摘要: 在系统整理分析前人成果资料基础上,对龙门山西南部与古青衣江改道相关的名山-邛崃砾石层和丹棱-思濛砾石层的砾石成分、砾度及砾向等统计资料进行分析和总结,讨论了砾石层的物源区、成因、形成时代等特征;结合对青衣江干流阶地最新的调查和测量结果,梳理总结了河流阶地的分布特征、高度、结构、发育程度和年龄等资料数据,并利用卫星遥感图像和数字高程模型(DEM)数据提取构造地貌和水系特征,发现青衣江流域地形是梯级降低的,其穿过的褶皱形成时间应该早于第四纪,并且第四纪时期青衣江形成的阶地是可连续对比的,其中宝兴-芦山段的阶地有过抬升,可能与该区的盲逆冲断层活动有关。依据青衣江流域的阶地特征,对水系演化变迁过程进行综合分析后提出,青衣江改道很可能是由于新构造期间河流多次袭夺造成的,其中龙门山西南段的盲逆冲断层活动引起的局部隆升为袭夺提供了构造条件。Abstract: Based on the analysis of previous research results, we analysed and summaried the gravel composition, gravel particle size and gravel direction of Mingshan-Qionglai and Danling-Simeng gravel layers related to ancient Qingyi River diversion in southwest of Longmenshan. Moreover, we discussed the characteristics of provenance region, origin and formation of the gravel layer. Combining with the latest survey and measurements to trunk stream terrace of Qingyi River, the distribution, height, structure and age of the terrace were sorted and summarized. We also used the satellite remote sensing image and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to extract tectonic geomorphology and water features, finding that the terrain of Qingyi River basin descends in a cascade manner, the fold passed through it should be earlier than the Quaternary, the terraces of Qingyi River formed in Quaternary can be continuously contrasted, the terrace in Baoxing-Lushan section ever uplifted, that may be caused by the underlying thrust fault. Based on the characteristics of Qingyi River terraces, we made a comprehensive analysis on the system evolution, then put forward that the diversion of the river is caused by the multiple captures of the river, the local uplift at the southwest segment of Longmenshan caused by the blind thrust fault has created good structure conditions.
Key words:
- Qingyi River /
- river terraces /
- river capture /
- neotectonics /
- blind thrust fault
图 2 区域构造及地形地质剖面图(据谭锡斌[34]修改)
Figure 2. Regional teclonics and topographic geological profile map
图 3 青衣江流域名邛和丹思砾石层的岩性统计直方图(据崔志强等[19]修改)
Figure 3. The lithology histogram of Mingqiong and Dansi gravel layer in Qingyijiang River Basin
表 1 研究区更新统砾石层划分[19]
Table 1. Division of Pleistocene gravel layer in the study area
名称 地理位置 典型阶地 主要岩性 名邛砾石层 名山—邛崃 名山—邛崃一带区域性Ⅲ—Ⅴ级阶地 棕黄色、黄灰色及少量灰-灰白色半固结复成分砾石,顶部为黄灰色网纹黏土层、亚黏土层 丹思砾石层 丹棱—思濛 丹棱—思濛一带区域性Ⅱ—Ⅳ级阶地 棕黄色含细砾砂土、亚砂土层,含棕红色泥质斑块及铁锰质薄膜 表 2 砾石风化程度统计[11]
Table 2. Statistics of the degree of weathering of the gravel
地点 未风化(抗风化强) 弱风化 强风化 统计数 众数 统计数 众数 统计数 众数 名山—邛崃砾石层 6~77 34 3~42 9 6~65 35 丹棱—思濛砾石层 0~50 16 8~66 15 7~78 25 表 3 青衣江流域阶地测年
Table 3. Qingyi River terrace dating
地点 资料中地貌单元 拔河/m 海拔/m 测年方法 年龄/ka 资料来源 阳坪 T1 3 453 14C 5 文献[18] T2 23 473 ESR 31±3 T3 75 525 ESR 93±10 T4 100 550 ESR 129±14 T5 125 575 ESR 149±15 T6 163 613 ESR 266±30 万古场 T1 750 ESR 11±1 T2 780 ESR 110±12 T3 805 ESR 157±15 T4 890 ESR 791±60 草坝—万古场 T1 2 576 ESR 11±1 文献[11] T2 107 681 ESR 110±12 T3 232 806 ESR 157±15 T4 332 906 ESR 791±60 洪雅县城南阳坪 T1 3 453 14C 5 T2 75 525 ESR 93±10 T3 125 575 ESR 149±15 新店庙子湾—高山坡 T3 520~650 ESR 157±5 文献[19] T4 750 ESR 382±5 T5 830 ESR 719±10 丹棱县唐河乡 T2 440 ESR 102±5 T3 490~500 ESR 143±5 T4 525 ESR 213±5 大兴场 T2 ESR 20±2 T3 ESR 85±5 万古—建山 T5 ESR 479±10 文献[14] 新店高山坡、庙子湾 T2 ESR 110±5 T3 ESR 157±5 T4 ESR 182±5 丹棱唐河乡高大地 T1 ESR 31 T2 ESR 57 T3 ESR 93 -
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