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贾润幸 方维萱

贾润幸, 方维萱, 2022. 云南个旧芦塘坝矿段层间矿成因及构造-岩相控矿规律. 地质力学学报, 28 (1): 67-77. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222804
引用本文: 贾润幸, 方维萱, 2022. 云南个旧芦塘坝矿段层间矿成因及构造-岩相控矿规律. 地质力学学报, 28 (1): 67-77. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222804
JIA Runxing, FANG Weixuan, 2022. The genesis and ore-controlling regularity of interbedded orebodies controlled by tectonics and lithofacies in Lutangba, Gejiu, Yunnan Province. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (1): 67-77. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222804
Citation: JIA Runxing, FANG Weixuan, 2022. The genesis and ore-controlling regularity of interbedded orebodies controlled by tectonics and lithofacies in Lutangba, Gejiu, Yunnan Province. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (1): 67-77. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222804


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222804

科技部转制科研院所专项资金项目 2008EG115074


    贾润幸(1969-), 男, 教授级高级工程师, 研究方向为金属矿床地球化学。E-mail: chookdog@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P612

The genesis and ore-controlling regularity of interbedded orebodies controlled by tectonics and lithofacies in Lutangba, Gejiu, Yunnan Province


the Special Fund of the State Ministry of Science and Technology 2008EG115074

  • 摘要: 云南个旧锡矿是世界级超大型锡多金属矿床,层间矿床(锡石-硫化物)是其中重要的矿床类型之一,其成因也一直存在争议,为了进一步探讨其成因并对该类型矿床的深部勘查提供理论依据,重点对个旧锡矿高松矿田芦塘坝矿段10号矿群不同中段层间矿体的岩石矿物组构和地球化学特征进行了研究。结果表明层间矿床中的原生矿体多为块状硫化矿石,金属硫化物主要为磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、黄铜矿等,脉石矿物主要为透闪石、萤石和少量的石英等;层间矿床中的氧化矿经重砂分析,该矿中的锡石多为红褐色不规则状,少量为半自形状,粒径0.07~0.3 mm。通过对不同中段原生矿和氧化矿的对比分析,总体上氧化矿石中除S和FeO含量小于原生矿石外,SiO2、A12O3、TiO2、MnO、MgO、CaO、Na2O、K2O、P2O5和烧失量等均大于原生硫化矿石。单一原生矿体不同中段的主量元素分析结果显示,从下部到上部,矿体中的CaO和P2O5具有增大趋势,MgO、S和烧失量具有从小变大再变小的波状变化。此外,原生矿中的金属硫化物具有明显的分带性,铜矿化分布在下部,锌矿化分布在上部。在上部原生矿中可见到早期高温喷气形成的胶状黄铁矿和气孔,下部则多为自形-半自形的黄铁矿。个旧芦塘坝层间矿主要与燕山晚期岩浆期后气化-热液有关,并受构造和岩相作用控制明显。印支期南北向挤压作用在灰质白云岩层和石灰岩层间形成滑脱构造,为重要的储矿构造,燕山晚期形成的北东向断裂(如芦塘坝断裂)为重要的导矿构造。当燕山晚期岩浆期后气化-热液上侵时在层间滑脱构造带中形成缓倾斜矿体,而后在切层断裂带中形成陡倾斜矿体。该地区广泛发育的岩溶作用对成矿作用具有重大影响,在成矿前对印支期形成的储矿构造具有进一步的扩容作用,在成矿后又加速了层间矿边部的氧化。


  • 图  1  研究区地质简图

    1—中三叠统法郎组(T2f); 2—中三叠统个旧组(T2g); 3—中三叠统个旧组卡房段第6层(T2g16); 4—中三叠统个旧组卡房段第5层(T2g15); 5—燕山晚期花岗岩类; 6—燕山早期辉长岩; 7—燕山早期二长岩; 8—燕山晚期碱性岩; 9—断层角砾岩; 10—断裂; 11—推测断裂; 12—地质界线; 13—缓倾斜层间矿; 14—陡倾斜层间矿; 15—矿田; 16—研究区位置; 17—图 2地质剖面位置
    a—个旧高松矿田芦塘坝层间矿分布图; b—个旧区域地质略图(据庄永秋等, 1996修改)

