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姚生海 盖海龙 殷翔 刘炜 张加庆 张占贤

姚生海, 盖海龙, 殷翔, 等, 2024. 柴达木盆地北缘断裂锡铁山-阿木尼克山段第四纪晚期古地震活动性. 地质力学学报, 30 (2): 260-274. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023114
引用本文: 姚生海, 盖海龙, 殷翔, 等, 2024. 柴达木盆地北缘断裂锡铁山-阿木尼克山段第四纪晚期古地震活动性. 地质力学学报, 30 (2): 260-274. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023114
YAO Shenghai, GAI Hailong, YIN Xiang, et al., 2024. Late Quateranry paleoseismicity of the Xitieshan-Amunikeshan section of the northern margin fault of the Qaidam Basin. Journal of Geomechanics, 30 (2): 260-274. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023114
Citation: YAO Shenghai, GAI Hailong, YIN Xiang, et al., 2024. Late Quateranry paleoseismicity of the Xitieshan-Amunikeshan section of the northern margin fault of the Qaidam Basin. Journal of Geomechanics, 30 (2): 260-274. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023114


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023114

青海省科技厅基础研究项目 2018-ZJ-746


    姚生海(1980—),男,高级工程师,主要从事活动构造和古地震等研究。Email: shenghaiyao@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: P315.2

Late Quateranry paleoseismicity of the Xitieshan-Amunikeshan section of the northern margin fault of the Qaidam Basin


the Basic Research Project of the Science and Technology Department of Qinghai Province 2018-ZJ-746

  • 摘要: 柴达木盆地北缘断裂带是青藏高原北部的一条区域性活动断裂带,构成了柴达木盆地北部和祁连山的边界断裂,研究其第四纪晚期古地震活动对于理解柴达木盆地北缘断裂带地震复发周期、地震危险性等具有重要意义。通过地质考察、遥感解译、探槽开挖及OSL地质测年、古地震期次分析等,对柴达木盆地北缘断裂(锡铁山-阿木尼克山段)古地震事件进行了研究。研究表明:探槽剖面共揭露了5次比较可靠的古地震事件,发震时间分别为:事件E1距今约60 a;事件E2 3.1±0.3~3.4±0.3 ka;事件E3 7.5±0.3~8.1±0.3 ka;事件E4 10.1±0.4~11.4±0.4 ka;事件E5 12.1±0.4~12.8±0.4 ka。利用古地震逐次限定法认为柴达木盆地北缘断裂(锡铁山-阿木尼克山段)地震复发周期为2.6~3.4 ka。阿木尼克山段最新离逝时间为60年前,锡铁山段最新离逝时间为3.1±0.3 ka,分析认为柴达木盆地北缘断裂锡铁山段未来遭遇破坏性地震的可能性大于阿木尼克山段。该结果可以更好地了解柴达木盆地北缘断裂的古地震期次、复发间隔等,对地震预报预测及评价该断裂未来地震危险性具有一定的指导意义。


  • 图  1  研究区活动构造简图(地震数据引自中国地震局地震监测司,断裂数据袁道阳,2003庞炜等,2015姚生海等,2020曾洵,2019董金元等,2019)


    Figure  1.  Simplified tectonic map of the study area (seismic data from China Earthquake Administration; fault data from Yuan, 2003; Pang et al., 2015; Yao et al., 2020; Zeng, 2019; Dong et al., 2019)

    (a)Location of the study area on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; (b) Seismic tectonic diagram of the study area
    ZWLSF-Zongwulongshan fault; ZWLSSF-Zongwulongshan south margin fault; DCDF-Dachaidan fault; DCD-TSHF-Dachaidan-Tuosuhu fault; TSH-GHF-Tuosuhu-Gahai fault; TSH-MNSF-Tuosuhu-Maoniushan fault; LLSF-Lvliangshan fault; XTSF-Xitieshan fault; AMNKSF-Amunikeshan fault

    图  2  柴达木盆地北缘断裂地质构造图(锡铁山-阿木尼克山段)

    Figure  2.  Geological structural map of the northern margin fault of the Qaidam Basin (Xitieshan-Amunikeshan section)

    图  3  锡铁山镇西影像及断错地貌(红色箭头为陡坎位置)


    Figure  3.  Images of the west of Xitieshan Town and the faulted landform (Red arrows indicate the scarp position)

    (a)Image map; (b)Fault scarp

    图  4  锡铁山镇西探槽(TC1)剖面图及解译图


    Figure  4.  Section and interpretation maps of Trench TC1 in western Xitieshan Town

    (a)Section map of the trench; (b) Interpretation map of the section

    图  5  锡铁山镇东探槽(TC2)剖面图及解译图


    Figure  5.  Section and interpretation maps of Trench TC2 in eastern Xitieshan Town

    (a)Section map of the trench; (b) Fault wedge; (c) Interpretation map of the section

    图  6  全集河东考察点影像(红色箭头为陡坎位置)


    Figure  6.  Images of the inspection points in east Quanjihe (Red arrows indicate the fault scarp)

    (a)Image map; (b)Fault scarp

    图  7  全集河东探槽(TC3)剖面图及解译图


    Figure  7.  Section and interpretation maps of Trench TC3 in eastern Xitieshan Town

    (b)Section map of the trench; (b) Interpretation map of the section

    图  8  全集河东探槽(TC3)断错地层细部特征(红色箭头指断裂位置;白色虚线指充填楔)


    Figure  8.  Detailed characteristics of faulted strata in Trench TC3 in eastern Quanjihe (Red arrows indicate the location of the fracture; white dashed lines refer to the filled wedge)

    (a) Fault filled wedge; (b)Fault filled wedge and tension cracks; (c) Tension cracks and strata folding deformation

    图  9  TC4附近影像图与断层陡坎(红色箭头为陡坎位置,白色箭头为断裂运动方向,标高指陡坎高度)


    Figure  9.  Image map and fault scarps near TC4 (Red arrows indicate the scarp position, white arrows indicate the direction of fracture movement, and elevations refer to the height of the scarp)

    (a)Image map; (b)Fault scarp

    图  10  阿木尼克山探槽剖面图和解译图(TC4)


    Figure  10.  Section and interpretation maps of Trench TC4 in the Amunikeshan section

    (a)Section map of the trench; (b) Interpretation map of the section

    图  11  阿木尼克山探槽(TC4)断错地层细部特征(红色箭头指断层位置,黄色外框箭头指断裂运动方向)


    Figure  11.  Detailed characteristics of faulted strata in Trench TC4 in the Amunikeshan section (Red arrows indicate the scarp position; yellow outlined arrows indicate the direction of fault movement)

    (a) Strike-slip section; (b)Thrust and strike-slip section; (c)Thrust section

    图  12  阿木尼克山探槽TC5附近影像图和断层陡坎(红色箭头为陡坎位置,标高指陡坎高度)


    Figure  12.  Image map and fault scarps near TC5 in the Amunikeshan section (Red arrows indicate the scarp position; elevations refer to the height of the scarp)

    (a)Image map; (b) Fault scarp

    图  13  阿木尼克山探槽(TC5)剖面图和解译图


    Figure  13.  Section and interpretation maps of Trench TC5 in the Amunikeshan section

    (a)Section map of the trench; (b) Interpretation map of the section

    图  14  柴达木盆地北缘断裂(锡铁山-阿木尼克山段)古地震序列

    Figure  14.  Paleoearthquake sequence of the northern margin fault (the Xitieshan-Amunikeshan section) in the Qaidam Basin

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