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郑光高 崔建军 刘晓春 乔建新 曲玮 陈龙耀 李淼 赵文平 李东东

郑光高, 崔建军, 刘晓春, 等, 2017. 汉南杂岩余家山铜镍矿成矿时代与岩浆源区性质研究——来自锆石U-Pb测年和Lu-Hf同位素的制约. 地质力学学报, 23 (5): 661-672.
引用本文: 郑光高, 崔建军, 刘晓春, 等, 2017. 汉南杂岩余家山铜镍矿成矿时代与岩浆源区性质研究——来自锆石U-Pb测年和Lu-Hf同位素的制约. 地质力学学报, 23 (5): 661-672.



中国地质科学院地质力学研究所基本科研经费 DZLXJK201302

陕西省矿产资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室基金 地合字201401

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 121201104000160916


    郑光高(1987-), 男, 博士, 岩石学专业, 从事岩石大地构造学研究。E-mail:tiangang755@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.41;P618.63


  • 摘要: 汉南杂岩余家山铜镍矿位于望江山基性岩体的西南部,地处扬子克拉通北缘西端。矿区内出露的岩体成岩成矿时代和源区性质不明,从而影响了对本矿床成因的认识。本文分析了矿区内出露的典型含矿岩体和围岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学和原位Lu-Hf同位素数据,结果表明其成矿时代接近或稍晚于约(791±4)Ma,成岩时代约为(808±7)Ma。且含矿岩体的εHft)值在+9.5~+10.9之间,平均值为+10.7,一阶段Hf模式年龄为924~974 Ma;围岩的εHft)值在+8.7~+11.1之间,平均值为+9.9,一阶段Hf模式年龄为927~1018 Ma。结合前人研究成果表明,余家山铜镍矿基性岩体由中元古代晚期至新元古代早期亏损地幔物质部分熔融生成,可能形成于活动大陆边缘环境。


  • 图  1  汉南地区构造纲要图及研究区位置图


    Figure  1.  Structural outline map and location map of the study area in Hannan region

    图  2  汉南地区余家山铜镍矿区地质简图

    Figure  2.  Geological sketch of the Yujiashan copper-nickel deposit in Hannan region

    图  3  汉南地区余家山铜镍矿野外产状照片

    a-辉长岩中浸染型铜镍矿化现象; b、c-铜镍硫化物矿脉穿切浅色花岗质脉体; d-变形、蚀变现象

    Figure  3.  Field Occurrence photos of the Yujiashan nickel-copper deposit in Hannan region

    图  4  汉南地区余家山铜镍矿典型样品显微结构照片(单偏光(﹣)和正交偏光(+))


    Figure  4.  Microstructure photographs of typical samples from the Yujiashan nickel-copper deposit in Hannan region

    图  5  汉南地区余家山铜镍矿锆石阴极发光图像和锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图

    Figure  5.  Cathodeluminescence images and U-Pb concordia diagram of zircons from the Yujiashan nickel-copper deposit in Hannan region

    图  6  汉南地区余家山铜镍矿锆石εHf(t)-t图解

    Figure  6.  Zircon εHf(t) values versus t(Ma) diagram from the Yujiashan nickel-copper deposit in Hannan region

    表  1  余家山铜镍矿LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学测试结果

    Table  1.   LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results of the Yujiashan nickel-copper deposit

