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赵远方 施炜 张宇

赵远方,施炜,张宇,2023. 甘肃金川矿区古构造应力场恢复及演化研究[J]. 地质力学学报,29(6):770−785 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023161
引用本文: 赵远方,施炜,张宇,2023. 甘肃金川矿区古构造应力场恢复及演化研究[J]. 地质力学学报,29(6):770−785 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023161
ZHAO Y F,SHI W,ZHANG Y,2023. Study on the reconstruction of the paleo-tectonic stress field and its evolution in the Jinchuan mining district, Gansu Province, China[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(6):770−785 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023161
Citation: ZHAO Y F,SHI W,ZHANG Y,2023. Study on the reconstruction of the paleo-tectonic stress field and its evolution in the Jinchuan mining district, Gansu Province, China[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(6):770−785 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023161


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023161
基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20221644);国家自然科学基金项目(42302260);中国地质科学院基本科研业务费项目(DZLXJK202207)


  • 中图分类号: P535;P534.6

Study on the reconstruction of the paleo-tectonic stress field and its evolution in the Jinchuan mining district, Gansu Province, China

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Geological Survey Project of the China Geological Survey (Grant No.DD20221644), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.42302260), and the Basic Research Expense of the Chinese Academy of the Geological Sciences (Grant No. DZLXJK202207)
  • 摘要: 金川矿区经历了复杂的构造演化历史,目前其成矿期后的构造变形特征和应力场演化阶段仍缺乏精细剖析。文章运用构造解析方法对金川矿区地表基岩中的断层进行了分期和配套,确定了构造变形序列,认为矿区存在4组重要的断层组合,包括北东向逆冲断层和北西向走滑断层、北东向走滑断层和北西向逆冲断层、北西向正断层以及北东东向走滑断层。通过研究断层破裂面及擦痕构造,利用赤平投影法恢复了断层的古构造应力场,结合区域大地构造演化历史,准确限定了金川矿区成矿期后的应力场演化阶段,对认识区域构造演化和开发新远景区具有重要意义。结果显示,金川矿区在成矿期后经历了4期古构造应力场作用,表现为多阶段不同方向的挤压和伸展过程,分别响应了区域中生代以来的一系列构造热事件,Ⅰ期表现为早—中侏罗世的北西—南东向挤压应力场,Ⅱ期为晚侏罗世的北东—南西向挤压应力场,Ⅲ期为早白垩世的北东—南西向伸展应力场,Ⅳ期为晚白垩世以来的北东—南西向挤压应力场。


  • 金川矿区地处中国甘肃省金昌市,是世界上最大的铜镍硫化物矿床之一,在长期的研究过程中积累了丰富的地质资料(汤中立,1990汤中立和李文渊,1995李文渊等,2004Li et al.,2004高亚林等,2009)。研究显示,金川铜镍硫化物矿床的成矿过程与基性—超基性岩岩浆作用密切相关,而断裂构造是关键的控矿因素,不仅控制了含矿岩体的侵位过程、为成矿提供空间,还在后期改造了含矿地质体的展布方向和深部结构,最终控制了矿体的分布格局(汤中立和白云来,19992000汤中立等,2006曾认宇等,2013宋谢炎等,2023)。

    学者们通过对金川矿区开展年代学、构造变形和成矿机理等方面的研究,解析了构造和成矿作用之间的联系,认为矿区的构造演化经历了多阶段不同方向的挤压和伸展过程(汤中立和李文渊,1995汤中立和白云来,2000米文满等,20112018)。随着构造解析工作的不断深入,提出了更全面的构造演化阶段。例如,廖文建(2016)根据成矿作用时代将矿区主应力方位划分为成矿前、成矿期和成矿后等3期6个阶段,并通过计算获得各期次的准确应力值;和秋姣等(2019)通过统计和总结共轭剪节理特征解析了矿区的构造变形及应力场特征,结合区域构造演化历史,确定了矿区经历的南北向挤压、北东—南西向挤压等4期应力场演化阶段;苏哲等(2023)借助空间距离分析、形态分析等定量分析手段对矿区的构造控矿规律进行研究,解析了特定断层在成矿过程中的具体作用,提出了断层—岩浆多阶段成矿模式。此外,一些研究者通过低温热年代学和大地构造分析方法确定了金川矿区及周缘经历的构造热事件,从宏观视角讨论了矿区的构造变形阶段和演化过程,为矿区的构造演化史研究提供了更全面的依据(Zhang et al.,2017Zhang et al.,2021a2021bTao et al.,2023)。

