Hexi corridor,tectonically located in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Xizang plateau,is a typical compressive fault basin.Around it,there developed Altun active fault,northern Qilianshan boundary active fault,Changma active fault and southern Longshoushan boundary active fault.There are sudden changes of geophysical field,crustal thickness and lithosphere structure in the area.The giant thrusting displacements along the northern Qilianshan boundary active fault and southern Longshoushan boundary active fault result in the huge Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediment,more than 3500~4000m in some place,in which,the thickness of Quaternary sediment is more than 1000m.Hexi corridor is also a belt of stronger deformation and seismic activity.There happen many destructive earthquakes and a lot of mid-small earthquakes in history and now-days. Specially,the eastern Altun fault,the Jiayuguan fault and the Yumushan fault,which cross the west to east gas transportation pipeline,the Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway and 312 high-way in different angle,are the present active fault. The deformation of these active faults,including long-term creep and instantaneous sliding (eg.earthquake),influences the safety of main line of communication and gas transportation pipeline.