摘要: 岩石在长期荷载作用下表现出典型的蠕变特性,裂隙泥岩在长期荷载作用下的力学性质不同于完整岩石。对甘肃甘谷赵家窑滑坡钻孔取芯的裂隙泥岩开展剪切蠕变试验,探讨轴向压应力、预制裂隙长度等因素对试样剪切蠕变特征的影响。试验结果表明:轴向荷载和裂隙长度对试样剪切蠕变特征有明显的影响。轴向压应力越大,试样剪切蠕变变形越不明显;裂隙越长,试样剪切蠕变变形越显著。应力较低时,如Cvisc模型等蠕变模型能够较好反映泥岩的蠕变力学特性。而在加速蠕变阶段,大多数模型却不能准确体现泥岩蠕变曲线的非线性变化。改进的西原模型克服了传统模型不能对非线性蠕变特征进行描述的缺点,且模型参数较少,能较好地适用工程软弱岩体。不同载荷作用下泥质软岩试样剪切蠕变过程中,裂隙泥岩剪切破坏带形成表现为渐进与突发相结合。泥岩的剪切蠕变力学模型可解释泥岩滑坡的多种现象,边坡潜在滑移带内泥质软岩发生的剪切蠕变则是泥岩滑坡的内在诱因。Abstract: Rock shows typical creep property under long-term load, and the mechanical property of fractured mudstone are different from that of intact rock under long-term load. The shear creep test was carried out on the fractured mudstone from the drilled core at Gangu Zhaojiayao landslide in Gansu province, with investigation on the influence of axial compressive stress and the length of prefabricated cracks on the shear creep characteristics of samples. The experimental results show that axial load and crack length have obvious influence on the shear creep characteristics of the samples. The larger the axial compressive stress is, the less the shear creep deformation is. The longer the crack is, the more obvious the shear creep deformation is. When the stress is low, the creep model such as Cvisc model can better reflect the creep mechanical properties of the mudstone; however, in the accelerated creep stage, most of the models can not accurately reflect the nonlinear change of creep curves of the mudstone. The improved Nishihara (K-B) model with less model parameters overcomes the shortcoming that the traditional model cannot describe the nonlinear creep curves, and it can be better applied to engineering soft rock. In the process of shear creep of argillaceous soft rock samples under different loads, the formation of shear failure zone of fractured mudstone is characterized by the combination of gradual and sudden failure. The shear creep mechanical model of mudstone can explain many phenomena of mudstone landslide. The shear creep of the argillaceous soft rock in the potential slip zone of the slope is the intrinsic cause of the landslide.
Key words:
- fractured mudstone /
- shear creep /
- creep model /
- landslide
表 1 泥质软岩试样
Table 1. Parameters of pelitic soft rock sample
编号 裂隙长度a/mm 水平初始荷载τ/MPa 每级水平荷载增加τ/MPa 轴向荷载N/kN 轴向正应力σ/MPa W1-3 0 0.56 0.56 1 0.28 W4-6 0 0.56 0.56 2 0.56 W7-9 0 0.56 0.56 3 0.83 L1-3 10 0.56 0.56 1 0.28 L4-6 10 0.56 0.56 2 0.56 L7-9 10 0.56 0.56 3 0.83 L10-12 15 0.56 0.56 1 0.28 L13-15 15 0.56 0.56 2 0.56 L16-18 15 0.56 0.56 3 0.83 -
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