    上述研究表明,金川矿区具有长期的地质演化历史,经历了多期构造热事件,其演化过程主要表现为不同性质构造应力场作用下的多阶段叠加变形。然而,由于金川矿区的构造变形特征复杂,并且在成矿期之后经历了非常强烈的变形改造作用,现有研究成果在构造变形、应力场演化和成矿作用关联等方面仍然存在分歧(曾南石等,2013曾认宇等,2013和秋娇等,2019苏哲等,2023Tao et al.,2023),尤其是对研究区成矿期后的构造变形特征和应力场转换过程缺乏精细剖析和准确划分,从而限制了对金川矿区成矿期后的演化阶段和晚期构造对矿体改造的认识,也影响了新远景区的勘探与开发。



    图  1  研究区大地构造位置和地质简图
    a—研究区大地构造位置图(据Wan et al.,2009修改);b—研究区地层和构造格架简图(据汤中立和李文渊,1995修改)
    Figure  1.  Geological map and tectonic setting of the study area
    (a) Map of the tectonic setting in the study area (modified after Wan et al., 2009);(b) Geological map of the study area (modified after Tang and Li, 1995)



    矿区岩浆岩以基性—超基性岩体最为显著,其中白家嘴子超基性岩体的规模最大(图1b)。根据原岩类型和产状特征可将基性—超基性岩分为3组:第1组是发育于白家嘴子组和塔马子沟组地层裂隙中的变质基性岩脉和岩枝,形成时代为~1800 Ma(宫江华等,2011);第2组是侵入白家嘴子组地层内的北西走向超基性岩岩墙,形成时代为~827 Ma(李献华等,2004田毓龙等,2007);第3组为侵入泥盆系前所有层位中、基本未变质的晚期辉绿岩脉或辉绿岩墙(曾南石等,2013)。


    北西向逆冲断层主要包括F1、F2、F3、F9和F18等(图1b)。该组断层规模较大,断层面以倾向南西为主,倾角为45°~65°,主要表现为上盘向北东的逆冲。其中断层F1延伸长度达200 km,总体走向北西、倾向南西,剖面呈上陡下缓的形态,在长期演化过程中由多条断裂连接贯通而成(米文满等,2018)。沿着断层部分区域可见变质岩逆冲到下盘第四系松散沉积物之上,显示出活动构造的特征,被认为是龙首山地块与北侧中—新生代潮水盆地的构造界线(曾认宇等,2013米文满等,2018)。该组断层中F1与F3均被晚期的F8错断,F18则被晚期的F23错断(图1b)。

    北西向正断层主要包括F4、F5和F6等。该组断层地表延伸长度为300~600 m,普遍倾向南西,倾角为45°~60°,主要表现为上盘向南西下滑。这组断层在早期地壳中深层次韧−脆性构造带的基础上发育,控制了含矿超基性岩的侵位,是重要的成矿期构造(汤中立和白云来,1999);其中,断层F5被断层F2错断,F6被晚期的F16错断(图1b)。

    北东东向走滑断层主要包括F8、F16、F23和F24等。断层倾向南南东或南,倾角为65°~85°,性质以左旋走滑为主,代表了成矿期后的破坏构造(李佐,2009)。其中,断层F8(左旋断层)规模最大,延伸长度超过2000 m,走向为北东东向或近东西向、倾向南东或南,倾角70°~85°,显著错断了白家嘴子组地层及超基性岩体,局部造成第四系松散沉积物错动,表明第四纪以来其仍然在活动(米文满等,2011)。其中断层F8错断了F1与F3,可能也错断了F7,断层F16错断了F6和F20两组不同性质的断层,断层F23则同时错断了F17和F18两组不同性质的断层(图1b)。

