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彭华 马秀敏 孙尧 姜景捷 郝飞

彭华,马秀敏,孙尧,等,2023. DRY-1B型电容分量式钻孔应变仪关键技术与应用[J]. 地质力学学报,29(3):313−323 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232902
引用本文: 彭华,马秀敏,孙尧,等,2023. DRY-1B型电容分量式钻孔应变仪关键技术与应用[J]. 地质力学学报,29(3):313−323 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232902
PENG H,MA X M,SUN Y,et al.,2023. Key technology and application of DRY-1B capacitive component borehole strain gauge[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(3):313−323 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232902
Citation: PENG H,MA X M,SUN Y,et al.,2023. Key technology and application of DRY-1B capacitive component borehole strain gauge[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(3):313−323 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232902


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232902
基金项目: 中国地质调查局项目(DD20230249,DD20230014);中国地质科学院地质力学研究所基本科研业务费(DZLXJK202106)

    彭华(1964—),男,博士,研究员,长期从事地应力仪器研发、地应力测量及监测、地壳稳定性调查评价等研究工作。E-mail: 13911661856@163.com


    孙尧(1983—),男,博士,助理研究员,从事地震学、地应力测量和监测等方面研究。E-mail: 980483939@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P315.72+7

Key technology and application of DRY-1B capacitive component borehole strain gauge

Funds: This research is financially supported by the China Geological Survey Project (Grants DD20230249 & DD20230014) and the Basic Scientific Research Fund of the Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Grant DZLXJK202106).
  • 摘要:

    文章简述了DRY-1B型电容分量式钻孔应变仪(简称“钻孔应变仪”)的理论基础,攻关了微位移感知、降噪、控温、性能测试、标定等关键技术,并通过了性能测试,标定结果表明:该应变仪达到了高分辨率(≥5×10−11ε)、宽频带(10~100 Hz可选)、大动态范围(≥1×10−3ε)、24位AD记录、低功耗(<3 W)等技术指标,其性能优于同期美国PBO和日本同类钻孔应变仪,是一款国际领先的地壳运动长期观测仪器,基本能够满足地壳长期应变缓慢积累的蠕变运动和短期应变快速变化的地震火山活动等观测需求。2008年以来,通过20余个地应力台站的应用,该钻孔应变仪记录到大量的地壳形变、断裂活动、同震应变波、应变阶跃、矿压活动等应变信息,并以北长山地应力台站应变监测数据自洽性检验和土耳其地震映震能力分析为例发现:北长山地应力台站电容传感器1#+3#和2#+4#元件应变曲线总体平稳,相关系数R2达到0.95;1#-3#和2#-4#元件的差应变年变化速率为10−8量级,反映出长岛地区以剪切应力为主,且处于地震活动相对高的应力环境;利用该应变仪观测到2023年2月6日土耳其M 7.8级和M 7.5级两次地震明显的同震应变响应,尤其是获取了M 7.8级主震面波周期为50~60 s,呈现出面波异常,理论上可分辨出100 km范围M 0.74级地震产生的应变波,达到了应用示范效果。该钻孔应变仪在地球动力学研究、内动力地质灾害监测等领域具有较好的推广价值和应用前景。


  • 图  1  钻孔应变仪探头结构与电容传感器原理图


    Figure  1.  Diagram showing the working principle of capacitance displacement sensor

    σ1–maximum horizontal principal stress, MPa; θ–angle between measurement axis and geographic north, (°); φ–angle between maximum horizontal principal stress and geographic north, (°)

    图  2  电容位移传感器结构示意图


    Figure  2.  Schematic showing the structure of capacitance displacement sensor

    σ1–maximum horizontal principal stress, MPa; σ2–minimum horizontal principal stress, MPa; u–displacement of the pole plate, μm; a, b and c–pole plate numbers; d1–distance between pole plate a and pole plate b, μm; d2–distance between pole plate b and pole plate c, μm

    图  3  双层驱动屏蔽环的电场整形作用


    Figure  3.  The electric field shaping effect of the double-layer drive shielding ring

    (a) Messy edge field of the no shielding ring-electrode; (b) Stable edge field of the shielded ring-electrode

    图  4  高精度电容传感器内部结构

    Figure  4.  Internal structure of high precision capacitance sensor

    图  5  分量式钻孔应变传感器线性标定曲线

    Figure  5.  Linear calibration curve of component-type borehole strain sensor

    图  6  电容传感器微调与标定装置


    Figure  6.  Micro position-adjustment and calibration devices of capacitor sensor

    (a) Motor driven wedge slider positioner (magnetostrictive calibrator); (b) Rhomboid screw positioner (piezoelectric ceramic calibrator

    图  7  DRY-1B型钻孔应变仪

    Figure  7.  DRY-1B borehole strain gauge

    图  8  钻孔应变监测系统网络拓扑图


    Figure  8.  Network topology diagram of the borehole strain gauge monitoring system

    (a) Under the shaft; (b) On the ground

    图  9  长岛北长山地应力监测台站DRY-1B钻孔应变仪各分向元件安装方位图

    Figure  9.  Element orientation diagram of DRY-1B borehole strain gauge at Beichangshan in-situ stress station, changdao, Shandong

    图  10  北长山台站四个分量应变趋势图(向上为压)

    Figure  10.  Curves of 4-component strain observed at the Beichangshan station (upward pressure)

    图  11  2016年4月北长山台站1#元件(N15°)月应变曲线

    Figure  11.  Monthly strain curve of element 1# (N15°) at the Beichangshan station in April 2016

    图  12  北长山台站应变趋势图(向上为压)

    Figure  12.  Strain observed curves of the Changdao station ( upward pressure)

    图  13  2023.2.6土耳其两次地震同震应变曲线

    Figure  13.  Coseismic strain curves of the two earthquakes occured in Turkey on February 6, 2023

    图  14  北长山台站记录的土耳其M 7.8级地震应变波Sn波到时(2月6日9时45分42秒)

    Figure  14.  Seismic strain Sn wave of the Turkey M 7.8 earthquake recorded by the Beichangshan station (9:45:42 on February 6 )

    图  15  北长山台站记录的土耳其M 7.5级地震应变波Sn波到时(2月6日18时52分30秒)

    Figure  15.  Seismic strain Sn wave of the Turkey M 7.5 earthquake recorded by the Beichangshan station (18:52:30 on February 6)

    表  1  系统技术指标

    Table  1.   Technical specifications of the borehole strain monitoring system

    供电电压 12~48 V DC 数据传输模式/波特率 RS485/9600BPS
    井下功耗 总功耗<3 W 通道/角度 4分量/45°分布
    AD位数 内置数据采集,24位 观测分辨率 ≥5×10−11ε
    采样速率 所有分量10~100 Hz 观测动态范围 ≥1×10−3ε
    下载: 导出CSV
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