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李凌婧 姚鑫 周振凯 王德富

李凌婧, 姚鑫, 周振凯, 等, 2022. Sentinel-1数据在西南山区水库变形斜坡InSAR监测中的适用性评价:以溪洛渡水库为例. 地质力学学报, 28 (2): 281-293. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021109
引用本文: 李凌婧, 姚鑫, 周振凯, 等, 2022. Sentinel-1数据在西南山区水库变形斜坡InSAR监测中的适用性评价:以溪洛渡水库为例. 地质力学学报, 28 (2): 281-293. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021109
LI Lingjing, YAO Xin, ZHOU Zhenkai, et al., 2022. The applicability assessment of Sentinel-1 data in InSAR monitoring of the deformed slopes of reservoir in the mountains of southwest China: A case study in the Xiluodu Reservoir. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (2): 281-293. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021109
Citation: LI Lingjing, YAO Xin, ZHOU Zhenkai, et al., 2022. The applicability assessment of Sentinel-1 data in InSAR monitoring of the deformed slopes of reservoir in the mountains of southwest China: A case study in the Xiluodu Reservoir. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (2): 281-293. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021109


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021109

国家自然基金青年基金项目 41807299

中国地质调查局工作项目 DD20221738-2

三峡集团公司项目 YMJ(XLD)/(19)110



  • 中图分类号: P694; P237

The applicability assessment of Sentinel-1 data in InSAR monitoring of the deformed slopes of reservoir in the mountains of southwest China: A case study in the Xiluodu Reservoir


the National Natural Science Foundation of China 41807299

the Chinese Geological Survey Project DD20221738-2

the Three Gorges Corporation Project YMJ(XLD)/(19)110

  • 摘要: Sentinel卫星凭借其超高的辐射分辨率、稳定的轨道系统、较大的覆盖能力、较短的重返时间、可免费下载的数据,在斜坡灾害识别监测方向上有广泛的应用。自1963年意大利瓦伊昂特大滑坡发生以来,岸坡地质灾害一直是峡谷区水库关注的主要问题之一。以金沙江上游溪洛渡水库区为例,结合PALSAR-2、TerraSAR-X数据,评价Sentinel-1 SAR数据在西南山区水库变形斜坡InSAR监测中的适用性,以理论结合实际结果分析Sentinel-1数据是否可以在一定条件下替代其他商业数据,为今后相关行业应用提供参考。结果显示:Sentinel-1数据在研究区可解译的变形斜坡约200处,类型有滑坡、危岩体和塌岸;经现场核查,Sentinel-1数据解译的最小变形斜坡投影面积约为2400 m2,约35 m(长)×77 m(宽)大小,共16个变形像元聚集。高山峡谷区叠掩、阴影现象严重,通过对雷达常用观测模式下的SAR数据的比较,在SAR数据交集区域,有效观测面积为Sentinel-1升轨70.3%,Sentinel-1降轨68.9%,PALSAR-2升轨70.4%,PALSAR-2降轨67.6%,TerraSAR-X降轨52.5%,在不考虑分辨率的情况下,在库区Sentinel-1数据与其他两种SAR数据观测能力相比持平或更优秀。6月至11月初是溪洛渡水库的水位上升期,周边植被发育较好,造成数据相干性较差,2017年后Sentinel-1A(1B)双星拍摄获取的SAR数据量增加,高频观测可使相干性提高,利用2017年后该卫星数据可有效识别水库蓄—排水周期内的区域性变形斜坡发育变化情况。当长时间缺失SAR数据时,会造成最近一对SAR数据间的某些像元测量的变形超过其InSAR最大量程,解缠时丢失相位周期。Sentinel-1数据由于连续性较好,监测斜坡的变形趋势较为连续,因此更适合连续小变形的趋势识别。


  • 图  1  研究区地理位置、地质背景及SAR数据范围


    Figure  1.  The location and the geological background of the study area, and the SAR data ranges

    (a) The location of the study area; (b) The elevation and active faults; (c) The SAR data types, and InSAR processing ranges after images being spliced and clipped