    北东向走滑断层主要包括F10、F12、F17、F19、F20和F21等。断层面倾向南东或北西,倾角为70°~85°,部分断层错断了含矿超基性岩体并控制矿体的空间展布,代表成矿期后的破坏性构造(曾认宇等,2013)。其中断层F17规模较大,呈北东向或近东西向延伸,倾向南东或南,倾角为70°~80°,延伸长度约为1200 m,性质以右旋走滑为主,被断层F23错断,而断层F20则被F16错断(图1b)。


    以金川矿区地表基岩中发育的断层为研究对象,开展了详细的野外构造解析和室内分析。通过调查基岩中不同类型断层的几何学和运动学特征,依据断面擦痕及矿物生长方向、阶步指向以及地质体错动方向等标志综合判定断层运动性质,利用断层交切关系初步确定矿区的断层序列。在此基础上,系统测量断层面及擦痕的产状要素,包括断层走向、倾角以及断层面上擦痕的侧伏向、侧伏角,利用 Faultkin 软件(开发者Richard W. Allmendinger,软件版本Faultkin 7.4.1,下载地址https://macdownload.informer.com/faultkin/)输入构造要素数据计算并获得下半球赤平投影图。应力场由最大(σ1)、中间(σ2)和最小(σ3)3个主应力轴表示,应力比R = (σ2σ3)/(σ1σ3),0≤R≤1,通常通过对从不同露头获得的大量断层滑动矢量进行断层运动学分析来重建(Angelier,1984Mercier et al.,1991Ritz and Taboada,1993)。

    研究表明,区域构造应力场通常能够持续一段时间,通过上述断层运动学分析和计算,能够获得不同性质断层的主应力轴方位,并恢复古应力场及方向(Angelier,1984Ratschbacher et al.,2003)。而古应力场序列的重建主要是通过分析单个断层面上多组滑动矢量(如擦痕)的叠加关系,结合断层交切关系解释应力场的相对次序(Mercier et al.,1991Ratschbacher et al.,2003),已有研究提出修正的Anderson模型可以更好地解释先存断层的再活化和叠加过程(Tong and Yin,2011郑亚东等,2022)。

    值得注意的是,在野外统计构造数据过程中,要求构造点上的断层面和擦痕均清晰可见,能够准确测量必要的构造要素数据,并准确判定每组擦痕所指示的运动学方向,应尽量保证构造点在研究区内均匀分布,避免在某条断层附近重复采集。另外,此次研究中统计和分析的构造数据均为地壳浅层次发育的破裂面及滑动矢量,而构造应力反演的可信度受限于断层形成时代,根据应力反演和分析方法,恢复构造应力场的有效时限基本在中生代之后(Shi et al.,20192020)。


    图  2  不同构造点的古构造应力特征
    Figure  2.  Features of paleo-tectonic stress at different points
    σ1, σ2 and σ3 represent the maximum, intermediate and minimum principal stress axes respectively, the number represents inclination and dip angle of the stress axis; P represents striation, L represents fault plane, N represents statistical quantity; The red arrows represent the direction of compression, and the orange arrows represent the direction of extension.
    表  1  金川矿区叠加变形构造点的断层性质及应力特征
    Table  1.  Geometry, kinematics and stress features of faults on structural points with superimposition deformation in the Jinchuan mining district
    LS10 313° 81° 253° 64° 左旋斜滑 方解石 北东—南西挤压
    40° 15° 左旋走滑 方解石 北东—南西挤压
    LS12 87° 93° 10° 右旋走滑 石棉  北西—南东挤压
    73° 76° 283° 25° 右旋走滑 石棉  北东—南西挤压
    147° 65° 176° 60° 正断层  无   北东—南西伸展
    LS13 223° 70° 183° 63° 正断层  石棉  北东—南西伸展
    312° 32° 右旋走滑 石棉  北东—南西挤压
    LS21 132° 27° 112° 23° 逆冲   无   北西—南东挤压
    80° 37° 70° 33° 正断层  无   北东—南西伸展
    LS28 196° 83° 264° 12° 右旋走滑 方解石 北西—南东挤压
    123° 30° 左旋斜滑 方解石 北东—南西挤压
    212° 75° 逆冲   方解石 北东—南西挤压
    LS46 26° 64° 60° 52° 正断层  无   北东—南西伸展
    334° 55° 逆冲   云母  北东—南西挤压
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    图  3  断层交切关系和叠加擦痕特征
    Figure  3.  The characteristics of fault intersection and superimposed striation
    (a) LS10 shows the fault dip to the NW developed in metamorphosed ultramafic rocks; the early striation indicates sinistral strike-slip motion associated with normal faulting, and the late striation indicated sinistral strike-slip motion; (b) LS12 shows three groups of faults developed in marble; the first group of faults with near E–W orientation shows dextral strike-slip motion, the second group of faults with NW orientation indicated dextral strike-slip motion, and the third stage is normal faults on NE orientation; (c) LS13 shows the fault dip to the SW developed in marble; the early striation indicated the top-to-the-SW downslide of the hanging wall, and the late striation show the dextral strike-slip motion; (d) LS21 shows two groups of faults with traction folds developed in mica-quartz schist; the early fault indicated the top-to-the NW thrust of the hanging wall, while the late fault indicated the top-to-the NEE downslide of the hanging wall; (e) LS28 shows three groups of striation developed on the fault dip to the SW with mineral represented by calcite in marble; The striation of the first stage indicated dextral strike-slip motion, the striation of the second stage indicated sinistral strike-slip motion, and the striation of the third stage indicated the top-to-the-NE thrust; (f) LS46 shows the NE trending fault developed in mica-quartz schist, early striation indicated the top-to-the NE downslide of the hanging wall, late striation indicate the top-to-the S thrust of the hanging wall. The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; Number ①, ② and ③ represent the stages of faults or striation in corresponding photo; In the stereographic projection, the red arrow represents the direction of compression while the orange arrow represents the direction of extension.




