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姚闯闯 姚鑫 顾畛逵 任开瑀 周振凯

姚闯闯, 姚鑫, 顾畛逵, 等, 2022. 基于InSAR识别的黄土高原活动性地质灾害发育规律分析. 地质力学学报, 28 (2): 257-267. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021083
引用本文: 姚闯闯, 姚鑫, 顾畛逵, 等, 2022. 基于InSAR识别的黄土高原活动性地质灾害发育规律分析. 地质力学学报, 28 (2): 257-267. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021083
YAO Chuangchuang, YAO Xin, GU Zhenkui, et al., 2022. Analysis on the development law of active geological hazards in the Loess Plateau based on InSAR identification. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (2): 257-267. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021083
Citation: YAO Chuangchuang, YAO Xin, GU Zhenkui, et al., 2022. Analysis on the development law of active geological hazards in the Loess Plateau based on InSAR identification. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (2): 257-267. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021083


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021083

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 DD20190717

国家重点研发计划课题 2018YFC1505002

三峡集团公司项目YMJ YMJ(XLD)(19)110


    姚闯闯(1996—),男,在读硕士,从事地质灾害与InSAR研究工作。E-mail: 2393894121@qq.com


    姚鑫(1978—), 男,博士,研究员,从事地质灾害与InSAR研究工作。E-mail: yaoxinphd@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P694; P237

Analysis on the development law of active geological hazards in the Loess Plateau based on InSAR identification


the Geological Survey Project of China Geological Survey DD20190717

the National Key Research and Development Project 2018YFC1505002

the Project of Three Gorges Corporation YMJ(XLD)(19)110

  • 摘要: 地震、降雨、人类工程活动诱发的活动性地质灾害在黄土高原频现,但由于其地域广阔、构造活跃、地貌类型多样、各地黄土特性差异较大,一直以来缺乏活动性地质灾害发育分布的系统认识。InSAR技术具有大范围观测地表变形的能力,文章利用2019年1月1日至2020年3月31日期间40期Sentinal-1 SAR数据,计算了整个黄土高原62.46×104 km2的地表变形,辅助地貌和光学影像特征,解译了4类活动性地质灾害,共解译出活动性地质灾害3286处,其中滑坡1135处、采矿塌陷1691处、沉降368处、堆填变形体92处,同时对其活动发育规律进行了分析。黄土高原活动性地质灾害主要分布在八大区域,包括四大滑坡发育区、三大采矿塌陷分布区和一个沉降灾害分布区。活动性滑坡在空间分布上具有显著的区域性和丛集性,主要分布在中西部,滑坡体的发育密度与地形地貌有一定联系;采矿塌陷和地面沉降分布在中东部,密集且成群发育。地质灾害发育具有明显的时空发生规律,区域尺度上,地质灾害的发育密集程度受地形地貌和矿产资源的控制;灾害规模上,InSAR识别的灾害规模都为中型以上,与传统统计手段有一定差别。InSAR的识别结果客观反映了黄土高原地质灾害的分布规律。同时,InSAR技术能够有效监测到地下采煤诱发的地表破坏的分布、范围和强度以及露天采煤矿坑深度和范围的扩展,进而推断煤业生产活动强度。


  • 图  1  研究区InSAR观测范围及工程地质岩组分布


    Figure  1.  InSAR observation range and enigneering geological formation-complexes distribution in the study area

    (a) Location and background data; (b) Distribution of engineering geological formation-complexes and active faults

    图  2  黄土高原地质灾害InSAR变形图与光学影像图


    Figure  2.  InSAR-observed deformation and optical images of geological hazards in the Loess Plateau

    (a) InSAR-observed deformation image of landslides; (b) Optical image of landslides; (c) InSAR-observed deformation of mining collapses; (d) Optical image of mining collapses; (e) InSAR-observed deformation of subsidences; (f) Optical image of subsidences; (g) InSAR-observed deformation of landfills; (h) Optical image of landfills

    图  3  黄土高原活动性地质灾害分布


    Figure  3.  Distribution of active geological hazards in the Loess Plateau

    Area Ⅰ-Landslide development area in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, eastern margin of Qinghai; Area Ⅱ-Guyuan-Xiji landslide development area in the southeastern margin of Ningxia; Area Ⅲ-Zhuanglang-Tianshui-Zhangjiachuan landslide development area in Gansu; Area Ⅳ-Wuqi-Zhidan-Yan'an-Ansai loess landslide development area in northern Shaanxi; Area Ⅴ-Mining collapse area in Ningxia; Area Ⅵ-Mining collapse area in Ordos, Inner Mongolia and Northern Shaanxi; Area Ⅶ-Mining collapse area in Shanxi; Area Ⅷ-Subsidence development area in the plain area of Guanzhong-Fenwei-Luoyang

    图  4  青海东缘黄河流域侵蚀滑坡段及现场典型照片


    Figure  4.  Map and field photos showing the eroded landslides in the Yellow River Basin, eastern margin of Qinghai

    (a) Creep deformation landslide of plateau meadow; (b) Eroded multi-stage landslide 1; (c) Eroded multi-stage landslide 2; (d) Distribution of landslides; (e) Armchair-like landslide landform; (f) Tensile fracture; (g) Gneiss slope

    图  5  黄土高原活动性滑坡地貌因子统计


    Figure  5.  Statistics of geomorphologic factors of active landslides in the Loess Plateau

    AreaⅠ-Landslide development area in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, eastern margin of Qinghai; Area Ⅱ-Guyuan-Xiji landslide development area in the southeastern margin of Ningxia; Area Ⅲ-Zhuanglang-Tianshui-Zhangjiachuan landslide development area in Gansu; Area Ⅳ-Wuqi-Zhidan-Yan'an-Ansai loess landslide development area in northern Shaanxi

    表  1  黄土高原研究区各岩土体类型地质灾害发育情况

    Table  1.   Development of geological hazards in different types of rocks and soil in the study area

    岩土体类型 滑坡/处 采矿塌陷/处 沉降/处 堆填开挖变形/处 合计
    松散岩组 290 539 306 61 1196
    软弱岩组 186 478 29 7 700
    较软岩组 535 623 31 17 1206
    较硬岩组 44 37 0 4 85
    坚硬岩组 56 3 1 0 60
    坚硬侵入岩类 3 8 1 0 12
    极硬侵入岩类 21 3 0 3 27
    合计 1135 1691 368 92 3286
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    表  2  黄土高原最易发活动性滑坡地貌区段统计

    Table  2.   Statistics of the geomorphic sections most prone to active landslides in the study area

    区域 Ⅰ区 Ⅱ区 Ⅲ区 Ⅳ区
    高程/m 2500~3000 2000~2500 1500~2000 1000~1500
    高差/m 100~150 50~100 50~100 100~150
    坡度/(°) 40~45 15~20 20~25 35~40
    岩组类型 较软岩组 松散岩组 软弱岩组 松散岩组
    下载: 导出CSV
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