摘要: 云南大理洱海周缘分布着厚层的早全新世软粘土, 大量原状样品的工程性质测试结果表明, 洱海东缘早全新世软粘土具有高含水量、孔隙比高、压缩性强、强度低、高塑性等工程特性, 其中表层软土超固结现象明显。通过对软土的物理力学指标统计分析表明, 洱海东缘软粘土的力学指标的变异系数较大, 而物理性质指标变异系数很小; 多个物理指标之间及物理指标与力学指标之间存在明显的相关性。对洱海东缘软粘土各类工程特性指标之间相互关系的认识, 不仅有助于揭示软粘土的工程性质及其形成机理, 而且可以指导软粘土工程问题处理措施的合理选择。Abstract: Early Holocene thick soft clay is distributed around Erhai Lake.The results of engineering property tests indicate that the soft clay on the east bank of Erhai Lake has such engineering properties as a high water content, a high porosity ratio, high compressibility, low strength and high plasticity.The phenomenon of over-consolidation is very remarkable.The statistic analysis of physical-mechanical index parameters of soft clay indicates that :the variability coefficient of the mechanical index is high while the variability coefficient of the physical index is low, and the correlations between various physical indices and between the physical index and mechanical index are apparent.Knowledge of the relation between all kinds of indices of various engineering properties of soft clay is not only helpful to revealing the engineering properties and formation mechanism of soft clay, but also instructs us to choose relative measures to solve the engineering problems of soft clay.
Key words:
- Early Holocene soft clay /
- engineering property /
- over-consolidation /
- correlation analysis /
- Erhai Lake
表 1 洱海东缘软粘土物质组成及物理化学活性测试结果
Table 1. Analysis of the composition and phy sicochemical activity of soft clay on the east bank of Erhai Lake
表 2 洱海东缘软粘土矿物成分定量测试结果
Table 2. Quantitative analysis of the mineral composition of soft clay on the east bank of Erhai Lake
表 3 洱海东缘软粘土水提取液化学分析结果
Table 3. Chemical analysis of extracting water from soft clay on the east bank of Erhai Lake
表 4 洱海东缘软粘土的工程特性统计结果
Table 4. Statistical results of engineering properties of soft clay on the east bank of Erhai Lake
表 5 洱海东缘早全新世软粘土测试数据变异性分析
Table 5. Variability analysis of test data of early Holocene soft clay on the east bank of Erhai Lake
表 6 洱海东缘软粘土指标参数关系回归方程
Table 6. Parameter regression equations of soft clay on the east bank of Erhai Lake
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