摘要: 大兴安岭北部漠河盆地额木尔河群自下而上由绣峰组、二十二站组、漠河组和开库康组组成, 目前对额木尔河群形成时代还存在不同的认识。绣峰组含砾粗砂岩及二十二站组碎屑岩中流纹质凝灰岩夹层激光探针(LA-ICP-MS)锆石U-Pb测年结果表明, 绣峰组含砾粗砂岩中的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄变化于距今2195~163 Ma之间, 暗示了源区有古元古代基底存在, 这一年龄数据与盆地周缘分布的基底岩石时代相吻合。碎屑锆石中5个最年轻锆石的206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为167±2 Ma, 反映绣峰组沉积下限为中侏罗世中期; 二十二站组流纹质凝灰岩岩浆锆石206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为148±2 Ma, 由此限定二十二站组形成时代为晚侏罗世晚期。锆石U-Pb年龄数据反映额木尔河群沉积时间为中-晚侏罗世, 这一认识对恢复漠河盆地形成演化历史及油气资源勘查提供了新的证据。Abstract: Emoerhe Group in the Mohe Basin of northwestern Daxing'anling consists of Xiufeng Formation, Ershierzhan Formation, and Kaikukang Formation. Currently on Emoerhe Group's Formation age is still controversial. Study on the Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age of the Xiufeng Formation pebbly coarse sandstone sedimentary rock and interlayer of Rhyolitic tuff in Ershierzhan Formation clastic rock show that Xiufeng pebbly sandstone coarse detrital zircon U-Pb ages varied from 2195 Ma to 163 Ma. This alludes that the source region is Proterozoic-Middle Jurassic basement. The aging data of the basement rocks and the periphery of the basin are coincide. Detrital zircons in the five youngest zircon 206Pb/238U weighted mean age of (167±2) Ma. It reflects the sedimentary basin limit of early Late Jurassic. Ershierzhan Rhyolitic tuff magmatic zircons 206Pb/238U weighted mean age of (148±2) Ma which suggests the basin sedimentation occurred in the Late Jurassic Period. Zircon U-Pb age data reflect Emoerhe Group deposition time was in Late Jurassic. It provides new evidences to restore the Mohe Basin evolution and resources exploration.
Key words:
- Mohe Basin /
- Emoerhe Group /
- U-Pb geochronology
表 1 绣峰组含砾粗砂岩与二十二站组流纹质凝灰岩锆石U-Pb同位素年龄测定结果
Table 1. Results of zircon U-Pb isotopic dating for gritstone in Xiufeng Formation and rhyolitic tuff in Ershierzhan Formation
点含量/(μg·g -1) 同位素原子比率 表面年龄/Ma Pb U Th/U 206Pb/ 238U 1σ 207Pb/ 235U 1σ 207Pb/ 206Pb 1σ 206Pb/ 238U 1σ 207Pb/ 206Pb 1σ 绣峰组含砾粗砂岩(B2286) 1 6 33 1.62 0.1330 0.0012 2.0344 0.1039 0.1109 0.0057 805 7 1814 93 2 22 355 0.72 0.0624 0.0004 0.4687 0.0070 0.0545 0.0008 390 2 391 34 3 5 160 0.65 0.0288 0.0002 0.1979 0.0203 0.0499 0.0051 183 2 189 236 4 4 65 0.79 0.0556 0.0005 0.4083 0.0360 0.0533 0.0046 349 3 340 197 5 8 121 0.76 0.0625 0.0004 0.4663 0.0158 0.0541 0.0018 391 3 377 76 6 15 429 0.18 0.0363 0.0003 0.2540 0.0061 0.0508 0.0011 230 2 230 51 7 22 355 0.24 0.0624 0.0005 0.4678 0.0072 0.0543 0.0009 390 3 385 36 8 57 139 0.63 0.3770 0.0022 6.6344 0.0516 0.1276 0.0010 2062 12 2066 14 9 9 143 0.75 0.0554 0.0005 0.4074 