    样品点号 Pb Th U Th/U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 谐和度
    ppm 同位素比值 年龄/Ma
    HN145-3-1 31.2 267 155 1.72 0.0679 0.0020 1.2403 0.0348 0.1326 0.0019 877.8 61.1 819.0 15.8 802.9 10.8 98%
    HN145-3-2 54.7 274 324 0.85 0.0673 0.0016 1.2403 0.0285 0.1337 0.0017 855.6 48.1 819.0 12.9 808.7 9.5 98%
    HN145-3-3 42.8 296 238 1.24 0.0670 0.0015 1.2031 0.0254 0.1306 0.0018 838.9 47.1 802.0 11.7 791.4 10.2 98%
    HN145-3-4 58.9 532 292 1.82 0.0694 0.0018 1.2613 0.0300 0.1321 0.0017 922.2 53.7 828.5 13.5 799.7 9.6 96%
    HN145-3-5 48.5 250 284 0.88 0.0674 0.0018 1.2381 0.0313 0.1330 0.0016 851.5 54.8 818.0 14.2 805.2 8.9 98%
    HN145-3-6 22.0 112 136 0.82 0.0671 0.0024 1.1921 0.0394 0.1303 0.0021 842.6 74.8 796.9 18.2 789.7 12.1 99%
    HN145-3-7 41.3 299 225 1.33 0.0665 0.0018 1.2065 0.0332 0.1313 0.0018 821.9 55.6 803.6 15.3 795.3 10.2 98%
    HN145-3-8 16.8 86 103 0.83 0.0665 0.0026 1.1647 0.0399 0.1293 0.0022 821.9 81.5 784.1 18.7 783.7 12.7 99%
    HN145-3-9 33.3 196 195 1.00 0.0661 0.0018 1.1762 0.0309 0.1295 0.0018 809.3 58.2 789.5 14.4 784.7 10.3 99%
    HN145-3-10 42.5 314 230 1.36 0.0678 0.0016 1.2070 0.0276 0.1292 0.0014 861.1 50.8 803.8 12.7 783.4 8.3 97%
    HN145-3-11 30.5 187 175 1.07 0.0688 0.0021 1.2503 0.0388 0.1321 0.0019 894.4 69.4 823.5 17.5 799.6 10.9 97%
    HN145-3-12 34.7 189 207 0.91 0.0660 0.0020 1.1816 0.0340 0.1300 0.0016 805.6 67.6 792.0 15.8 788.1 9.4 99%
    HN145-3-13 53.6 344 305 1.13 0.0653 0.0015 1.1604 0.0247 0.1288 0.0014 783.3 42.4 782.2 11.6 780.8 7.8 99%
    HN145-3-14 188.1 1330 1019 1.30 0.0674 0.0012 1.2230 0.0210 0.1311 0.0014 851.5 35.2 811.1 9.6 794.1 7.9 97%
    HN145-3-15 20.3 134 116 1.16 0.0671 0.0022 1.2077 0.0400 0.1305 0.0019 842.6 68.5 804.1 18.4 790.8 11.0 98%
    HN145-3-16 28.5 171 167 1.03 0.0673 0.0020 1.2024 0.0349 0.1289 0.0017 855.6 60.8 801.7 16.1 781.5 9.5 97%
    HN145-3-17 25.9 177 146 1.21 0.0662 0.0023 1.1758 0.0410 0.1285 0.0017 813.0 69.4 789.3 19.1 779.5 9.9 98%
    HN145-3-18 59.5 367 349 1.05 0.0657 0.0015 1.1714 0.0238 0.1290 0.0016 798.2 52.8 787.3 11.1 782.4 9.1 99%
    HN145-3-19 33.4 231 188 1.23 0.0664 0.0020 1.1923 0.0338 0.1302 0.0019 820.4 64.8 797.0 15.6 788.9 10.8 98%
    HN145-3-20 39.9 271 228 1.19 0.0660 0.0018 1.1835 0.0313 0.1292 0.0017 805.6 59.3 793.0 14.6 783.5 9.5 98%
