摘要: 新构造调查是研究地壳运动规律、地质灾害、环境地质和地壳稳定性评价等的基础,具有重要的理论和实际意义,是区域地质填图重点内容之一。内蒙古呼勒斯太苏木图幅1:5万填图试点区,位于阴山—河套盆地结合带,新构造活动频繁,地层结构复杂,构造地貌形态丰富,山前断裂广泛发育,是调查研究新构造运动的理想场所。本研究在前人区调方法理论基础上,针对新生代地层、断裂、构造地貌等不同的新构造填图对象,分别使用遥感解译+野外路线调查+剖面(含钻孔剖面)实测+年代学方法、遥感解译+野外追索调查+综合地球物理+地球化学+地质雷达探测+探槽揭露+三维激光扫描+年代学方法、遥感解译+野外调查实测+年代学等不同的技术方法组合进行了调查研究,并参照《区域地质调查总则》(1:50000)、《1:50000区域地质调查技术要求(暂行)》等有关技术要求,采用数字填图技术,将填图成果直观、丰富、详细的表达在地质图上,该新构造填图技术方法组合,不仅是对新构造填图方法的有效探索,也为其它地区新一轮大比例尺新构造填图提供了重要参考。Abstract: Neotectonic investigation is the foundation of the study of crustal movement, evaluation for geological hazards, environmental geology and crustal stability. With great theoretical and practical significance, neotectonic investigation is one of the key content of regional geological mapping.The area of the 1:50000 mapping pilot of the Hulesitai, Inner Mongolia, is located at the north boundary of the Hetao fault-subsiding belt. Frequent tectonic activity, complex stratum, variable landforms and extensive development of piedmont faults are all ideal neotectonic materials for studyand investigation in this area. In this article, the investigated objects for 1:50000 geological mappingis described, the survey technology methods combination of "space-ground-deep"is summarized (remotesensing, integrated geophysical,geochemical and detailed field geological survey, ancient earthquake trench with laser scanning, drilling and chronology methods), and its adaptability in the tectonic active area on the basis of predecessors' area method theory is studied. With reference to the "general provisions of 1:50000 regional geological survey," and "1:50000 regional geological survey technical requirements (provisional)" and other relevant technical requirements, the results of geological survey are expressed on the geological map with the digital mapping technology. This methods combination of survey technology is not only an effective exploration of neotectonic investigation mapping method, but also an important reference for the new round of large-scale investigation mapping for other tectonic area.
Key words:
- neotectonics /
- mapping /
- geological survey method /
- geomorphology
图 1 研究区地质简图(引自文献[20])
Figure 1. Geological sketch of the research area
图 5 山前台地地层剖面实测图
1—0~1.5 m,为河流相砂砾石层,粒径0.5~2 cm不等,中等磨圆,分选较好;2—1.5~6.5 m,为红黄色粘土质粉砂;3—6.5~7.5 m为黄红色砾石层,以花岗岩与砂岩为主,粒径3~8 cm,砾石呈扁平状,磨圆度中等;4—7.5~8.3 m,为黄红色砂砾石层,粗砂夹细砾,砾石成分以石英、长石类矿物为主;5—8.3~10.3 m,为红白色粗砂层,厚约3 m,砂层具斜纹理,层理产状:20°∠28°;6—10.3~16.1 m,为粘土质粉砂层与含碳粉砂质粘土层互层,厚约5 m,其中有4期旋回;7—16.1~16.9 m,为灰白色粗砂夹细砾,厚约1 m,砾石成分以石英为主,含花岗岩风化碎屑,粒径约0.5~1 cm;8—16.9~19.9 m,为砂砾岩,成分为粗砂夹细砾岩,砖红色,细砾以石英、长石类矿物为主;9—19.9~21.7 m,为砾岩,砾石以花岗岩与砂岩为主;10—21.7~22 m,为红色砂岩,具斜层理;11—22~22.4 m,红色砂岩,水平层理;12—22.4~23 m,为红色砾岩,砾石磨圆中等,分选较好;13—23~26 m,棕红色粗砂岩
Figure 5. Measured stratum section of the piedmont platform
图 6 色尔腾山山前断裂及错段地貌特征解译[24]
Figure 6. Remote sensing interpretation of the faults and dislocation landforms in front of Seerteng Mountain
图 9 色尔腾山段敖勒盖图北西探槽剖面素描图
(1)—黄红色含砂砾石层:砾石磨圆较差,次棱-棱,粒径1~5 cm,个别10~13 cm,以砂岩、花岗岩为主;(2)—砂砾石层:砾石磨圆以次棱居多,粒径0.5~2 cm不等,成分以砂岩、花岗岩为主;(3)—砾石层:粒径较大,5~20 cm,磨圆差,棱状为主,成为以砂岩、花岗岩为主;(4)—断层碎屑:以砂砾石为主,沿断层破碎带分布,定向性较好;(5)—黑灰色粉砂,含砾;(6)—坡积砂砾石,粒径大小不一,成分以砂岩、花岗岩为主
Figure 9. Paleoearthquake trench sketch at the Aolegaitu section in front of Seerteng Mountain
图 10 山麓台地遥感解译与剖面实测图[19]
Figure 10. Remote-sensing interpretation and measured sectional mapping of the piedmont plateau
图 11 研究区河流阶地遥感解译图与实测剖面图
Figure 11. Remote-sensing interpretation and measured sectional mapping of the river terrace in the research area
图 12 研究区冲洪积扇解译图[28]
Figure 12. Remote-sensing interpretation of the alluvial-proluvial fans in the research area
图 14 阴山山前碱各素照弯断层剖面素描图[9]
Figure 14. Fault profile sketch at Jiangesuzhaowan in front of Yin Mountains
表 1 色尔腾山山前断裂位移速率
Table 1. Displacement rates of the faults in fornt of the Seerteng Montain
断裂位移距离与速率 呼勒斯太段 敖勒盖图段 西柳树泉子段 奋斗村段 王二栓圪旦东北段(测区外) 垂直位移/m 6.5~17 4.5 11.5 水平位移/m 2.5~21 2.5~7 3~3.5 4~29.5 10.68 垂直位移速率/(mm/a) 1.2~1.7 0.41~0.82 0.87~1.88 0.14~0.15 水平滑动速率/(mm/a) 0.48~0.72 0.68~0.88 0.63~1.35 0.13~0.14 -
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