    图  4  北西—南东向挤压应力场形成的变形特征
    Figure  4.  Typical deformation features under the NW–SE compression
    (a) LS17 shows the NW-trending dextral strike-slip fault developed in granitic gneiss with fault polish and low-angle striation; (b) LS18 shows the conjugated fault consists of the NS-trending sinistral strike-slip fault and the EW-trending dextral strike-slip fault developed in granitic gneiss; (c) LS20 shows the conjugated fault consists of the NW-trending dextral strike-slip fault and the EW-trending sinistral strike-slip fault developed in marble; (d) LS25 shows the asymmetric lens developed in marble indicated the top-to-the SE thrust of the hanging wall. The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; Number ① and ①’ represent the striation of the conjugated fault; In the stereographic projection, the red arrow represents the direction of compression while the orange arrow represents the direction of extension.


    图  5  北东—南西向挤压应力场(早期)形成的变形特征
    长箭头代表擦痕及对盘运动方向;赤平投影图中红色短箭头代表挤压方向,橙色箭头代表伸展方向a—LS16-2片麻状花岗岩中左旋走滑断层,断面上可见缓倾擦痕及正阶步构造;b—LS27大理岩中北东向左旋走滑断层带内的多米诺构造,断面发育缓倾擦痕;c—LS22大理岩中北西向逆冲断层组成破碎带和断层泥; d—LS11片麻岩夹大理岩地层中形成轴向南东的褶皱。
    Figure  5.  Typical deformation features under the NE–SW compression (early stage)
    (a) LS16-2 shows the sinistral strike-slip fault developed in granitic gneiss with fault step and low-angle striation on the fault plane; (b) LS27 shows the NE-trending sinistral strike-slip fault developed in marble with domino structures and low-angle striation; (c) LS22 shows the NW-trending thrust fault developed in marble with fracture zone and fault gouge; (d) LS11 shows the fold with axis dip to SE developed in gneiss with marble.The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; In the stereographic projection, the red arrow represents the direction of compression while the orange arrow represents the direction of extension.


    图  6  北东—南西向伸展应力场形成的变形特征
    Figure  6.  Typical deformation features under the NE-SW extension
    (a) LS24 shows the NW-trending normal fault developed in marble with fault polish; (b) LS13 shows the NW-trending normal fault developed in marble with new-born minerals of calcite and asbestos; (c) LS30 shows the NWN-trending normal fault developed in marble with new-born mineral of calcite, the positive fault step indicated the top-to-the NE downslide of the hanging wall; (d) LS35 shows the NWW-trending normal fault developed in marble with new-born minerals of asbestos, sericite and calcite. The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; The orange arrow represents the direction of extension in the stereographic projection.