    Figure  1.  Geological map of the study area

    (a) Distribution map of interbedded orebodies in Lutangba of the Gaosong ore field in Gejiu; (b) Sketch map of regional geology in Gejiu, Yunnan (modified after Zhuang et al., 1996)
    1-Middle Triassic Falang Formation (T2f); 2-Middle Triassic Gejiu Formation (T2g); 3-The sixth layer of the Kafang member of the Gejiu Formation in Middle Triassic (T2g16); 4-The fifth layer of the Kafang member of the Gejiu Formation in Middle Triassic (T2g15); 5-Late Yanshanian granitoids; 6-Early Yanshanian gabbro; 7-Early Yanshanian monzonite; 8-Late Yanshanian alkaline rocks; 9-Fault breccia; 10-Fault; 11-Inferred fault; 12-Geological boundary; 13-Gently inclined interbedded ore; 14-Steeply inclined interbedded ore; 15-Ore field; 16-Study area; 17-Location of geological profile in Fig. 2

    图  2  个旧芦塘坝10号矿群不同层间矿样品采集位置图(据马德云等, 2004修改)

    1—中三叠统个旧组卡房段第6层(T2g16); 2—中三叠统个旧组卡房段第5层(T2g15); 3—断层及角砾岩; 4—断裂名称; 5—地质界线; 6—10号矿群中矿体编号; 7—坑道内钻孔位置; 8—采矿中段; 9—高程; 10—原生矿样品及编号; 11—氧化矿样品及编号; 12—图 1中地质剖面

    Figure  2.  Sample location from different interbedded orebodies of No.10 Ore Group in Lutangba, Gejiu (modified after Ma et al., 2004)

    1-The sixth layer of the Kafang member of the Gejiu Formation in Middle Triassic (T2g16); 2-The fifth layer of the Kafang member of the Gejiu Formation in Middle Triassic (T2g15); 3-Fault and breccia; 4-Fault name; 5-Geological boundary; 6-Orebody number in No.10 Ore Group; 7-Drilling location in the tunnel; 8-Mining level; 9-Elevation; 10-Sample numbers of primary ore; 11-Sample numbers of oxidized ore; 12-Location of geological profile in Fig. 1

    图  3  个旧芦塘坝层间矿石组构特征

    a—1630中段10-12号矿体中的原生矿(样品LT-4);b—1630中段10-12号矿体中的氧化矿(样品LT-5);c—1660中段10-13号矿体中的氧化矿(样品LT-9);d—1660中段10-13号矿体中原生矿(样品LT-10);e—氧化矿中重砂锡石; f—1660中段10-13号矿体中原生矿(样品LT-10)中含气孔胶状黄铁矿; g—1690中段10-5号矿体中原生矿(样品LT-13)中的萤石和金属硫化物; h—1630中段10-12号矿体原生矿(样品LT-4)中的金属硫化物和透闪石; i—1630中段10-5号矿体原生矿(样品LT-5)中的透闪石和自形黄铁矿, 黄铜矿和少量石英(反射光); j—1630中段10-5号矿体原生矿(样品LT-5)中的透闪石和自形黄铁矿, 黄铜矿和少量石英(单偏光)

    Figure  3.  Fabric characteristics of interbedded ores in Lutangba, Gejiu

    (a)Primary ore in No.10-12 orebody at the mining level of 1630 m (sample LT-4); (b)Oxidized ore in No.10-12 orebody at the mining level of 1630 m (sample LT-5); (c)Oxidized ore in No.10-13 orebody at the mining level of 1660 m(sample LT-9); (d)Primary ore in No.10-13 orebody at the mining level of 1660 m (sample LT-10); (e)Cassiterite in oxidized ore; (f)Stomatal colloidal pyrite in the primary ore from No.10-13 orebody at the mining level of 1660 m (sample LT-10); (g)Fluorite and metal sulfide in the primary ore from No.10-5 orebody at the mining level of 1690 m (sample LT-13); (h)Metallic sulfide and tremolite in the primary ore from No.10-12 orebody at the mining level of 1630 m (sample LT-4); (i)Tremolite, idiomorphic pyrite, chalcopyrite and quartz (reflected light) in the primary ore from No.10-12 orebody at the mining level of 1630 m (sample LT-5); (j)Tremolite, idiomorphic pyrite, chalcopyrite and quartz (single-polarized light) in the primary ore from No.10-12 orebody at the mining level of 1630 m (sample LT-5)

    图  4  个旧芦塘坝层间矿中氧化矿和原生矿主量元素平均含量变化曲线图

    Figure  4.  Variation curves of average content (%) of major elements in the oxidized ores and primary ores from interbedded orebodied in Lutangba, Gejiu

