摘要: 近年来地球空间信息学(Geomatics)和对地观测学(EOS)的迅速发展, 为灾难管理提供了强有力的支撑技术, 促进了灾难管理效率的提高。在简述地球空间信息学、对地观测学和灾难管理的基础上, 综述了地球空间信息学和对地观测学中多传感技术、高分辨率、多时相的卫星遥感系统的发展不仅满足了灾难管理需求数据的多源性、实时性, 而且提高了遥感影像解译精度和增强了对自然灾害的探测、识别能力; 认为日益完善的空间数据基础设施(SDI)和软件系统功能的增强, 将有利于灾难管理需求数据的可用性、可访问性和数据共享, 加强了灾难管理中海量数据管理、处理、分析和发布能力, 提高了预报和管理决策信息系统的可视化程度, 从而提高灾难管理各个环节的效率和效益。同时, 从技术的角度简述了当前地球空间信息学和对地观测技术在灾难管理应用中的局限性和存在的问题。Abstract: Based on an introduction of disaster management, geomatics and earth observation science (EOS), a discussion has been made on the utility of geomatics and EOS for natural disaster management.It is believed that the development in new techniques on sensors, high-resolution satellite remote sensing system can provides multiple source, timely and accurate spatial data on disaster management can improve the accuracy of satellite image interpretation and strengthen the capability of natural disaster detection and identification.The development in SDI and related techniques, as well as the strengthening function of software, not only drives the ongoing improved data availability, accessibility and data sharing, enhances data management, processing, analysis and dissemination capability, but also improve the quality and visualization of disaster forecasting and decision-making, hence increase efficiency and effectiveness at all levels of disaster management activities.In addition, their limitations and potential research challenges in the current geomatics and EOS for disaster management have been generally discussed.
表 2 现今和未来的民用光学高分辨率卫星系统(据瑞士地理信息中心)
Table 2. Current and forthcoming civil optical high-resolution satellite system (SwissTopo)
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