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李彬 张文 文冉

李彬, 张文, 文冉, 2022. 陕南特长公路隧道水压致裂法地应力测量结果及工程地质意义分析. 地质力学学报, 28 (2): 191-202. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021053
引用本文: 李彬, 张文, 文冉, 2022. 陕南特长公路隧道水压致裂法地应力测量结果及工程地质意义分析. 地质力学学报, 28 (2): 191-202. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021053
LI Bin, ZHANG Wen, WEN Ran, 2022. Study on the hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress measurement in super-long highway tunnels in southern Shaanxi:Engineering geological significance. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (2): 191-202. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021053
Citation: LI Bin, ZHANG Wen, WEN Ran, 2022. Study on the hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress measurement in super-long highway tunnels in southern Shaanxi:Engineering geological significance. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (2): 191-202. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021053


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021053






  • 中图分类号: P553

Study on the hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress measurement in super-long highway tunnels in southern Shaanxi:Engineering geological significance


This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.51468055)

  • 摘要: 中国西部地区地势复杂,区域构造应力场各向异性显著,了解地区地壳应力状态是判断隧道设计阶段线路布设合理性的基础,也是预测隧道施工过程可能出现岩爆、断层滑动等其他工程灾害的重要参数。为了研究陕南特长高速公路隧道现今地应力状态,基于古仙洞隧道钻孔(ZK10钻孔)与化龙山隧道钻孔(ZK11钻孔)水压致裂地应力测量,获得了两隧道现今地应力分布特征。古仙洞和化龙山特长深埋隧道最大埋深处SH值分别为13 MPa和22 MPa;古仙洞与化龙山隧道的应力关系分别为SH>Sh>SvSH>Sv>Sh,水平主应力起主导作用;SH方向为近北西—北西西向,与区域现今构造活动背景基本一致,主要受秦岭造山带活动断裂影响。基于地应力测量结果、相关理论及判断依据认为:最大水平主应力方向与洞轴线夹角,有利于隧道围岩稳定,研究区内古仙洞与化龙山隧道的总体布置是合理的;采用岩石强度应力比法、陶振宇判据、Russenes判据和岩石应力强度比法综合判定研究区内两隧道不具备发生中等强度以上等级岩爆的可能;利用莫尔-库伦准则及拜尔定律,摩擦系数μ取0.6~1.0,对研究区内两隧道的现今地应力状态分析后发现,两隧道附近断裂带的地应力大小未达到地壳浅部断层产生滑动失稳的临界条件,处于较稳定的应力状态。


  • 图  1  研究区及邻区地质构造简图(据柯昌辉,2013修改)


    Figure  1.  Geological structure diagram of the study area and adjacent area(modified after Ke, 2013)

    1-Hinterland thrust-fold belt of the Qinling Orogen; Ⅰ2-North margin of the Yangtze Plate; Ⅱ1-Foreland thrust-fold belt of the Qinling Orogen; Ⅲ-Qinling Microplate; Ⅲ1-Late Paleozoic faulted depression zone in northern South Qinling; SF1-Shangdan Fault; SF2-Mianlue Fault; F1-Sanmenxia-Lushan Fault; F2-Machaoying thrust-nappe fault; F3-Tieluzi-Heigou-Luanchuan thrust-nappe fault; F4-Qiaoduan-Waxuezi Fault; F5-Zhuyangguan-Xiaguan thrust fault; F6-Shanyang-Fengzhen thrust-nappe fault; F7-Shiyan fault; F8-Shiquan-Ankang thrust fault; F9-Hongchunba-Liping fault; F10-Yangpingguan-Dabie South Margin Fault; F11-Longmenshan Fault; F12-Hualing Mountain Fault

    图  2  化龙山隧道ZK11钻孔典型岩芯


    Figure  2.  Typical drill cores of Borehole ZK11 in the Hualongshan Tunnel

    (a) Photo showing complete drill cores in Borehole ZK11; (b) Photo showing cracked drill cores in Borehole ZK11

    图  3  水压致裂典型应力测量曲线(化龙山隧道)

    Figure  3.  Curves showing typical hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress in the Hualongshan Tunnel

    图  4  3种方法综合确定Ps值(化龙山隧道58 m)

    a—切线法; b—dt/dP vs P法; c—dP/dt vs P

    Figure  4.  Shut-in pressure (Ps) determined by three methods (58 m-deep in Borehole ZK11 in the Hualongshan Tunnel)

    (a) Inflection point method; (b) dt/dP vs P method; (c) dP/dt vs P method.
    The average value of these methods is used to calculate the Ps.

