摘要: 在区域地质调查中,地质剖面测制是一项必要的工作,而传统的导线法限制因素较多,质量和效率有待提高。在导线法的基础上,基于野外实践经验,提出了一种地质剖面测制新方法,即点坐标法。该方法的要点有:利用GPS获得地形控制点,以及分层、采样、产状、照相等位置的三维点坐标;构建一套函数公式,根据各点的三维空间坐标值,可计算获得点间平距、高差、方位角、坡度角等参数,从而投影绘制地质剖面图。该方法的主要优点有:不再需要测绳,可从人工测量记录转变为自动测量记录,实现了测量数据的数字化;避免了导线终点与实际终点不重合的情况;每一个分层点都有GPS坐标,便于野外复查。结合点坐标法测制地质剖面的实例证明,点坐标法较之导线法有多快好省的优点,值得在实际应用中广泛使用。Abstract: Geological section measuring and mapping is a necessary task for regional geological survey; however, the traditional geological section measurement, which is based on tapeline together with compass, has many limitations such as visual conditions, tapeline bending, manual measurement error and second projection defects. In order to improve the quality and efficiency of geological section measurement, on the basis of the previous methods, through the practice of a number of different types of geological survey projects, a new geological section measuring and mapping method using point coordinates is presented in this paper. The key points of the method include (1) Using GPS to obtain terrain control points, as well as three-dimensional coordinates in stratification, sampling, production, occurrence and other positions. (2) A series of formulas are developed, based on which parameters like horizontal distance between points, altitude difference, azimuth angle and slope angle can be calculated according to three-dimensional space coordinates of each point in order to do the mapping. The point coordinates method has two main advantages:(1) Digitization of measurement data is realized by the change from manual measurement to automatic measurement, and there is no need for tape line. (2) The facts that the end point of the tapeline does not coincide with the actual end point can be avoided. (3) It is convenient for field review because each layering point has a GPS coordinate.The case and practice have proved that the point coordinates method is superior to the tapeline method. It is worthy of being widely used in practical application.
Key words:
- cross section /
- tapeline method /
- point coordinates method /
- geological mapping
表 1 导线法和点坐标法剖面测制的制约因素对比
Table 1. The comparison of restricting factors between the tapeline method and the point coordinates method in profile measurement
对比因素或情形 导线法 点坐标法 障碍物 须平移 绕道即可 覆盖区较大 须平移 须平移 构造破坏严重 须平移 须平移 可否自动化 不可 可以 比例尺 较小比例尺时需要多次测量地形,耗时较长 较小比例尺可以设置间隔距离自动采集点坐标 前测手工作强度 人少时或者需要讨论时,前测手需要返回 无需前后测手,不受此因素控制 -
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