Volume 15 Issue 2
Jun.  2009
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Citation: TAN Cheng-xuan, SUN Ye, WU Shu-ren, et al., 2009. A CONSIDERATION ON REGIONAL CRUSTAL STABILITY ASSESSMENT AFTER MS8.0 WENCHUAN STRONG EARTHQUAKE IN CHINA. Journal of Geomechanics, 15 (2): 142-150.


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  • Received: 2009-04-10
  • Published: 2009-06-01
  • A new consideration and knowledge on regional crustal stability assessment was awoken by the MS8. 0 Wenchuan earthquake in China. This paper thoroughly introduces the basic theories of regional crustal stability assessment in China, including 'safety island' theory, geological texture control theory, regional stability engineering geology theory and 'field' theory, and the systemic, hierarchical, quantitative and intelligent methodology and technology. In order to better serve engineering construction, the regional stability evaluation develop towards micro-zonation and 4-dimension level.At last, the regional crustal stability assessment standards of People’ s Republic of China should be afforded and published to establish regional crustal stability assessment system in China. Meanwhile, the regional crustal stability assessment zonation map of China should be compiled to build up the regional crustal stability national platform and to be adopted as the standards for land plan and engineering safety construction.


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