    图  5  两个隧道主应力随深度变化


    Figure  5.  Diagrams showing the change of the principal stresses with depth in the two tunnels

    (a) The Guxiandong tunnel; (b) The Hualongshan tunnel

    图  6  古仙洞隧道印模结果与两隧道最大主应力方向


    Figure  6.  Diagrams showing the drilling impression of Borehole ZK10 in the Guxiandong Tunnel and the directions of the maximum principal stress of the two tunnels

    (a) Drilling impressions of Borehole ZK10 (b) Maximum principal stress in the Guxiandong Tunnel (c) Maximum principal stress in the Hualongshan Tunnel

    图  7  研究区现今地应力作用方向(据谢富仁等,2007修改)

    Figure  7.  Direction of the in-situ stress in the study area (modified after Xie et al., 2007)

    图  8  古仙洞隧道和化龙山隧道岩爆风险评价结果


    Figure  8.  Results of rock burst risk assessment for the two tunnels

    (a) The Guxiandong tunnel; (b) The Hualongshan tunnel

    图  9  基于实测应力的研究区段断层滑动稳定性评价

    Figure  9.  Assessment of sliding instability of faults in the study area based on measured stress

    表  1  ZK10钻孔和ZK11钻孔水压致裂地应力测量结果

    Table  1.   Results of hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress measurements of Boreholes ZK10 and ZK11

    钻孔 深度/m 压裂参数/MPa 主应力值/MPa 破裂
    P0 Pb Pr Ps SH Sh Sv
    ZK10 145.72 0.00 13.51 10.38 7.46 12.00 7.46 3.86
    165.71 0.00 10.87 5.39 4.21 7.24 4.21 4.39 N66°W
    176.00 0.00 6.45 4.11 4.24 8.61 4.24 4.66
    212.92 0.35 14.77 10.45 8.04 13.32 8.04 5.64 N60°W
    266.20 0.88 14.54 5.75 5.79 10.74 5.79 7.05 N47°W
    ZK11 58.00 0.58 11.28 6.68 5.11 8.07 5.11 1.54 N47°W
    69.00 0.69 14.58 7.62 5.90 9.39 5.90 1.83 N55°W
    78.00 0.78 10.12 6.90 5.88 9.96 5.88 2.07
    95.00 0.95 13.20 8.37 7.58 13.42 7.58 2.52
    138.00 1.38 17.51 6.80 6.28 10.66 6.28 3.66
    295.00 2.95 13.90 10.64 9.89 16.08 9.89 7.82
    330.00 3.30 20.20 11.35 11.03 18.44 11.03 8.75 N70°W
    347.00 3.47 14.30 11.15 10.79 17.75 10.79 9.20 N66°W
    注:P0—孔隙压力;Pb—破裂压力;Pr—重张压力;Ps—关闭压力;SH—最大水平主应力;Sh—最小水平主应力;Sv—垂向应力,按照等于上覆岩层重度计算,岩石平均密度取2.65 g·cm-3
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    表  2  岩爆风险判据和分级

    Table  2.   Risk criteria and classification of rock burst

    判据方法 判别公式 参数意义 判据阈值 分级情况 判据特点
    岩石强度应力比法 Rc/σmax Rc为岩石饱和单轴抗压强度,MPa;
    4~7 轻微岩爆 未考虑隧硐开挖过程和初始应力场的应力重分布影响
    2~4 中等岩爆
    1~2 强烈岩爆
    < 1 极强岩爆
    陶振宇判据 Rc/σmax Rc为岩石饱和单轴抗压强度,MPa;
    5.5~14.5 轻微岩爆
    2.5~5.5 中等岩爆
    < 2.5 强烈岩爆
    岩石应力强度比法 σθmax/Rc Rc为岩石饱和单轴抗压强度,MPa;
    0.3~0.5 轻微岩爆 考虑隧硐开挖过程和初始应力场的应力重分布影响
    0.5~0.7 中等岩爆
    0.7~0.9 强烈岩爆
    >0.9 极强岩爆
    Russenes判据 Is(50)/σθmax Is(50)为岩石修正点荷载强度,MPa;
    0.150~0.200 轻微岩爆
    0.083~0.150 中等岩爆
    < 0.083 强烈岩爆
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    表  3  古仙洞隧道与化龙山隧道岩爆风险预测结果

    Table  3.   Predicted results of rock burst risk of the two tunnels

    隧道名称 岩性 判据方法 埋深/m 岩爆等级
    古仙洞 片岩 强度应力比法 0~270 无岩爆
    270~371 轻微岩爆
    陶振宇判据 0~371 轻微岩爆
    应力强度比法 0~371 无岩爆
    Russenes判据 0~291 无岩爆
    291~371 轻微岩爆
    化龙山 片岩 强度应力比法 0~125 无岩爆
    125~409 轻微岩爆
    409~470 中等岩爆
    陶振宇判据 0~224 轻微岩爆
    224~470 中等岩爆
    应力强度比法 0~335 无岩爆
    335~470 轻微岩爆
    Russenes判据 0~68 无岩爆
    68~323 轻微岩爆
    323~470 中等岩爆
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