摘要: 抗滑桩承受荷载的过程伴随着桩身结构的损伤累积,为了获得抗滑桩损伤演化情况,基于Najar损伤理论推导了随应变变化的损伤因子表达式,建立了抗滑桩受拉、压荷载作用下的混凝土损伤模型。将该损伤模型嵌入至Abaqus/CAE模拟程序自带的混凝土塑性损伤模型中,分析了二郎山1#滑坡抗滑桩损伤情况,得出如下结论,采用文中构建的拉、压损伤模型模拟得出的桩顶水平位移为30.3cm,与现场观测的桩后裂缝宽度数据相吻合,得出滑坡推力增大是导致二郎山1#滑坡抗滑桩产生大变形的直接原因;抗滑桩在产生大位移过程中受压损伤值较小,桩身未发生压破坏;抗滑桩在产生大位移过程中靠近滑坡一侧滑面位置的拉损伤较为严重,并产生了拉破坏,损伤区域达到截面面积的3/4,是抗滑桩工程修复亟需关注的位置。Abstract: The process of anti-slide pile bearing load is accompanied by damage accumulation of pile structure. For the purpose of knowing the condition of damage evolution of anti-slide pile, this paper induced damage factor expressions varying with strain based on Najar damage theory, and established the concrete damage model of anti-slide pile under the action of tension and pressure loads. This damage model was embedded in the built-in concrete damage model of Abaqus/CAE program, and then this paper drew the following conclusions by analyzing the damage condition of anti-slide pile of 1# landslide in Erlang Mountain:the simulated horizontal displacement was 30.3 cm by using the damage model of anti-slide pile under the action of tension and pressure loads, which was consistent with the figure of crack width observed on site, concluding that the increased landslide load was the immediate cause to the large deformation of 1# landslide in Erlang Mountain; the value of compression damage was less in the process of the large displacement happened to the anti-slide pile and no compressive damage occurred to the pile structure; but tensile damage was severe at the sliding surface near the landslide during the large displacement occurred to the anti-slide pile and tensile damage occurred on the pile, with the damage zone reaching the 3/4 of the cross-sectional area, which is an important position that requires attention to the restoration of the anti-slide pile.
Key words:
- damage model /
- damage factor /
- constitutive model /
- Abaqus program /
- anti-slide pile /
- 1# landslide in Erlang Mountain
表 1 抗滑桩混凝土模拟参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters of concrete in the anti-slide pile
弹性模量E0/MPa 泊松比υ 膨胀角θ/(°) 流动势偏移量ξ 抗压强度与抗拉强度比值fb0/fc0 不变量应力比K 粘性参数 2.648×104 0.167 30 0.1 1.16 2/3 0.0005 -
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