    图  7  北东—南西向挤压应力场(晚期)形成的变形特征
    长箭头代表擦痕及对盘运动方向,数字①和②代表擦痕期次;赤平投影图中红色短箭头代表挤压方向,橙色箭头代表伸展方向a—LS16-1 片麻状花岗岩逆冲到大理岩之上,主断层面倾向南西;b—LS24花岗岩中北西向左旋走滑断层面及斜向擦痕构造;c—LS37大理岩中北西西向左旋走滑断层面和缓倾的擦痕构造,新生矿物为方解石,局部形成灰黑色炭质;d—LS29大理岩中北西西向断层面上叠加了两组不同方向的擦痕,早期指示左旋走滑而晚期指示上盘向北东的逆冲作用,显示存在两期北东—南西向挤压应力
    Figure  7.  Typical deformation features under the NE–SW compression (late stage)
    (a) LS16-1 shows the thrust of the granitic gneiss as the hanging wall to the marbles as the footwall, the main fault plane dips to the SW; (b) LS24 shows the NW-trending sinistral strike-slip fault developed in granite with oblique striation; (c) LS37 shows the WNW-trending sinistral strike-slip fault and gentle striation developed in marble with new-born calcite and carbon; (d) LS29 shows the superimposition of two groups of striation on the NWW-trending fault plane, the early striation indicated the sinistral strike-slip faulting and the later one indicated the top-to-the NE thrust which showed the existence of two stages of NE–SW compression. The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; In the stereographic projection, the red arrow represents the direction of compression while the orange arrow represents the direction of extension.


    中生代以来,阿拉善地块经历了多期构造热事件(Zhang et al.,20172021a)。早—中侏罗世阿拉善地块处于伸展环境中,形成了潮水、雅布赖以及银根–额济纳等伸展盆地,可能是由于欧亚板块南缘碰撞造成的挤压作用减弱造成的(郑孟林等,2003Zhang et al.,2021a)。晚侏罗世,欧亚板块东部的重大构造事件导致阿拉善地块遭受来自多个方向的强烈挤压,包括蒙古–鄂霍次克洋闭合事件(Yang et al.,2015)、古太平洋板块低角度西向俯冲(Faure et al.,2012Zhu et al.,2017)以及拉萨和羌塘地块沿班公湖−怒江缝合带发生低角度俯冲和碰撞(Li et al.,2016Zhang et al.,2017)。早白垩世阿拉善地块再次处于伸展环境中,早期断层发生活化和性质反转并控制盆地发育,古太平洋板块俯冲过程中板片回弹和向东的地幔流作用是区域伸展的重要原因(Zhang et al.,2021a)。晚白垩世以来阿拉善地块处于强烈挤压环境中,磷灰石裂变径迹实验和热模拟结果显示,地块南缘在晚中生代至新生代早期和新生代晚期分别经历两次重要的剥露事件,早期(~130~50 Ma)可能源于拉萨地块与羌塘地块的持续挤压和新特提斯洋壳的平板俯冲,晚期(~50~25 Ma)的持续隆升可能是由于印度–欧亚板块碰撞的远程效应所致,而新生代晚期(~5 Ma)的挤压过程则与青藏高原北东向持续扩展有关(Zhang et al.,2017)。


    图  8  金川矿区成矿期后的构造演化模式图
    Figure  8.  Tectonic evolution model of Jinchuan mining district since the mineralization
    (a) Phase Ⅰ showed a NW–SE compression during the Early to Middle Jurassic, and the mining district mainly formed the NW-trending strike-slip faults and NE-trending thrust faults; (b) Phase Ⅱ showed a NE–SW compression during the Late Jurassic; the NE-trending strike-slip faults were formed and the NW-trending thrust faults were activated in the mining district; (c) Phase Ⅲ showed a NE–SW extension during the Early Cretaceous, the mining district formed the NW-trending normal faults and kinematics of some early faults reversed; (d) Phase Ⅳ showed a NE–SW compression since the Late Cretaceous; the mining district formed a series of NEE-trending strike-slip faults, and the NW-trending thrust faults were activated and the strata were intensely shortened along the NE–SW direction.