    图  5  个旧芦塘坝层间矿10-5号原生矿在不同中段中主量元素含量变化曲线图

    Figure  5.  Variation curves of content (%) of major elements in the primary ores at different elevations from No.10-5 orebody in Lutangba, Gejiu

    图  6  个旧芦塘坝层间矿10-5号氧化矿在不同中段中主量元素含量变化曲线图

    Figure  6.  Variation curves of content (%) of major elements in the oxidized ores at different elevations from No.10-5 orebody in Lutangba, Gejiu

    表  1  个旧芦塘坝层间矿主量元素分析结果(%)

    Table  1.   Analysis results of major elements(%)of interbedded orebodies in Lutangba, Gejiu

    样品编号 矿体编号 中段 采样位置 类型 SiO2 TiO2 A12O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O 烧失量 P2O5 Cu Zn S 总量
    LT-1 10-15 1600 m T721西4 m 氧化矿 39.75 1.83 15.41 5.80 3.02 0.06 19.33 2.54 0.43 6.72 3.90 0.56 99.35
    LT-2 10-13 1630 m K721西15 m 原生矿 3.87 0.54 0.25 60.41 6.20 0.01 0.04 0.20 0.10 0.04 0.50 1.10 0.41 26.04 99.71
    LT-3 10-12 1630 m K1791西30 m 原生矿 1.44 0.57 0.15 60.04 5.10 0.03 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.10 1.20 1.67 0.66 28.00 99.52
    LT-4 10-12 1630 m K1791东10 m 原生矿 12.93 0.46 0.15 61.41 6.58 0.02 0.27 0.33 0.25 0.12 1.15 0.46 0.29 15.10 99.52
    LT-5 10-12 1630 m 氧化矿 11.31 0.89 8.59 40.8 1.07 0.48 6.10 9.30 0.14 0.36 17.75 0.93 0.28 1.60 99.60
    LT-6 10-5 1630 m K181西2 m 原生矿 6.24 0.47 0.15 60.89 5.95 0.06 0.4l 0.38 0.09 0.06 0.70 0.30 24.00 99.70
    LT-7 10-5 1630 m K181西3 m 氧化矿 6.00 0.64 2.53 74.54 8.69 0.33 0.51 0.84 0.20 0.09 1.00 0.70 0.44 3.10 99.61
    LT-8 10-15 1660 m L1101点西20 m 氧化矿 4.60 0.50 0.15 83.57 6.90 0.06 0.15 0.27 0.09 0.08 1.44 0.67 1.28 99.76
    LT-9 10-13 1660 m L901点西40 m 氧化矿 4.80 0.68 0.16 80.77 8.90 0.34 0.25 0.44 0.11 0.08 1.00 1.63 0.66 99.82
    LT-10 10-13 1660 m 原生矿 6.63 0.69 0.10 55.05 16.94 0.05 0.23 1.47 0.12 0.07 1.00 0.96 0.46 16.10 99.87
    LT-11 10-5 1660 m L1231东50 m 原生矿 4.84 0.40 0.10 60.89 1.90 0.11 0.51 1.84 0.15 0.04 0.80 0.46 0.29 27.28 99.61
    LT-12 10-5 1660 m 氧化矿 13.40 0.71 7.67 56.94 1.78 0.26 1.24 4.22 0.16 0.31 10.09 1.17 1.66 99.61
    LT-13 10-5 1690 m 1039西15 m 原生矿 8.84 0.50 0.10 65.61 4.90 0.01 0.17 2.83 0.14 0.04 0.45 0.73 0.44 15.00 99.76
    LT-14 10-5 1690 m 氧化矿 12.18 1.03 12.63 42.67 3.70 1.51 1.33 4.92 0.21 0.48 14.10 1.23 1.54 1.44 99.54
    LT-15 10-14 1720 m 原生矿 9.72 0.73 2.10 37.34 3.31 0.03 0.49 3.60 0.10 0.07 20.29 2.17 4.27 14.42 99.43
    LT-16 10-14 1720 m 氧化矿 12.63 0.71 0.15 69.85 6.10 0.14 0.64 1.78 0.10 0.04 1.10 4.33 1.53 99.68
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    表  2  个旧芦塘坝层间矿矿物生成顺序表

    Table  2.   Mineral formation sequence of the interbedded ores in Lutangba, Gejiu

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