摘要: 本文在特殊地质填图的过程中研究了哈密地区砂岩的地震波速,利用ZBL-U520非金属超声检测仪和Autolab2000多功能岩石物性设备,在0~200 MPa(约0~7000 m地下深度)下研究了密度、孔隙度和压力三个因素对砂岩地震波速的影响。研究发现:砂岩的波速与密度呈正相关关系,但与孔隙度呈负相关关系;纵波与密度和孔隙度的线性关系好于横波;波速与压力呈对数关系。此外,本文还分析了ZBL-U520与Autolab2000两种仪器测试方法的适用性。最后针对地质填图的特点给出建议:在特殊地质填图中,不仅要按照规范采集标本,测试其在常温常压下的岩石波速,还应该适当考察不同地层压力状态下的速度特征,才能更全面地认识填图区地震波的性质。
- 特殊地质填图 /
- 哈密地区砂岩地震波速 /
- 围压 /
- 孔隙度 /
- 密度
Abstract: The seismic wave velocity of sandstones in Hami in the process of special geological mapping isstudied in this article. The effects of density, porosity and pressure on seismic wave velocity under different pressure(0~200 MPa)are analyzed by applying ZBL-U520 nonmetal ultrasonic detector and AutoLab 2000 computer-controlled servo hydraulic triaxial test system. The results show that wave velocity and density are positively correlated, but there is a negative correlation between wave velocity and porosity. The degree of linear relationship between density or porosity and P-wave is higher than that of S-wave. Both P-and S-wave velocities of sandstones in Hami area increase notably with the increasing pressure which denotes a strong logarithmic relationship.Besides, the adaptability of test methods of ZBL-U520 nonmetal ultrasonic detector and AutoLab 2000 computer-controlled servo hydraulic triaxial test system are analyzed.In conclusion, in respect of geological mapping it is suggested that not only should we collect samples to test the seismic wave velocity of rocks at normal temperatures and pressure, but also we should analyze the seismic wave characteristics under different formation pressure to comprehensively understand the seismic properties in special geological mapping. -
表 1 不同压力条件下波速与密度和孔隙度的拟合关系
Table 1. The fitting of density and porosity with respect to wave velocity under different confining pressures
压力/MPa 密度/(g·cm-3) 孔隙度/% 拟合公式 R2 拟合公式 R2 5 Vp=4419ρ-6576 0.541 Vp=-161.6 $\varphi $ +5902 0.739 60 Vp=4252ρ-5871 0.638 Vp =-103.1 $\varphi $ +6007 0.614 120 Vp=4079ρ-5261 0.657 Vp =-83.41 $\varphi $ +6029 0.526 200 Vp=3830ρ-4524 0.667 Vp=-77.22 $\varphi $ +6068 0.507 5 Vs=1651ρ-1276 0.374 Vs=-58.35 $\varphi $ +3420 0.493 60 Vs=1461ρ-623 0.347 Vs=-53.86 $\varphi $ +3535 0.375 120 Vs=1246ρ+38.29 0.351 Vs=-52.57 $\varphi $ +3585 0.362 200 Vs=964ρ+869 0.342 Vs=-40.08 $\varphi $ +3564 0.420 表 2 实验样品基本信息
Table 2. The basic information of experimental samples
样品编号 密度/(g·cm-3) 状态 矿物组成/% 孔隙度/% 石英 长石 其它 H1 2.604 自然 55 25 20 2.66 H2 2.629 自然 55 25 20 4.61 表 3 ZBL-U520和Autolab2000两种仪器下的三次纵波速度值
Table 3. The three measurements of P-wave velocity values under ZBL-U520 and Autolab2000
ZBL-U520非金属超声检测仪 Autolab2000多功能岩石物性设备(5 MPa) 第一次 第二次 第三次 第一次 第二次 第三次 H1的纵波速度/(m·s-1) 5198 5217 5179 5521 5555 5538 H2的纵波速度/(m·s-1) 4907 4871 4913 5293 5321 5306 表 4 ZBL-U520和Autolab2000两种仪器的三次纵波测量数据精度分析
Table 4. The analysis of the accuracy of three P-wave measurements of ZBL-U520 and Autolab2000
样品号 ZBL-U520非金属超声检测仪 Autolab2000多功能岩石物性设备(5 MPa) 极差 平均值/(m·s-1) 标准差 最大波动幅度 极差 平均值/(m·s-1) 标准差 最大波动幅度 H1 38 5198 19 0.73% 34 5538 17 0.62% H2 42 4897 22.7156 0.86% 28 5307 14.0119 0.53% -
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