    图  2  分析流程图

    Figure  2.  Analysis flow chart

    图  3  水位上升(下降)周期内升轨Sentinel-1数据存档情况(括号内数字为存档SAR数据数量)

    Figure  3.  Archiving of the Sentinel-1 data from the ascending orbit in periods of rising (falling) water level(The numbers in brackets are the amount of archived SAR data)

    图  4  水位上升(下降)周期内降轨Sentinel-1数据存档情况(括号内数字为存档SAR数据数量)

    Figure  4.  Archive of the Sentinel-1 data from the descending orbit in periods of rising (falling) water level(The numbers in brackets are the amount of archived SAR data)

    图  5  研究区变形斜坡不同时段干涉相位图及斜坡变形情况

    Figure  5.  Interferometric phase of the deformed slope at different periods in the study area and the deformation status

    图  6  变形岸坡数量时序解译情况示意图

    Figure  6.  The annual interpretations of deformed slopes

    图  7  研究区不同SAR卫星在SAR数据交集区域的有效观测比例


    Figure  7.  Proportion of effective observations by different SAR satellites in the intersection area of SAR data

    (a) The effective observation area of the Sentinel-1 ascending image; (b) The effective observation area of the Sentinel-1 descending image; (c) The effective observation area of the PALSAR-2 ascending image; (d) The effective observation area of the PALSAR-2 descending image; (e) The effective observation area of the TerraSAR-X descending image; (f) The hill shade

    图  8  三种SAR卫星降轨数据在同一地区的变形斜坡解译情况示意图

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of deformed slope interpretations of three satellite SAR data on descending orbits in the same area

    图  9  库区翌子村滑坡现场照片


    Figure  9.  Field photos of the Yizicun landslide

    (a) Panoramic view of the landslide (towards NW); (b) Photo of a abandoned house

    图  10  库区翌子村滑坡多源SAR数据D-InSAR结果对比

    a—Sentinel-1升轨干涉图; b—Sentinel-1降轨干涉图;c—PALSAR-2升轨干涉图;d—PALSAR-2降轨干涉图;e—TerraSAR-X降轨干涉图;f—光学遥感影像及变形边界

    Figure  10.  Comparison of D-InSAR results based on the multi-source SAR data of the Yizicun landslide in the reservoir

    (a) The interference figure of the Sentinel-1 ascending image; (b) The interference figure of the Sentinel-1 descending image; (c) The interference figure of the PALSAR-2 ascending image; (d) The interference figure of the PALSAR-2 descending image; (e) The interference figure of the TerraSAR-X descending image; (f) The optical image and the deformation boundary

    图  11  库区翌子村滑坡多源SAR数据PS-InSAR时序变形曲线结果对比

    Figure  11.  Comparison of PS-InSAR time-series deformation results based on the multi-source SAR data of the Yizicun landslide in the reservoir

    表  1  星载SAR传感器基本参数及特征表

    Table  1.   Basic parameters and characteristics of Spaceborne SAR sensors

    星载SAR系统 所属国家/机构 发射时间 波段(波长/cm) 入射角/(°) 多视数,分辨率(距离向×方位向)/m×m 所用模式 重访周期/天 主要优点 主要缺点
    Sentinel-1 欧空局 2014年4月 C(5.6) 37.74 9×1,10.48×13.99 干涉宽幅模式 12(双星6) 免费、覆盖范围广、重复周期短、存档数据多 干涉用模式分辨率低,一般不接受编程预定
    PALSAR-2 日本 2014年5月 L(25) 升轨:39.66降轨:38.74 2×2,2.86×4.43 聚束模式 14 覆盖范围广、重复周期短、波段长 需购买,编程数据经常因卫星执行其他任务拍不到
    TerraSAR-X 德国 2017年6月 X(3.1) 26.58 3×3,2.73×5.89 聚束模式 11 轨道精度高、数据质量好、重返周期短 需购买,存档数据较少
    下载: 导出CSV
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