摘要: 采用大型土工离心机对某工程近海软土地基上堤坝施工期及运行期进行了模拟。试验中采用停机加载法模拟分级施工加载过程, 原型中采用塑料排水板固结法处理软土地基, 模型中则根据固结过程相似的原理, 换算成等效圆截面排水体, 在模型制作中采用等效透水滤芯进行模拟。根据激光位移传感器和孔隙水压力传感器数据可以得出相应原型软土地基的沉降特性和孔隙水压力变化情况。根据试验得到的沉降曲线, 采用"经验双曲线法"推算出了地基最终沉降, 然后得出按沉降推算的分层地基平均固结度随时间的变化。对比试验模拟得到的软土地基固结度和理论计算结果, 二者基本接近, 表明塑料排水板模拟方法用于离心模型试验是可行的。Abstract: Centrifuge model tests were carried out to simulate the construction and operation of the dike on a soft soil foundation by using the geotechnical centrifuge in IWHR. The vertical strip drains in the foundation were simulated by a kind of model cylinder vertical drains, based on the principle of same consolidation degree in the foundation in average for both type of drains. During the model tests, the construction processes were simulated by loading dike materials layer by layer when the centrifuge stops running. Laser displacement sensors and the pore pressure transducers were installed for model measurement of settlement and pore pressure variation during tests. Based on the measured data, the final settlement of the dike was estimated by using experience hyperbolic method. And the consolidation degree of the foundation over time was also calculated, which indicates the average consolidation of the sludge and the sand under the dike. Comparing the consolidation degree of the soft foundation from the results of pore water pressure and that of the theoretical calculation, it shows that the simulation method of vertical strip drains presented in this paper is feasible and acceptable. The comparison of the model test results with that of theoretical calculation indicates that the strip drain simulation method described in this paper is acceptable.
Key words:
- vertical strip drains /
- centrifugal model test /
- soft foundation /
- consolidation
表 1 地基层物理力学性质指标
Table 1. The physical and mechanical indexes of foundation
地基层 w/% γ/(kN·m-3) e0 Gs Cv/
MPa湿 干 淤泥层 55.1 16.9 11.1 1.53 2.71 0.52e-3 0.55e-3 11.1 13 2.27 粉细砂层 19.6 20.6 17.3 0.56 2.69 3.06e-3 — — — 6.22 注:w—含水率;γ—重度;e0—孔隙比;Gs—土粒比重;Cv—竖向固结系数;Ch—水平固结系数;C—固结快剪试验粘聚力;φ—固结快剪试验内摩擦角;Es—压缩模量 表 2 离心机分级加载运行时间
Table 2. The stepping loading time of the centrifuge
分级 原型加荷开始时间/d 原型加荷时间间隔/d 模型100g稳定时间/min 第一级 0 200 28.8 第二级 200 80 11.5 加载两年 280 450 64.8 表 3 分级加载时地基沉降(原型)
Table 3. The settlement of the foundation in the step loading (prototype)
测点 第一级加载 第二级加载及运行期 第一级
沉降/m第一级开始10 d
(mm·d-1)第一级最后10 d
(mm·d-1)第二级开始10 d
(mm·d-1)最后10 d
(mm·d-1)加载2 a时
沉降/mLS1 0.81 1.32 9.19 0.35 4.29 0.29 1.97 LS2 1.39 2.08 12.58 0.68 4.71 0.29 2.72 LS3 1.15 1.82 12.26 0.61 3.99 0.34 2.36 表 4 孔压统计表(原型)
Table 4. The statistical table of the pore water pressure (prototype)
传感器编号 加载高度(原型) 孔隙水压力/kPa 第一级/m 第二级/m u0 umax ut=0 ut=200 ut=280 ut=730 2-1 4.5 15.0 153 388 212 184 356 218 2-2 13.0 15.0 153 360 277 251 331 194 2-3 10.4 10.4 153 283 241 220 232 184 2-4 5.4 5.4 153 240 221 204 215 177 表 5 运行两年时Up
Table 5. The degree of consolidation in the operating period of two years
传感器编号 Up/% 2-1 72.3 2-2 80.1 2-3 76.2 2-4 72.4 表 6 各加载阶段软土地基Urz
Table 6. The degree of consolidation of the soft soil foundation in each loading stage
加载阶段 原型时间/d Urz(不考虑井阻、涂抹效应)/% Urz(考虑井阻、涂抹效应)/% 第一级加载开始 0 0 0 第二级加载开始 200 39.2 25.3 第二级加载完成 280 67.0 44.9 加载完运行两年 730 97.9 81.0 -
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