摘要: 中国南方(四川盆地除外)海相中、古生界油气勘查已有半个世纪的历史,其中的楚雄盆地因具备形成大中型油气区的物质基础和有利的构造环境而成为油气勘探的突破口。楚雄前陆盆地烃源岩主要发育在€1、O1-2、D1-2、T3y、T3l、T3g、T3s及J1-2中,盆地内2个重要的储盖组合分别为中上泥盆统-上三叠统下部海相层和三叠统上部陆相层-中下侏罗统。中国南方油气勘探战略思路是绕着地台边缘走,因为地台上生烃条件不好,加之后期改造变形复杂、抬升强烈、演化程度高等,不利于油气藏形成。Abstract: Mesozoic and Paleozoic marine hydrocarbon resources have been developed in South China except Sichuan Basin for half a century. The Chuxiong Basin is very important in oil and gas exploration in South China because of its material basis and favorable tectonic environment forming large-and-middle scale of hydrocarbon accumulation. Hydrocarbon source rocks mainly developed in €1, O1-2, D1-2, T3y, T3l, T3g, T3s and J1-2. Two important plays are Middle-Upper Devonian to the lower part of Upper Triassic marine formation and the upper part of Triassic land formation to Lower-Middle Jurassic. Exploration should be implemented along the margin of platform because of a bad hydrocarbon generation condition and other disadvantages as complicated structural deformation, intensive uplifting and high level of evolution inside the platform.
Key words:
- marine hydrocarbon /
- platform margin basin /
- Chuxiong foreland basin /
- strategic thought
图 5 楚雄盆地侏罗系—下白垩统沉积等厚度图[4]
Figure 5. An isobathic map of Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments in Chuxiong Basin
图 6 楚雄盆地晚白垩世沉积展布图[4]
Figure 6. Distribution of Late Cretaceous sediments in Chuxiong Basin
表 1 楚雄盆地勘探程度一览表
Table 1. Degree of exploration of the Chuxiong Basin
表 2 楚雄盆地1996—1998年勘探工作量表
Table 2. Exploration works in the Chuxiong Basin from 1996 to 1998
表 3 楚雄盆地及邻区三叠系—古近系划分对比
Table 3. Comparison of Triassic-Paleogene stratigraphic division betweenChuxiong Basin and adjacent areas
表 4 楚雄盆地上三叠统烃源岩特征②
Table 4. Characteristics of the Upper Triassic source rocks in Chuxiong Basin地区层位主要岩性主要
表 5 楚雄盆地干海资组、舍资组储层厚度及物性表①
Table 5. Thickness and physical property of Ganhaizi Formation and Shezi Formation in Chuxiong Basin
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