    HN145-11-01 48.5 150 165 0.91 0.0660 0.0033 1.2098 0.0488 0.1329 0.0023 806.8 99.97 805.1 22.4 804.6 13.3 99%
    HN145-11-02 39.3 118 145 0.81 0.0689 0.0036 1.2718 0.0558 0.1338 0.0025 896.8 104.42 833.2 24.92 809.6 14.1 97%
    HN145-11-03 31.3 98 116 0.84 0.0665 0.0036 1.2191 0.0554 0.1329 0.0025 822.9 108.33 809.4 25.35 804.5 14.1 99%
    HN145-11-04 51.5 153 189 0.81 0.0687 0.0032 1.2573 0.0459 0.1328 0.0023 889.5 92.76 826.7 20.66 803.6 13.0 97%
    HN145-11-05 23.1 62 99 0.62 0.0699 0.0042 1.2895 0.0671 0.1339 0.0027 924 117.69 841.1 29.74 810.1 15.4 96%
    HN145-11-06 29.3 76 141 0.54 0.0681 0.0035 1.2552 0.0542 0.1337 0.0024 871.5 103.79 825.7 24.4 808.9 13.9 98%
    HN145-11-07 37.4 118 140 0.84 0.0685 0.0036 1.2645 0.0552 0.1339 0.0025 884 104.13 829.9 24.77 810 14.2 98%
    HN145-11-08 27.4 81 106 0.77 0.0693 0.0041 1.2810 0.0653 0.1341 0.0027 907.4 116.37 837.3 29.09 811.2 15.3 97%
    HN145-11-09 28.0 80 115 0.69 0.0665 0.0039 1.2298 0.0636 0.1342 0.0027 821.9 119.09 814.3 28.95 811.6 15.3 100%
    HN145-11-10 24.4 66 106 0.62 0.0698 0.0079 1.2837 0.1384 0.1335 0.0048 921.4 215.89 838.5 61.55 807.6 27.0 96%
    HN145-11-11 49.3 165 163 1.01 0.0668 0.0034 1.2242 0.0520 0.1329 0.0024 831.6 103.34 811.7 23.74 804.5 13.7 99%
    HN145-11-12 58.6 166 242 0.69 0.0673 0.0031 1.2341 0.0437 0.1330 0.0022 847.1 91.71 816.2 19.84 805 12.7 99%
    HN145-11-13 24.9 67 106 0.63 0.0687 0.0056 1.3541 0.1018 0.1431 0.0038 888.5 158.86 869.3 43.91 861.9 21.2 99%
    HN145-11-14 20.3 49 83 0.59 0.0748 0.0047 1.3779 0.0766 0.1337 0.0029 1061.9 121.57 879.6 32.71 809 16.2 92%
    HN145-11-15 35.8 92 178 0.52 0.0662 0.0034 1.2284 0.0511 0.1345 0.0024 813.6 102.29 813.6 23.3 813.7 13.7 100%
    HN145-11-16 19.2 56 87 0.64 0.0630 0.0060 1.1894 0.1074 0.1370 0.0039 706.7 190.81 795.7 49.81 827.9 22.0 104%
    HN145-11-17 27.6 81 112 0.73 0.0665 0.0044 1.2214 0.0727 0.1333 0.0029 821 132.87 810.4 33.23 806.7 16.5 100%
    HN145-11-18 32.6 107 120 0.89 0.0683 0.0038 1.2593 0.0608 0.1338 0.0025 876.6 112.38 827.6 27.33 809.5 14.4 98%
    HN145-11-19 21.4 59 89 0.66 0.0663 0.0043 1.2229 0.0709 0.1338 0.0028 815.7 130.24 811.1 32.4 809.5 15.9 100%
    HN145-11-20 46.3 149 158 0.94 0.0690 0.0035 1.2738 0.0534 0.1340 0.0024 897.8 101.51 834.1 23.84 810.5 13.6 97%
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    表  2  余家山铜镍矿锆石Lu-Hf同位素组成

