城市群孕灾条件和地质灾害空间分布特征进行了区域对比分析。研究结果表明,城市群由南而北、自西向东在地形地貌、地质构造、地层岩性等孕灾地质背景及降雨、地震活动、人类工程活动等诱发因素方面均有明显不同,进而导致地质灾害空间分布及发育特征的差异。西部中高山峡谷区地层岩性及地质构造极为复杂,地形起伏大,活动断裂发育且地震活动较为频繁,地质灾害具有规模大、泥石流相对发育、沿构造线和河流线状分布的特点;南部低中山及岩溶发育区地形起伏较大,地质构造及岩性较复杂,碳酸盐岩极为发育,采矿活动强烈,以地面塌陷相对发育为主要特点;北部红层丘陵区地质构造及岩性简单,地形起伏小,人类工程活动强烈,地质灾害类型单一、数量多、规模小,分布上具有面上松散分布、局部相对集中的特点。Abstract: Based on the data analysis and field investigation, the spatial distribution characteristics of geological hazards in the south urban agglomeration of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone are compared and analyzed. Study result shows that both of the formation conditions (topography, geological structure, lithology) and triggering condition (rainfall, seismic activity, human engineering activities) vary significantly from south to north, from west to East, leading to great difference of spatial distribution and characteristics of geological hazards. In the west part, the formation factors such as lithology and geological structure are very complex, the topography undulates greatly, and the seismic activity is frequent. As a result, the geological hazards take on the characteristics of larger magnitude, more debris flows, and linear distribution along the river and tectonic. In the south part, due to the wide distribution of carbonate rocks and intense mining activity, ground collapse becomes the main type of geological hazard. As far as the north part is concerned, the geological and lithology are simple and the terrain is flat, but the human engineering activities are the most intense of the urban agglomeration of south Sichuan Province, simpler type, larger quantity, smaller scale, wide distribution compose the main features of the geological hazards in this part.
图 8 芙蓉山崩塌碎屑流素描图(据李云贵等[12],2004)
Figure 8. Sketch of Furongshan rock-fall and debris flow
表 1 南部城市群地质灾害类型与规模统计表
Table 1. Type and magnitude of geological hazards
规模 滑坡 崩塌 泥石流 不稳定斜坡 地面塌陷 合计 特大型 6 0 0 0 0 6 大型 99 35 2 26 10 172 中型 395 153 2 99 12 661 小型 1738 992 32 296 114 3172 合计 2238 1180 36 421 136 4011 表 2 西部中高山峡谷区地质灾害发育特征
Table 2. Characteristics of geo-hazards in western middle and high mountain canyon area
规模 滑坡 崩塌 不稳定斜坡 地面塌陷 泥石流 小计(处)/密度(处/100 km2) 特大型 6 0 0 0 0 6/0.08 大型 41 6 12 3 2 64/0.84 中型 130 17 16 6 2 171/2.25 小型 254 43 12 3 23 335/4.41 小计(处)/密度(处/100 km2) 431/5.67 66/0.87 40/0.53 12/0.16 27/0.36 576/7.58 表 3 南部低中山及岩溶发育区地质灾害发育特征
Table 3. Characteristics of geo-hazards in southern karst development area
规模 滑坡 崩塌 不稳定斜坡 地面塌陷 泥石流 小计(处)/密度(处/100 km2) 特大型 0 大型 18 1 10 7 0 36/0.34 中型 41 10 37 5 0 93/0.88 小型 355 130 43 84 8 620/5.87 小计(处)/密度(处/100 km2) 414/3.92 141/1.34 90/0.85 96/0.91 8/0.08 749/7.09 表 4 北部红层丘陵区地质灾害发育特征
Table 4. Characteristics of geohazards in northern red layer and hilly areas
规模 滑坡 崩塌 不稳定斜坡 地面塌陷 泥石流 小计(处)/密度(处/100 km2) 特大型 大型 40 28 4 72/0.28 中型 224 126 46 1 397/1.56 小型 1129 819 241 27 1 2217/8.69 小计(处)/密度(处/100 km2) 1393/5.46 973/3.82 291/1.14 28/0.11 1/0.004 2686/10.53 -
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