    Ⅰ期(J1-2):北西—南东向挤压(图8a)。早—中侏罗世,随着欧亚板块南缘碰撞造成的挤压作用减弱,阿拉善地块内部处于区域性伸展过程(Zhang et al.,2021a)。地块内部形成一组北西或北西西向大型正断层,作为边界断层控制了北西—南东或近东西轴向断陷盆地的发育,这些盆地在中侏罗世随着断裂活动而持续接受沉积,最终形成南北成带状分布的大型断陷盆地组合(郑孟林等,2003),如雅布赖盆地和潮水盆地(吴茂炳等,2007赵宏波等,2013),此阶段矿区的古应力场恢复结果显示,其最小主应力轴倾角很小,这可能对应了北东—南西向伸展构造的形成。矿区主要形成北西向走滑断层和北东向的逆冲断层,部分早期断层在此阶段活化。

    Ⅱ期(J3):北东—南西向挤压(图8b)。晚侏罗世阿拉善地块在北东—南西向挤压作用下开始隆升,正断层控制断陷盆地的阶段结束,早期正断层部分或全部被改造为逆冲断层,断层上盘在侏罗系遭受剥蚀,造成早侏罗统与早白垩统之间形成显著的角度不整合(郑孟林等,2003赵宏波等,2013),这可能是蒙古–鄂霍茨克洋闭合、古太平洋板块西向俯冲等不同构造事件联合作用的结果(Zhang et al.,20172021a)。此阶段龙首山前缘向北东向逆冲,矿区形成一系列北西向逆断层和北西—南东向的紧闭褶皱,造成矿体沿北东方向缩短(俞晶星,2017)。部分早期北东向逆断层被改造为走滑断层,导致北西向断层被错断,含矿地质体遭受破坏。

    Ⅲ期(K1):北东—南西向伸展(图8c)。早白垩世阿拉善地块处于伸展环境中,伸展方向与整个欧亚大陆东部相同,早期北东向断层可能再次活化成为正断层并控制沉积盆地的发育,其他断层则转换为走滑断层并控制拉分盆地的发育(Zhang et al.,2021a)。阿拉善地块自北山至河西走廊一带形成了一系列北东向展布的断陷盆地,叠加在早中侏罗世断陷盆地之上,沉积中心位于控盆断层一侧,盆地剖面形态普遍呈楔状(Meng,2003Meng et al.,2003),表明阿拉善地块整体处于北东—南西向伸展环境中,这可能与华北克拉通及周缘同期的区域性拉张过程相关(Zhang et al.,2021a)。此阶段矿区内部早期北西向正断层发生活化,而北西向逆断层转换为正断层性质,少数走滑断层持续发育。

    Ⅳ期(K2):北东—南西向挤压(图8d)。阿拉善地块南缘在晚白垩世(~130Ma)开始经历重要的剥露事件,主要受控于其南侧的两阶段强烈挤压过程(Zhang et al.,2017),导致阿拉善地块内缺失了晚白垩世地层。中新生代以来,随着青藏高原向北东方向的持续扩展,弧形构造带北缘处于北东—南西向的强烈挤压环境中(Shi et al.,2015董晓朋等,2023)。晚新生代青藏高原向北东方向扩展的边界已到达河西走廊北缘,其周缘山体快速隆升,并形成以走滑性质为主的活动断层(Zhang et al.,20172021b)。强烈挤压作用导致龙首山向北东方向逆冲,形成龙首山前缘断裂及反冲断裂,矿区内北西向断层普遍转换为逆冲性质,一组北东东向左旋走滑断层开始发育,最终导致含矿岩体被分割成独立的块体。矿区北侧的龙首山前缘断裂重新活动,最终导致上盘的含矿地质体及围岩向北东方向逆冲至新生代沉积物之上。




  • 图  1  研究区大地构造位置和地质简图

    a—研究区大地构造位置图(据Wan et al.,2009修改);b—研究区地层和构造格架简图(据汤中立和李文渊,1995修改)

    Figure  1.  Geological map and tectonic setting of the study area

    (a) Map of the tectonic setting in the study area (modified after Wan et al., 2009);(b) Geological map of the study area (modified after Tang and Li, 1995)

    图  2  不同构造点的古构造应力特征


    Figure  2.  Features of paleo-tectonic stress at different points

    σ1, σ2 and σ3 represent the maximum, intermediate and minimum principal stress axes respectively, the number represents inclination and dip angle of the stress axis; P represents striation, L represents fault plane, N represents statistical quantity; The red arrows represent the direction of compression, and the orange arrows represent the direction of extension.