0.0173 0.0534 0.0022 347 3 345 94 10 7 33 1.65 0.1320 0.0012 2.0897 0.1068 0.1148 0.0059 799 7 1877 93 11 6 102 0.69 0.0551 0.0005 0.4084 0.0322 0.0537 0.0041 346 3 360 174 12 49 858 0.56 0.0553 0.0003 0.4063 0.0043 0.0533 0.0006 347 2 341 24 13 22 326 0.42 0.0688 0.0004 0.5256 0.0071 0.0554 0.0008 429 3 429 31 14 1 36 0.89 0.0275 0.0005 0.2853 0.0568 0.0752 0.0171 175 3 1073 456 15 7 124 0.64 0.0553 0.0003 0.4087 0.0159 0.0536 0.0021 347 2 353 87 16 4 164 0.74 0.0262 0.0003 0.2191 0.0207 0.0606 0.0054 167 2 625 193 17 18 287 0.56 0.0620 0.0004 0.4652 0.0176 0.0544 0.0019 388 3 389 77 18 8 135 0.06 0.0621 0.0004 0.4664 0.0181 0.0544 0.0021 389 2 389 85 19 22 355 0.73 0.0619 0.0004 0.4655 0.0070 0.0545 0.0008 387 2 392 34 20 7 110 0.93 0.0624 0.0004 0.4648 0.0172 0.0540 0.0020 390 3 372 83 21 63 147 0.84 0.3997 0.0025 7.5733 0.0589 0.1374 0.0011 2168 13 2195 14 22 15 234 0.88 0.0623 0.0004 0.4677 0.0100 0.0545 0.0012 389 2 391 49 23 6 189 0.81 0.0298 0.0002 0.2054 0.0132 0.0499 0.0032 190 1 192 147 24 3 89 1.07 0.0284 0.0002 0.3503 0.0204 0.0895 0.0051 180 2 1416 108 25 10 159 0.67 0.0620 0.0005 0.4682 0.0336 0.0548 0.0039 388 3 403 158 二十二站组流纹质凝灰岩(B1153) 1 5 177 1.04 0.0236 0.0002 0.2549 0.0254 0.0785 0.0077 150 2 1159 194 2 9 362 0.78 0.0236 0.0002 0.1587 0.0121 0.0487 0.0036 151 1 135 174 3 15 463 1.86 0.0235 0.0002 0.3187 0.0181 0.0983 0.0050 150 1 1593 94 4 11 382 1.21 0.0239 0.0002 0.1589 0.0121 0.0482 0.0036 152 1 109 178 5 5 186 1.11 0.0233 0.0002 0.1595 0.0132 0.0496 0.0041 149 1 174 195 6 8 283 0.49 0.0235 0.0002 0.2969 0.0166 0.0915 0.0049 150 1 1457 102 7 8 297 0.72 0.0235 0.0002 0.2399 0.0142 0.0739 0.0041 150 1 1039 112 8 6 240 0.78 0.0237 0.0002 0.1588 0.0120 0.0485 0.0036 151 1 125 174 9 2 68 1.03 0.0236 0.0004 0.2330 0.0427 0.0718 0.0157 150 2 979 447 10 2 69 0.81 0.0235 0.0005 0.2545 0.0526 0.0784 0.0182 150 3 1157 462 11 7 250 0.74 0.0237 0.0002 0.1590 0.0089 0.0486 0.0027 151 1 129 132 12 5 177 1.02 0.0235 0.0002 0.2787 0.0277 0.0861 0.0084 150 2 1341 189 13 3 97 0.69 0.0238 0.0003 0.1587 0.0230 0.0483 0.0075 152 2 115 364 14 4 118 1.18 0.0236 0.0002 0.3128 0.0251 0.0963 0.0079 150 1 1553 154 15 3 111 0.61 0.0235 0.0002 0.2336 0.0247 0.0720 0.0080 150 1 985 226 16 4 135 0.78 0.0237 0.0002 0.1592 0.0188 0.0488 0.0059 151 1 136 285 17 3 112 0.80 0.0236 0.0002 0.2636 0.0227 0.0810 0.0073 150 1 1223 177 18 9 362 0.76 0.0232 0.0002 0.1588 0.0121 0.0496 0.0037 148 1 177 173 19 19 617 1.33 0.0241 0.0001 0.1595 0.0050 0.0481 0.0015 153 1 103 73 20 2 67 1.39 0.0236 0.0008 0.3375 0.0846 0.1037 0.0269 150 5 1692 479 -
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