摘要: 基于30 m分辨率DEM数据, 利用ArcGIS10.0对内蒙古狼山东南坡河流流域地貌参数进行提取, 精确计算了其中15条规模较大的北西—南东向河流的面积-高程积分值(HI), 并据此对河流发育阶段以及构造运动进行分析。研究结果显示有8条河流的HI值处于0.3~0.6之间, 属于河流发展的壮年阶段; 7条河流的HI值大于0.6, 为幼年期, 未出现老年期河流。狼山西南部河流河谷V1—V14的HI值变化平缓, 波动幅度不大, 构造运动呈现出先增强后减弱的态势; 中北部河流V14—V22的HI值变化较剧烈, 尤其是V14—V19, 呈明显上升趋势, 河流受侵蚀后残存体积增多, 构造运动活跃性下降; V19以北HI值持续下降, 其构造运动的活跃性增加。由此认为狼山从西南到东北总体呈现增强—减弱—增强的差异性运动状态, 该结论与前人所做山前构造地貌研究结果较为一致。
- 新构造运动 /
- DEM /
- 河流地貌面积-高程积分 /
- 内蒙古狼山 /
Abstract: This paper extracted the drainage basins of 15 rivers on the southeast slope of Langshan Mountain and narrowly calculated their HI values using ArcGIS10.0 based on 30 meter resolution DEM data, then analysed the tectonic activities and geomophological evolutions in this region. The results showed that the HI values of 8 rivers were between 0.3 and 0.6, indicating that these rivers were in their mature stage; the HI values of 7 rivers were greater than 0.6, stating clearly that these rivers were in their juvenile stage. Moreover, there were no rivers in old age. The HI values of V1~V14 changed gently, with the tectonic movement first increasing and then decreasing. The area-altitude points of V14~V22 changed tempestuously, especially rivers V14~V19, which showed a clear upward trend and the river eroded remnant volume increased in the result the tectonic activity decreased. HI values the rivers north of V19 continued to decline, and its tectonic activity increased. The Langshan Mountain was suggested in enhanced-weakening-enhanced diversity state of motion from the southwest to the northeast with the conclusion of previous work in tectonic geomorphology of the consistent results.-
Key words:
- neotectonics /
- DEM /
- fluvial geomorphology /
- hypsometric integral (HI) /
- Langshan Mountain
图 1 研究区概况(据文献[23]修改)
Figure 1. Sketch map of study area
表 1 各流域参数
Table 1. Parameters of every valley
河谷序号 流域面积/km2 河网总长度/km 平均高程/m 河网密度 HI值 高差/m V2 66.55 40.23 1570 0.605 0.680 649 V3 34.77 20.63 1517 0.593 0.598 676 V4 71.48 38.66 1568 0.541 0.639 698 V5 218.14 119.53 1664 0.548 0.584 920 V7 243.11 131.75 1706 0.542 0.562 1050 V9 63.35 38.76 1688 0.612 0.581 1008 V10 113.05 60.07 1800 0.531 0.650 1053 V13 55.85 30.16 1693 0.540 0.582 1033 V14 149.51 83.72 1852 0.560 0.647 1141 V15 140.34 77.28 1935 0.551 0.674 1217 V18 142.68 71.79 1990 0.503 0.711 1254 V19 376.46 199.58 1893 0.530 0.638 1265 V20 86.13 44.57 1746 0.517 0.585 1110 V21 66.85 37.40 1661 0.559 0.514 1116 V22 123.67 65.53 1692 0.530 0.505 1215 -
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