    图  3  断层交切关系和叠加擦痕特征


    Figure  3.  The characteristics of fault intersection and superimposed striation

    (a) LS10 shows the fault dip to the NW developed in metamorphosed ultramafic rocks; the early striation indicates sinistral strike-slip motion associated with normal faulting, and the late striation indicated sinistral strike-slip motion; (b) LS12 shows three groups of faults developed in marble; the first group of faults with near E–W orientation shows dextral strike-slip motion, the second group of faults with NW orientation indicated dextral strike-slip motion, and the third stage is normal faults on NE orientation; (c) LS13 shows the fault dip to the SW developed in marble; the early striation indicated the top-to-the-SW downslide of the hanging wall, and the late striation show the dextral strike-slip motion; (d) LS21 shows two groups of faults with traction folds developed in mica-quartz schist; the early fault indicated the top-to-the NW thrust of the hanging wall, while the late fault indicated the top-to-the NEE downslide of the hanging wall; (e) LS28 shows three groups of striation developed on the fault dip to the SW with mineral represented by calcite in marble; The striation of the first stage indicated dextral strike-slip motion, the striation of the second stage indicated sinistral strike-slip motion, and the striation of the third stage indicated the top-to-the-NE thrust; (f) LS46 shows the NE trending fault developed in mica-quartz schist, early striation indicated the top-to-the NE downslide of the hanging wall, late striation indicate the top-to-the S thrust of the hanging wall. The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; Number ①, ② and ③ represent the stages of faults or striation in corresponding photo; In the stereographic projection, the red arrow represents the direction of compression while the orange arrow represents the direction of extension.

    图  4  北西—南东向挤压应力场形成的变形特征


    Figure  4.  Typical deformation features under the NW–SE compression

    (a) LS17 shows the NW-trending dextral strike-slip fault developed in granitic gneiss with fault polish and low-angle striation; (b) LS18 shows the conjugated fault consists of the NS-trending sinistral strike-slip fault and the EW-trending dextral strike-slip fault developed in granitic gneiss; (c) LS20 shows the conjugated fault consists of the NW-trending dextral strike-slip fault and the EW-trending sinistral strike-slip fault developed in marble; (d) LS25 shows the asymmetric lens developed in marble indicated the top-to-the SE thrust of the hanging wall. The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; Number ① and ①’ represent the striation of the conjugated fault; In the stereographic projection, the red arrow represents the direction of compression while the orange arrow represents the direction of extension.

    图  5  北东—南西向挤压应力场(早期)形成的变形特征

    长箭头代表擦痕及对盘运动方向;赤平投影图中红色短箭头代表挤压方向,橙色箭头代表伸展方向a—LS16-2片麻状花岗岩中左旋走滑断层,断面上可见缓倾擦痕及正阶步构造;b—LS27大理岩中北东向左旋走滑断层带内的多米诺构造,断面发育缓倾擦痕;c—LS22大理岩中北西向逆冲断层组成破碎带和断层泥; d—LS11片麻岩夹大理岩地层中形成轴向南东的褶皱。

    Figure  5.  Typical deformation features under the NE–SW compression (early stage)

    (a) LS16-2 shows the sinistral strike-slip fault developed in granitic gneiss with fault step and low-angle striation on the fault plane; (b) LS27 shows the NE-trending sinistral strike-slip fault developed in marble with domino structures and low-angle striation; (c) LS22 shows the NW-trending thrust fault developed in marble with fracture zone and fault gouge; (d) LS11 shows the fold with axis dip to SE developed in gneiss with marble.The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; In the stereographic projection, the red arrow represents the direction of compression while the orange arrow represents the direction of extension.

    图  6  北东—南西向伸展应力场形成的变形特征


    Figure  6.  Typical deformation features under the NE-SW extension

    (a) LS24 shows the NW-trending normal fault developed in marble with fault polish; (b) LS13 shows the NW-trending normal fault developed in marble with new-born minerals of calcite and asbestos; (c) LS30 shows the NWN-trending normal fault developed in marble with new-born mineral of calcite, the positive fault step indicated the top-to-the NE downslide of the hanging wall; (d) LS35 shows the NWW-trending normal fault developed in marble with new-born minerals of asbestos, sericite and calcite. The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; The orange arrow represents the direction of extension in the stereographic projection.

