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张斌 孙尧 马秀敏 彭华 姜景捷 毛佳睿 张文汇 翟玉栋

张斌,孙尧,马秀敏,等,2023. 东构造结墨脱关键区域地应力场特征及其构造稳定性分析[J]. 地质力学学报,29(3):388−401 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232908
引用本文: 张斌,孙尧,马秀敏,等,2023. 东构造结墨脱关键区域地应力场特征及其构造稳定性分析[J]. 地质力学学报,29(3):388−401 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232908
ZHANG B,SUN Y,MA X M,et al.,2023. Analysis of in-situ stress field characteristics and tectonic stability in the Motuo key area of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(3):388−401 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232908
Citation: ZHANG B,SUN Y,MA X M,et al.,2023. Analysis of in-situ stress field characteristics and tectonic stability in the Motuo key area of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(3):388−401 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232908


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232908
基金项目: 中国地质调查局项目(DD20230249,DD20221644,DD20230014);中国地质科学院地质力学研究所基本科研业务项目(DZLXJK202106)

    张斌(1989—),男,博士,副研究员,从事工程地震学、地应力测量和监测等方面研究。E-mail: vincent_zhang0322@163.com


    孙尧(1983—),男,博士,助理研究员,从事地震学、地应力测量和监测等方面研究。E-mail: 980483939@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P315.72+7

Analysis of in-situ stress field characteristics and tectonic stability in the Motuo key area of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis

Funds: This research is financially supported by the China Geological Survey Project (Grants DD20230249, DD20221644 and DD20230014) and the Basic Research Fund of the Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Grant DZLXS202106).
  • 摘要:

    为获取东构造结关键构造部位地应力特征、分析其构造稳定性,采用水压致裂法开展了墨脱断裂带西让段1个地应力孔、11个测试段的原位地应力测量工作。结果表明:61.43~121.34 m测试段最大、最小水平主应力值(SHSh)分别为3.05~14.50 MPa和2.16~9.87 MPa,垂向主应力值(Sv)为1.63~3.31 MPa,即SH>Sh>Sv;测点处应力场以水平挤压作用为主,均处于逆断层应力状态,且其主应力值随深度增加而逐渐增大,测点的最大水平主应力优势方位为北东东向;在整个地应力测量深度范围内,侧压系数值(Kav)为1.39~4.38,最大水平应力系数值(KHv)均大于1,且比值随深度的增加而增大,该关键部位区域应力场以水平应力为主导,方向性较强,所有测试段水平应力系数值(KHh)为1.23~1.66,与林芝−通麦段地应力特征参数计算结果基本相似;测点位置98 m以浅地层水平构造应力作用程度较小,应力积累水平较低,保持断层稳定所需的摩擦系数值小于实际断层的临界摩擦系数值,构造环境相对稳定,超过98 m深度地层由于水平构造应力起主要作用,保持断层稳定所需的摩擦系数值接近于实际断层的临界摩擦系数值,存在小概率发生断层失稳滑动的风险;区域强震在墨脱断裂带断层面上造成的左旋走滑方向上及逆冲方向上的库仑应力变化值的叠加量均为负值,抑制了断层的滑动,未能增加墨脱关键区域断层活动的危险性。


  • 图  1  墨脱地应力孔位置的构造与岩性

    Figure  1.  Structure and lithology surrounding the borehole for in-situ stress measurement in Motuo

    图  2  墨脱地应力孔各测段水压致裂时间−压力曲线特征

    Figure  2.  Characteristics of the time–pressure curves by hydraulic fracturing method in each measuring section of the Motuo in-situ stress hole

    图  3  主应力随深度变化特征

    Figure  3.  Characteristics of principal stress variation with depth

    图  4  墨脱地应力孔不同压裂段印模定向

    a—107.53 m压裂段印模定向;b—121.34 m压裂段印模定向

    Figure  4.  Impression orientation of different fractured sections in the Motuo in-situ stress hole

    (a) Impression orientation at the 107.53-meter fracture section; (b) Impression orientation at the 121.34-meter fracture section

    图  5  测点地应力数据的库伦破裂准则计算结果与实测值的对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison between the calculated results of the Coulomb fracture criterion and the measured values based on ground stress data at the measuring points

    图  6  墨脱关键区域活动断裂和1970—2013年M > 3地震空间分布图

    Figure  6.  Spatial distribution of active faults and earthquakes with M > 3 from 1970—2013 in the key areas of Motuo

    图  7  研究区及附近区域断层面在区域强震影响下不同深度处左旋走滑和逆冲库仑应力变化图(沙滩球表示地震的震源机制解)

    Figure  7.  Variation of sinistral strike-slip and thrust Coulomb stress at different depths (a–h) on the fault plane in the study area and nearby area under the influence of regional strong earthquakes (The beach balls represent the source mechanism of the earthquake)

    表  1  水压致裂地应力测量结果

    Table  1.   Results of hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress measurement

    注:地应力测量孔静水位为9.60 m
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    表  2  墨脱地应力孔水压致裂主应力间的变化规律

    Table  2.   Variation law of hydraulic fracturing principal stress in the Motuo in-situ stress hole

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    表  3  研究区的附近区域强震的震源机制

    Table  3.   Focal mechanism of the strong earthquakes in the vicinity of the study area

    1985-08-0195.53°E29.24°N40.0 kmMW5.7176°15°153°292°83°76°6.49 km0.102 m0.408 m
    1988-01-2594.87°E29.80°N33.0 kmMW5.237°69°159°135°71°23°3.84 km0.164 m0.063 m
    2003-08-1895.91°E29.26°N33.0 kmMW5.565°77°−6°156°84°−167°6.10 km0.237 m0.025 m
    2004-09-2795.70°E29.78°N31.1 kmMW4.9126°79°−176°35°86°−11°2.41 km0.129 m0.009 m
    2005-06-0194.72°E28.81°N19.0 kmMW5.8209°26°93°87°95°7.57 km0.040 m0.451 m
    2013-04-1695.12°E28.67°N39.6 kmMW4.9300°39°90°120°51°90°1.88 km0.000 m0.236 m
    2017-11-1795.14°E29.69°N12.0 kmMW6.5119°24°72°318°67°98°22.34 km0.105 m0.746 m
    2019-04-2394.67°E28.35°N16.1 kmMW6.1208°21°97°87°99°12.04 km0.088 m0.557 m
    2022-11-1094.41°E28.38°N15.0 kmMW5.6226°10°43°93°83°97°5.56 km0.048 m0.389 m
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    表  4  通过地应力实测结果推算研究区墨脱断裂带断层面上的应力值

    Table  4.   Estimation of the stress values on the fault plane of the Motuo fault zone in the study area based on the measured results of in-situ stress

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    表  5  研究区断层面在区域强震影响下库仑应力变化

    Table  5.   Variation of Coulomb stress on the fault planes in the study area under the influence of regional strong earthquakes

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