Volume 14 Issue 1
Mar.  2008
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XU Shu-tong, WU Wei-ping, LIU Yi-can, et al., 2008. METAMORPHIC COLLISIONAL MÉLANGE IN THE DABIE MOUNTAINS, EASTERN CHINA. Journal of Geomechanics, 14 (1): 1-21.
Citation: XU Shu-tong, WU Wei-ping, LIU Yi-can, et al., 2008. METAMORPHIC COLLISIONAL MÉLANGE IN THE DABIE MOUNTAINS, EASTERN CHINA. Journal of Geomechanics, 14 (1): 1-21.


More Information
  • Received: 2007-11-03
  • Published: 2008-03-01
  • The Dabie Mountains are a collisional orogen between Sino-Korean and Yangtze continents. It is characterized by thin-skin tectonics as revealed by the seismic reflection profile. The rocks forming a detachment (thrust shear)zone between the two collisional continents are collisional mélanges. The detachment can only be defined by recognizing collisional mélanges in the Dabie Mountains because the overriding wedge has been completely removed by erosion and the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP)metamorphic belt exposed extensively. This is a necessary step to perform a geometric analysis of the Dabie Mountains. The Dabie collisional mélanges may be divided into two parts:the northern part consists of a banded gneiss-ultramafic rock assemblage and the southern part a mica plagiogneiss-eclogite assemblage. Both assemblages have mostly undergone UHP metamorphism. Their common features are the presence of "giant mortar texture" due to pervasive shearing and mixing of rocks from various tectonic settings. The so-called "Luotian dome" was a huge duplex anticline formed in the early stage of orogeny, which finally formed a dome formed by superimposed contraction in an east-west direction in the late stage of the orogeny.


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