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柳禄湧 李凯舟 王能伟 杨志杰 杨冬铭 孙尧

柳禄湧,李凯舟,王能伟,等,2023. 山东招远水旺庄金矿深部地应力特征及其岩爆倾向性分析[J]. 地质力学学报,29(3):417−429 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232910
引用本文: 柳禄湧,李凯舟,王能伟,等,2023. 山东招远水旺庄金矿深部地应力特征及其岩爆倾向性分析[J]. 地质力学学报,29(3):417−429 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232910
LIU L Y,LI K Z,WANG N W,et al.,2023. In-situ stress characteristics and rockburst tendency of surrounding rocks in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit, Zhaoyuan, Shandong province[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(3):417−429 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232910
Citation: LIU L Y,LI K Z,WANG N W,et al.,2023. In-situ stress characteristics and rockburst tendency of surrounding rocks in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit, Zhaoyuan, Shandong province[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(3):417−429 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232910


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232910
基金项目: 山东省地矿局2019年科技创新项目(KY201916);山东省地矿局2022年科技攻关项目(KY202208)

    柳禄湧(1989—),男,工程师,主要从事矿区开采技术条件、区域水工环地质等调查和研究工作。 E-mail:342990323@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: P315.72+7;P634.1

In-situ stress characteristics and rockburst tendency of surrounding rocks in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit, Zhaoyuan, Shandong province

Funds: This research is financially supported by the 2019 Science and Technology Innovation Project of Shandong Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (Grant KY201916) and the 2022 Key Science and Technology Project of Shandong Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (Grant KY202208).
  • 摘要:

    通过山东省招远市水旺庄金矿1881.08 m深孔水压致裂原地应力测量,获取了矿区深部地应力特征及其随深度的变化规律。结果表明:该矿区最大主应力随深度增加具有呈线性增大趋势,800.00 m以浅原位地应力状态以水平应力为主,随深度增加铅直主应力逐渐过渡为最大主应力;其中,最大水平主应力为11.22~45.69 MPa,最小水平主应力为7.28~36.17 MPa,铅直主应力为8.44~48.27 MPa,最大水平主应力方向为北西西向。根据该矿区应力量值及其最大水平主应力方向,分析了深部矿体地应力特征,水旺庄矿区深部地应力在招远−莱州地区属于一般偏低水平。结合钻孔岩芯岩石力学参数,基于工程岩体分级标准及岩石块体弹性应变能理论,对高围压环境下深部矿体开挖过程中,地下巷道发生岩爆的倾向性进行了分析讨论,水旺庄金矿总体属于无岩爆或弱岩爆的地层,但局部如1102.78 m、1379.40 m深度存在强烈岩爆倾向性,金矿矿体所处的1680.40~1684.90 m深度大体位于无岩爆区域。上述研究成果可为深部矿山建设与开采设计提供重要的科学依据。


  • 图  1  水旺庄金矿周边地质构造简图(刘向东等,2022

    Figure  1.  Simplified tectonic map around the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit(Liu et al.,2022

    图  2  水旺庄金矿深部矿体剖面图

    Figure  2.  Section of the deep orebody of the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit

    图  3  水旺庄金矿6ZKC1钻孔典型测量曲线

    Figure  3.  Typical hydraulic fracturing measurement curves of the borehole 6ZKC1 in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit

    图  4  水旺庄金矿6ZKC1孔主应力值随深度变化特征

    Figure  4.  Principal stress values with depth in the borehole 6ZKC1 in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit

    图  5  水旺庄金矿主应力值与招远−莱州区域地应力值比较(招远−莱州区域地应力数据引自彭华和孙尧,2016a2016b裴峰,2020孙尧和彭华,2021侯奎奎等,2022

    Figure  5.  Comparison of the principal stress values between the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit and the Zhaoyuan–Laizhou area (In-situ stress data of the Zhaoyuan–Laizhou area are cited from Peng and Sun, 2016a, 2016b; Pei, 2020; Sun and Peng, 2021; Hou et al., 2022)

    图  6  基于能量积聚方法的水旺庄金矿岩爆倾向性分布图

    Figure  6.  The distribution map of rockburst tendency of the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit based on the theory of elastic strain energy

    表  1  水压致裂地应力测量结果

    Table  1.   Results of in-situ stress measurement using hydraulic fracturing

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    表  2  基于工程岩体分级标准的水旺庄金矿岩爆倾向性预测

    Table  2.   Prediction of rockburst tendency of the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit based on the engineering rock classification standards

    22.28 17.72 3.95 4.49 高应力,中等岩爆 1123.05 11.87 30.32 0.39 极高应力,强烈岩爆
    88.50 49.02 5.48 8.95 低应力,无岩爆 1162.42 15.91 31.39 0.51
    95.28 19.09 5.63 3.39 极高应力,强烈岩爆 1178.00 22.82 31.81 0.72
    163.58 77.28 7.20 10.73 低应力,无岩爆 1229.85 16.93 33.21 0.51
    181.27 99.08 7.61 13.02 1279.40 47.86 34.54 1.39
    250.44 43.52 9.20 4.73 高应力,中等岩爆 1304.74 12.55 35.23 0.36
    316.40 100.08 10.72 9.34 低应力,无岩爆 1349.40 86.98 36.43 2.39
    349.20 67.28 11.47 5.87 高应力,中等岩爆 1394.46 55.07 37.65 1.46
    415.40 52.81 12.99 4.07 1429.00 41.86 38.58 1.09
    486.96 48.01 14.64 3.28 极高应力,强烈岩爆 1446.31 62.49 39.05 1.60
    530.32 98.77 15.64 6.32 高应力,中等岩爆 1463.00 25.29 39.50 0.64
    586.78 60.52 16.94 3.57 极高应力,强烈岩爆 1498.87 32.35 40.47 0.80
    610.10 4.61 17.47 0.26 1513.00 48.88 40.85 1.20
    653.72 125.18 18.48 6.77 高应力,中等岩爆 1522.00 44.28 41.09 1.08
    694.53 140.27 19.41 7.23 低应力,无岩爆 1547.65 53.08 41.79 1.27
    748.61 54.16 20.66 2.62 极高应力,强烈岩爆 1593.27 69.49 43.02 1.62
    794.66 20.25 21.72 0.93 1641.49 26.34 44.32 0.59
    843.12 22.24 22.83 0.97 1671.59 77.37 45.13 1.71
    876.86 19.58 23.68 0.83 1712.61 34.41 46.24 0.74
    919.31 56.22 24.82 2.27 1719.00 71.88 46.41 1.55
    947.11 63.32 25.57 2.48 1738.96 48.45 46.95 1.03
    980.95 58.57 26.49 2.21 1775.32 62.19 47.93 1.30
    1018.55 41.48 27.50 1.51 1811.42 121.4 48.91 2.48
    1049.68 28.08 28.34 0.99 1862.34 48.4 50.28 0.96
    1102.78 6.46 29.78 0.22
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    表  3  基于能量积聚方法的水旺庄金矿岩爆倾向性预测

    Table  3.   Prediction of rockburst tendency of the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit based on the theory of elastic strain energy

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