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徐琴如 董有浦 谢志鹏 任洋洋 李江涛 曹登驰 苏小龙

徐琴如,董有浦,谢志鹏,等,2024. 川滇地块东部老鹰山的构造地貌特征及其揭示的地块隆升和旋转运动[J]. 地质力学学报,30(4):535−546 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023087
引用本文: 徐琴如,董有浦,谢志鹏,等,2024. 川滇地块东部老鹰山的构造地貌特征及其揭示的地块隆升和旋转运动[J]. 地质力学学报,30(4):535−546 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023087
XU Q R,DONG Y P,XIE Z P,et al.,2024. Tectonic and geomorphological characteristics of Laoyingshan in the eastern Sichuan-Yunnan block:Insights into the uplift and rotation of the blocks[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):535−546 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023087
Citation: XU Q R,DONG Y P,XIE Z P,et al.,2024. Tectonic and geomorphological characteristics of Laoyingshan in the eastern Sichuan-Yunnan block:Insights into the uplift and rotation of the blocks[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):535−546 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023087


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023087
基金项目: 云南省基础研究专项−面上项目(202401AT070327)




  • 中图分类号: P931.2

Tectonic and geomorphological characteristics of Laoyingshan in the eastern Sichuan-Yunnan block:Insights into the uplift and rotation of the blocks

Funds: This study is financially supported by Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects (Grants No. 202401AT070327).
  • 摘要: 印−欧大陆板块的碰撞与挤压造成了青藏高原的隆升和陆内变形,同时引起川滇菱形地块的侧向逃逸与旋转,目前针对川滇菱形地块中部和西部地区的旋转量已进行了大量古地磁研究,但对其东部地区的旋转研究相对缺少。由于河流地貌对地块的旋转量十分敏感,因此,研究利用30 m分辨率的数字高程模型(DEM)提取了川滇菱形地块东部老鹰山地区的22个流域盆地,通过分析其局部地形起伏比、河流纵剖面、河流陡峭指数以及流域方位角4个地貌参数来确定老鹰山地区的地块旋转量和隆升量。研究结果显示:老鹰山地区自晚中新世以来,隆升量约为358 m,隆升趋势为北高南低;河流陡峭指数值整体分布趋势由北向南逐渐降低,高值区主要分布在老鹰山地区北部,低值区主要分布在研究区老鹰山顶部以及老鹰山地区南部;同时根据流域方位角结果表明老鹰山地区旋转量为逆时针旋转15°左右。研究表明自晚中新世以来,川滇地块内元谋断裂以西受走滑断裂影响较小,主要为顺时针旋转;元谋断裂以东受走滑断裂等强烈的左行走滑影响,发生了逆时针旋转并伴随着差异隆升。


  • 图  2  老鹰山地区地质图(据覃胜荣,1978修改)

    Figure  2.  Geological map of Laoyingshan (modified from Qin, 1978)

    图  3  老鹰山地区地形起伏图

    Figure  3.  Local topographical relief map of the Laoyingshan region

    图  4  老鹰山地区Ksn值分布图

    Figure  4.  Distribution diagram of Ksn in the Laoyingshan

    图  5  老鹰山地区22条河流纵剖面分布情况

    Figure  5.  Longitudinal profile distribution of 22 rivers in the Laoyingshan

    图  6  大白河、功山大河两侧流域方位角及生成的玫瑰图


    Figure  6.  The azimuth of the basins on both sides of Dabai River and Gongshan River and the generated rose diagram

    (a) Basin azimuth generated on both sides of Dabai River and Gongshan River;(b) Rose diagram of the basin azimuth analysis on the western side of Dabai River and Gongshan River;(c) Rose diagram of the basin azimuth analysis on the east side of Dabai River and Gongshan River

    图  7  老鹰山地区Schmidt hammer回弹值柱状图

    Figure  7.  Bar chart of Schmidt hammer rebound values in the Laoyingshan region

    图  8  川滇地块构造活动演变(Tong et al.,2015吴中海等,2015

    a—b—17 Ma以来川滇地块的构造演化过程;c—老鹰山地区受力旋转过程

    Figure  8.  Evolution of tectonic activity in the Sichuan-Yunnan block (modified according to Tong et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2015)

    (a)—(b) Tectonic evolution of the Sichuan-Yunnan block since 17 Ma;(c) Rotational stress process in Laoyingshan region

    表  1  大白河、功山大河西侧流域方位角

    Table  1.   Basin azimuth on the western side of Dabai River and Gongshan River

    河流 流域中线方位角/
    1 47.4035 35.5030 11.9005 14.9956
    2 56.8472 39.2746 17.5726
    3 61.7182 43.5887 18.1295
    4 36.7287 24.0545 12.6742
    5 34.9060 23.0075 11.8985
    6 18.4842 8.4548 10.0294
    7 30.4826 13.6866 16.7960
    8 31.1446 14.6053 16.5393
    9 29.4522 21.8166 7.6356
    10 30.9373 14.6053 16.3320
    11 26.3950 0.9501 25.4449
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  大白河、功山大河东侧流域方位角

    Table  2.   Basin azimuth on the eastern side of Dabai River and Gongshan River

    河流 流域中线方位角/
    1 222.3619 206.4810 15.8809 12.2181
    2 213.5884 208.1903 5.3981
    3 219.7653 208.5652 11.2002
    4 229.0780 211.4550 17.6230
    5 230.8436 220.5600 10.2836
    6 216.6224 203.6995 12.9229
    下载: 导出CSV
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