摘要: 在1:5万平原区填图试点项目中,以生祠堂镇幅浅表地质填图为例,研究了该区浅表三维模型的构建。根据研究区遥感地貌特征,部署了15条北西向地质路线,以Eijkelkamp槽型取样钻为手段,揭露了研究区浅表 3~4 m范围内的沉积物特征,建立以DSI为关键技术的三维浅表模型构建的基本流程,将槽型钻岩性描述量化为空间属性点,并建立标准层位,对各层位分别进行属性插值,获取分层沉积物岩性三维模型,选取北西向AA'典型路线三维剖面,研究区域纵向沉积相的变化,以剥去耕植土后的河流相层为例,结合地貌特征,勾绘出本区地表岩性岩相界线。研究成果表明,三维浅表模型对于区域地质调查、地质图、岩性岩相图、全新世第四纪地质填图等均有重要的应用价值,并可应用于浅层地下水防污性能研究、土壤污染等地质环境问题研究。Abstract: In the 1:50000 mapping pilot projects, taking the surficial geological mapping of Shengcitang Town as an example, the building of the 3D model of this area is studied.15 NW trending geological routes are arranged according to the remote sensing image. The characteristics of superficial deposits within the depth of 3~4 m areare revealed by Eijkelkamp groove drilling. The work flow with DSI as the key technology of 3D superficial depositsmodel building is introduced. The groove drill core description is quantified as spatial attributes of grain size. Then, geological marker horizons are established based on the drill core. The 3D grid model with grain size attributes is constructed by interpolating the grain size of all cores, and the changes of vertical lithofacies is studied by taking an example of the 3D profile AA' with northwest strike.In order to study the changes of vertical lithofacies, taking the river facies layer after removing agricultural soil as an example, combining with the geomorphological characteristics, surficial lithologic and lithofacies boundaries in study area are outlined.The research suggests that 3D surficial deposits model holds significant value to regional geological survey, geological map drawing, lithology and lithofacies boundaries outlining and Holocene quaternary geology research. This model also can be used in environmental geological research like shallow groundwater antipollution, soil pollution problems, etal.
Key words:
- Quaternary covered area /
- geological mapping /
- groove drill /
- 3D surficial deposits model
表 1 研究区槽型钻揭露岩性粒度量化表
Table 1. Sediments' granularity quantification
岩性 量化值 岩性 量化值 岩性 量化值 粘土/含粉砂粘土 1 粉砂质粘土 2 粘土质粉砂 3 含粘土粉砂/
粉砂/粉细砂4 耕植土 6 表 2 属性区间与岩性对应表
Table 2. Correspondence table of attribute interval and lithology
岩性 属性区间 岩性 属性区间 岩性 属性区间 粘土/含粉砂粘土 1~1.5 粉砂质粘土 1.5~2.5 粘土质粉砂 2.5~3.5 含粘土粉砂/粉砂/粉细砂 3.5~4 耕植土 6 -
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