摘要: 结合国内外最新研究成果,对地质雷达技术在活动断裂探测中的应用进行了系统分析和总结,重点对地质雷达在城市活断层探测、古地震探测和断层识别方法的研究现状进行了阐述,并结合理塘活动断裂的应用实例进行评述。最后,提出了地质雷达探测活动断裂现存的问题,对该技术探测活动断裂的发展方向和应用前景进行了展望。Abstract: Combining with the recent research at home and abroad, the application of Ground Penetrating Radar in active fault detection was summed up and concluded. Three aspects on the application of GPR in active fault detection were put forward and reviewed:the application of GPR in urban active fault, the application of GPR in paleoearthquake and the interpretation of fault in the GPR profile, and an example of the method was illustrated to demonstrate the effectiveness of GPR method in Litang active. Finally, the existing problems of the application of GPR in active fault detection was put forward, and the direction of development and the prospect of this technology were also denoted.
Key words:
- Ground Penetrating Radar /
- active fault /
- urban active fault /
- paleoearthquake /
- data interpretation
图 5 Uemachi断裂二维剖面图[22]
Figure 5. The 2D profiles of the Uemachi fault
图 6 Christchurch city浅层地表二维雷达图像[26]
Figure 6. The profiles of GPR in Christchurch city
图 7 Sandhwal Village地区处理后频率为200 MHz的2D和3D地质雷达图像[34]
Figure 7. Processed 2D and 3D GPR profiles collected using 200 MHz antenna across the HF2 scarp at Sandhwal Village
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