    图  7  北东—南西向挤压应力场(晚期)形成的变形特征

    长箭头代表擦痕及对盘运动方向,数字①和②代表擦痕期次;赤平投影图中红色短箭头代表挤压方向,橙色箭头代表伸展方向a—LS16-1 片麻状花岗岩逆冲到大理岩之上,主断层面倾向南西;b—LS24花岗岩中北西向左旋走滑断层面及斜向擦痕构造;c—LS37大理岩中北西西向左旋走滑断层面和缓倾的擦痕构造,新生矿物为方解石,局部形成灰黑色炭质;d—LS29大理岩中北西西向断层面上叠加了两组不同方向的擦痕,早期指示左旋走滑而晚期指示上盘向北东的逆冲作用,显示存在两期北东—南西向挤压应力

    Figure  7.  Typical deformation features under the NE–SW compression (late stage)

    (a) LS16-1 shows the thrust of the granitic gneiss as the hanging wall to the marbles as the footwall, the main fault plane dips to the SW; (b) LS24 shows the NW-trending sinistral strike-slip fault developed in granite with oblique striation; (c) LS37 shows the WNW-trending sinistral strike-slip fault and gentle striation developed in marble with new-born calcite and carbon; (d) LS29 shows the superimposition of two groups of striation on the NWW-trending fault plane, the early striation indicated the sinistral strike-slip faulting and the later one indicated the top-to-the NE thrust which showed the existence of two stages of NE–SW compression. The long arrow represents the direction of striation and the motion of fault wall; In the stereographic projection, the red arrow represents the direction of compression while the orange arrow represents the direction of extension.

    图  8  金川矿区成矿期后的构造演化模式图


    Figure  8.  Tectonic evolution model of Jinchuan mining district since the mineralization

    (a) Phase Ⅰ showed a NW–SE compression during the Early to Middle Jurassic, and the mining district mainly formed the NW-trending strike-slip faults and NE-trending thrust faults; (b) Phase Ⅱ showed a NE–SW compression during the Late Jurassic; the NE-trending strike-slip faults were formed and the NW-trending thrust faults were activated in the mining district; (c) Phase Ⅲ showed a NE–SW extension during the Early Cretaceous, the mining district formed the NW-trending normal faults and kinematics of some early faults reversed; (d) Phase Ⅳ showed a NE–SW compression since the Late Cretaceous; the mining district formed a series of NEE-trending strike-slip faults, and the NW-trending thrust faults were activated and the strata were intensely shortened along the NE–SW direction.

    表  1  金川矿区叠加变形构造点的断层性质及应力特征

    Table  1.   Geometry, kinematics and stress features of faults on structural points with superimposition deformation in the Jinchuan mining district

    LS10 313° 81° 253° 64° 左旋斜滑 方解石 北东—南西挤压
    40° 15° 左旋走滑 方解石 北东—南西挤压
    LS12 87° 93° 10° 右旋走滑 石棉  北西—南东挤压
    73° 76° 283° 25° 右旋走滑 石棉  北东—南西挤压
    147° 65° 176° 60° 正断层  无   北东—南西伸展
    LS13 223° 70° 183° 63° 正断层  石棉  北东—南西伸展
    312° 32° 右旋走滑 石棉  北东—南西挤压
    LS21 132° 27° 112° 23° 逆冲   无   北西—南东挤压
    80° 37° 70° 33° 正断层  无   北东—南西伸展
    LS28 196° 83° 264° 12° 右旋走滑 方解石 北西—南东挤压
    123° 30° 左旋斜滑 方解石 北东—南西挤压
    212° 75° 逆冲   方解石 北东—南西挤压
    LS46 26° 64° 60° 52° 正断层  无   北东—南西伸展
    334° 55° 逆冲   云母  北东—南西挤压
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  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 焦建刚,谭福,李林娜,刘健,杨兴科,高栋. 甘肃金川铜镍硫化物矿床成岩成矿构造观测及解析. 现代地质. 2024(04): 1026-1042 . 百度学术


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