    Table  2.   Zircon Lu-Hf isotopic composition from the Yujiashan nickel-copper deposit

    测点号 Age/Ma 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf 2σ εHf(0) εHf(t) tDM1/Ma tDM2/Ma fLu/Hf
    HN145-3-1 802.9 0.035803 0.000989 0.282574 0.000032 -7.0 10.2 959 1053 -0.97
    HN145-3-2 808.7 0.021066 0.000835 0.282586 0.000019 -6.6 10.9 938 1018 -0.97
    HN145-3-3 791.4 0.033041 0.001106 0.282578 0.000029 -6.9 10.0 957 1055 -0.97
    HN145-3-4 799.7 0.012552 0.000452 0.282557 0.000023 -7.6 9.8 969 1075 -0.99
    HN145-3-5 805.2 0.008886 0.000321 0.282572 0.000027 -7.1 10.6 945 1033 -0.99
    HN145-3-6 789.7 0.013889 0.000501 0.282557 0.000025 -7.6 9.6 970 1083 -0.98
    HN145-3-7 795.3 0.012072 0.000346 0.282568 0.000023 -7.2 10.2 952 1050 -0.99
    HN145-3-8 783.7 0.022368 0.000842 0.282566 0.000023 -7.3 9.6 967 1078 -0.97
    HN145-3-9 784.7 0.013221 0.000447 0.282572 0.000022 -7.1 10.0 949 1052 -0.99
    HN145-3-10 783.4 0.031703 0.001069 0.282600 0.000023 -6.1 10.7 924 1008 -0.97
    HN145-3-11 799.6 0.015805 0.000579 0.282579 0.000023 -6.8 10.5 942 1031 -0.98
    HN145-3-12 788.1 0.019114 0.000675 0.282558 0.000021 -7.6 9.5 974 1088 -0.98
    HN145-3-13 780.8 0.029298 0.000994 0.282597 0.000022 -6.2 10.6 927 1015 -0.97
    HN145-3-14 794.1 0.032476 0.001249 0.282578 0.000028 -6.9 10.0 960 1058 -0.96
    HN145-3-15 790.8 0.022605 0.000826 0.282564 0.000026 -7.4 9.7 969 1077 -0.98
    HN145-3-16 781.5 0.017842 0.000696 0.282577 0.000029 -6.9 10.0 948 1050 -0.98
    HN145-3-17 779.5 0.029740 0.001082 0.282593 0.000026 -6.3 10.3 935 1028 -0.97
    HN145-3-18 782.4 0.037648 0.001345 0.282598 0.000022 -6.2 10.4 935 1024 -0.96
    HN145-3-19 788.9 0.044190 0.001455 0.282595 0.000027 -6.2 10.4 941 1029 -0.96
    HN145-3-20 783.5 0.038055 0.001368 0.282595 0.000025 -6.3 10.3 939 1031 -0.96
    HN145-11-1 804.6 0.016663 0.000728 0.282527 0.000027 -8.7 8.7 1018 1149 -0.98
    HN145-11-2 809.6 0.026208 0.001040 0.282565 0.000025 -7.3 10.0 973 1071 -0.97
    HN145-11-3 804.5 0.018955 0.000780 0.282564 0.000025 -7.4 10.0 968 1068 -0.98
    HN145-11-4 803.6 0.014788 0.000642 0.282556 0.000028 -7.6 9.8 975 1081 -0.98
    HN145-11-5 810.1 0.015933 0.000711 0.282562 0.000028 -7.4 10.1 969 1066 -0.98
    HN145-11-6 808.9 0.017269 0.000777 0.282556 0.000023 -7.6 9.8 979 1083 -0.98
    HN145-11-7 810 0.017751 0.000787 0.282572 0.000024 -7.1 10.4 957 1047 -0.98
    HN145-11-8 811.2 0.020999 0.000879 0.282554 0.000021 -7.7 9.8 984 1089 -0.97
    HN145-11-9 811.6 0.013807 0.000611 0.282535 0.000027 -8.4 9.2 1004 1123 -0.98
    HN145-11-11 804.5 0.025776 0.001024 0.282574 0.000021 -7.0 10.3 959 1053 -0.97
    HN145-11-12 805 0.023812 0.001152 0.282557 0.000028 -7.6 9.6 988 1096 -0.97
    HN145-11-14 809 0.011868 0.000519 0.282589 0.000027 -6.5 11.1 927 1001 -0.98
    HN145-11-15 813.7 0.022469 0.001008 0.282548 0.000025 -7.9 9.5 996 1105 -0.97
    HN145-11-17 806.7 0.014377 0.000674 0.282568 0.000025 -7.2 10.3 960 1054 -0.98
    HN145-11-18 809.5 0.019634 0.000831 0.282555 0.000027 -7.7 9.8 982 1087 -0.97
    HN145-11-19 809.5 0.011156 0.000466 0.282567 0.000022 -7.2 10.4 955 1046 -0.99
    HN145-11-20 810.5 0.018883 0.000787 0.282550 0.000024 -7.9 9.6 988 1097 -0.98
    注:εHf(0)=[(176Hf/177Hf)S/(176Hf/177Hf)CHUR, 0-1]×104εHf(t)={[(176Hf/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)S×(eλt-1)]/[(176Hf/177Hf)CHUR, 0-(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR×(eλt-1)]-1}×104;TDM1=1/λ×In{1+[(176Hf/177Hf)S-(176Hf/177Hf)DM]/[(176Lu/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)DM]};tDM2=tDM1-(tDM1-t)×[(fcc-fs)/(fcc-fDM)];fLu/Hf=(176Lu/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR-1;其中:(176Lu/177Hf)S和(176Hf/177Hf)S为样品测量值,t为锆石结晶年龄,(176Hf/177Hf)CHUR, 0=0.282772,(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR=0.0332,(176Hf/177Hf)DM=0.28325,(176Lu/177Hf)DM=0.0384[45, 47],λ=1.867×10-11a-1[48],(176Lu/177Hf)C=0.015,fcc=[(176Lu/177Hf)C/(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR]-1,fs=fLu/HffDM=[(176Lu/177Hf)DM/(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR]-1
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