摘要: 冀北滦平中生代陆相断陷盆地中的早白垩世九佛堂组充填发育在盆地的最上部,为内陆温暖湿润气候条件下巨厚的灰绿—灰黄色碎屑岩沉积。宏观上可分为两大岩性组合段:一段底部的冲积扇沉积体系为断陷初期产物,因侵蚀遗存较少; 扇三角洲沉积体系分别构成一段的中下部及中上部,湖泊沉积体系夹持在扇三角洲沉积体系的中间; 二段为冲积扇沉积体系。盆地发育受控于西北部的岗子—红旗镇同生断裂,形成九佛堂期敞流型断陷湖。断裂具两个活动阶段,第一阶段由冲积扇体系向扇三角洲体系演化,发育时限短,形成的湖域狭小,堆积厚度小; 第二阶段由扇三角洲体系向冲积扇体系演化,直至盆地消失,发育时限长,形成的湖域广大,堆积厚度大。此外,对该盆地九佛堂组的沿革与确立作了简介。Abstract: In the Luanping area of northern Hebei Province, there appears a Mesozoic continental fault basin. Its uppermost part is occupied by the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation, which consists of tremendously thick grayish green-grayish yellow clastic rocks formed under inland warmhumid climate. In general, this formation is divisible into two members. Member one begins at the base with alluvial fan deposits, as products of initial stage of the fault, and is poorly preserved because of erosion. The rest of the member is composed of fan-delta deposits, intercalated with lake deposits. Member two occurs as alluvial deposits. Under the control of Gangzi-Hongqizhen synsedimentary fault in the northwest, an outflowing-type fault lake was formed during the Jiufotang age. Two stages can be recognized in the development of the faults. The first one, spanning a short time interval, finds its expression in the transition from alluvial system to fan-delta system, leading to forms of small-area lakes and small-thickness deposits. The second stage, however, lasting as long as to the disappearance of the basin, is reflected by the transition from fan-delta system to alluvial system, bringing about the appearance of open lakes and grent thickness of deposits.
图 1 滦平中生代陆相盆地现状地质略图
1-早白垩世九佛堂组二段; 2-早白垩世九佛堂组一段; 3-晚侏罗世张家口组; 4-中侏罗世土城子组; 5-中侏罗世九龙山组及髫髻山组; 6-晚三叠世杏石口组—早侏罗世南大岭组及下花园组; 7-燕山期晚侏罗世花岗质侵入杂岩; 8-基底; 9-角度不整合; 10-平行不整合; 11-侵入界线; 12-正断层; 13-多期活动断层; 14-推测断层; 15-产状; 16-砾岩及砂岩; 17-泥岩、粉砂岩及砂岩、页岩、泥灰岩; 18-花岗岩
Figure 1. A geological sketch of the Mesozoic basin in the Luanping area
图 3 九佛堂组基本层序(岩相类型同表 1)
Figure 3. Sequence of the Jiufotang Formation
图 6 滦平盆地九佛堂组沉积模式略图(图例同图 5)
Figure 6. A sketch map showing sedimentary model of the Jiufotang Formation in Luanping basin
表 1 滦平盆地九佛堂组沉积单元岩相类型及特征一览表
Table 1. Sedimentary types and features of the Jiufotang Formation of Luanping basin
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