摘要: 利用XRD、Rock-eval和气相色谱—质谱仪对准格尔南缘柴窝堡凹陷上石炭统、上二叠统及下侏罗统的泥页岩进行了地球化学和矿物学特征分析。有机地球化学实验结果指示,柴窝堡凹陷石炭纪至二叠纪经历了较长时期的淡水—微咸水沉积环境,有机质来源具有相似的母源输入特征,干酪根类型具有Ⅱ型混合母质特征;有机质热演化特征表明,下侏罗统泥页岩处于低熟阶段,上石炭统与上二叠统泥页岩具有机质丰度较高、有机质类型丰富、热演化处于成熟—高成熟阶段等特点;矿物学特征显示,上二叠统泥页岩长石、石英等脆性矿物含量为73%,粘土矿物次之,指示其脆性指数较高,具有较好的可压裂性和粘土表面吸附性。结合前人认识,预测该段泥页岩中可能蕴藏着一定规模的页岩气资源,具有较好的页岩气资源前景和勘探潜力。Abstract: Using XRD, Rock-eval and GC-MS, kerogen type, organic geochemical characteristics and inorganic mineralogy features of shales in upper Carboniferous, upper Permian, and lower Jurassi from the Chaiwobu depression at southern margin of Junggar Basin were analyzed. The organic geochemical index shows that from Carboniferous to Permian, it has been a long period of fresh-brackish water sedimentary environment in Chaiwobu depression. The sources of organic matter shared the similar source input characteristics, and kerogen type were mainly featured by type Ⅱ. The thermal evolution of organic matter indicates that shales in lower Jurassic were in low mature stage while shales in upper Carboniferous and upper Permian showed the features of high abundance, rich in types and mature-high mature stage in the thermal evolution. The mineralogical characteristics show that the content of brittle minerals feldspar and quartz in upper Permian shales is 73%, followed by clay mineral, indicating a high brittleness index and good property of fracturing and adsorption. Combined with the previous studies, it is predicted that a certain scale of shale gas resources may be contained in shales of this member with a good prospect and potential for exploration.
Key words:
- Chaiwobu Depression /
- shale /
- biomarker /
- mineralogy /
- shale gas
表 1 样品的基础地球化学参数
Table 1. Basic geochemical parameters of the shale samples
样品 层位 岩性 TOC/% TMAX/℃ S1/(mg/g) S2/(mg/g) PI/(S1/(S1+S2)) IH/(mg/g) IO/(mg/g) CWB-3 J1b 褐色泥页岩 3.27 436 0.03 6.15 0.01 188 110 CWB-2 P2h 碳色泥岩 0.31 449 0.01 0.02 0.65 6 135 CWB-1 P1j 炭质泥岩 0.30 448 0.08 0.03 0.28 10 157 CWB-5 C2sh 灰质泥岩 0.93 538 0.01 0.00 0.81 0 67 CWB-4 C2sh 灰质泥岩 0.29 446 0.01 0.00 0.66 0 121 表 2 样品氯仿沥青“A”族组成特征
Table 2. Composition characteristics of chloroform bitumen "A" group samples
样品 层位 饱和烃/% 芳烃/% 非烃/% 沥青质/% 非+沥/% 饱芳比 非沥比 CWB-03 J1b 12.07 1.45 81.13 5.35 86.48 8.32 15.16 CWB-02 P2h 24.73 5.49 43.41 26.37 69.78 4.50 1.65 CWB-01 P1j 14.06 13.53 27.07 45.34 72.41 1.04 0.60 CWB-05 C2sh 3.23 2.15 68.82 25.81 94.62 1.50 2.67 CWB-04 C2sh 16.88 8.44 42.86 31.82 79.86 2.00 1.35 表 3 正构烷烃和类异戊二烯烷烃生物标志化合物参数
Table 3. Biomarker parameters of n-alkanes and isoprenoid
样品 层位 碳数 峰型 主峰 Pr/Ph Pr/nC17 Ph/nC18 ∑C22-/∑C23+ OEP25-29 CWB-03 J1b 12~33 双峰 17/25 1.44 0.30 0.26 0.67 4.04 CWB-02 P2h 13-31 双峰 17/23 1.17 0.70 0.68 1.19 1.13 CWB-01 P1j 14-32 双峰 17/27 1.00 0.73 0.72 0.18 1.04 CWB-05 C2sh 14-31 双峰 17/25 1.03 0.87 0.86 1.02 0.90 CWB-04 C2sh 14-30 双峰 17/25 1.03 0.60 0.71 1.38 1.13 表 4 烃源岩萜烷和甾类化合物参数
Table 4. Parameters of terpane compounds and sterane compounds in source rock
编号萜烷 甾烷 ∑三环萜烷/
∑藿烷Ts/Tm G/C30H C3122S/
(S+R)相对含量/% C27 C28 C29 CWB-03 0 0.13 0.01 0.08 0.60 0.37 0.34 0.15 32.59 24.44 42.96 CWB-02 2.59 0.89 0.09 0.60 0.67 0.68 0.40 0.47 45.74 24.47 29.79 CWB-01 1.26 0.85 0.16 0.56 0.63 0.76 0.49 0.50 26.44 32.18 41.38 CWB-05 3.02 0.86 0.11 0.58 0.67 0.78 0.40 0.43 44.44 22.22 33.33 CWB-04 3.08 0.89 0.11 0.59 0.60 0.79 0.40 0.45 39.71 26.47 33.82 -
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