摘要: 介绍了LiDAR激光探测与测距系统的组成和基本原理, 并对LiDAR技术在地质灾害、活动断裂、冰川及海岸线测绘等地质环境领域的国内外应用现状与进展进行了系统分析和总结, 对该技术的应用前景进行了展望。LiDAR系统集激光、GPS和惯性导航系统(Inertial Navigation System, INS)三种技术于一身, 能够快速、精确地获取地面目标的三维空间信息, 是继GPS空间定位系统之后又一项测绘技术新突破。LiDAR作为一种新型的遥感测量技术未来在自动、快速提取滑坡体、自动提取与断裂相关的微地貌结构信息、海岸带附近精细地物分类、海岸带调查以及潮间带生物多样性研究等方面具有很大的发展空间。Abstract: Based on the composition and fundamental of LiDAR, we summarize its application status and progress in the field of geology, such as geological disasters, active faults, glaciers and coastline mapping, and prospect its application in the future. LiDAR system includes three technologies: laser, GPS and inertial navigation systems, which make a breakthrough in spatial mapping technology following GPS, it obtains three-dimensional information on ground targets quickly and accurately. As a new remote sensing technology, LiDAR will have great development in automatically extracting the landslides and the micro geomorphology structure information of faults. In addition, LiDAR will be widely used in terrain classification, coastal zone investigation and the study on biological diversity in intertidal coastal zone in the future.
图 1 机载LiDAR系统[2]
Figure 1. Airborne LiDAR system
图 3 基于Leica ALS50Ⅱ机载激光雷达获取的都江堰—汶川公路高分辨率DEM立体影像的滑坡解译结果[6]
Figure 3. Results of the landslide interpretation of high resolution DEM stereo images obtained from the airborne LiDAR based on ALS50Ⅱ Leica airborne LiDAR
图 4 海原断裂微地貌形态和断层几何的高清晰度三维再现[13]
Figure 4. High resolution three-dimensional reconstruction of the Haiyuan fault and the fault geometry of the micro topography
图 5 富蕴地震地表破裂带及走滑位移分布图[15]
Figure 5. The 1931 Fuyun earthquake surface rupture zone and distribution of cumulative slips
图 6 Taylor Rock及Andrews冰川LiDAR DEM与USGS DEM的比较[19]
Figure 6. Curvature comparisons for LiDAR and USGS DEM sources for Taylor Rock Glacier and Andrews Glacier
图 7 基于机载LiDAR数据的自然岸线提取结果及推算岸线与“908专项”航空遥感海岸线叠加效果图[23]
Figure 7. Natural coastline extracted based on airborne LiDAR data and estimated coastlines overlying with "908 coastline"
表 1 四种LiDAR系统的比较
Table 1. Comparison of four LiDAR systems
LiDAR类型 搭载平台 常见LiDAR系统 应用领域 优势 空间分辨率 地面 地面固定站点 Leica公司的Cyrax;
RIEGL公司的各种产品林业调查;基础测绘;文化遗产保护;“数字城市”建设;工程测量;地质地貌调查监测 快速获取小型的零件、商品,到文物、雕塑,再到大型的建筑、街道城市的三维信息 cm或mm级 车载 汽车 3D Laser Mapping系统;
Street Mapper系统农田三维地形测量;铁路复测;区域边界层污染监测 主要对地物的侧面进行激光扫描 平面精度和垂直精
度均10 cm以下机载 飞机或直升机 LeicaALS系列;Optech的ALTM系列;Falcon系列;LitterMaper系列 带状目标地形图测量;城市三维建模;森林资源调查;水利;电力 高速度、高性能、长距离、效率高、覆盖面积广,能获取高分辨率的地面信息 m到cm级 星载 卫星 主要是美国NASA发射的ICESat卫星上的GLAS激光雷达 全球植被;极地冰川;云层和大气的研究 运行轨道高、观测视野广,可以触及世界的每一个角落 平面精度20 cm,垂
直精度13.8 cm -
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