Volume 23 Issue 2
Apr.  2017
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CHENG Xiao-jie, YANG Wei-min, XIANG Ling-zhi, et al., 2017. RISK ASSESSMENT OF SEISMIC LOESS LANDSLIDE BASED ON NEWMARK MODEL IN BEISHAN, TIANSHUI CITY. Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (2): 296-305.
Citation: CHENG Xiao-jie, YANG Wei-min, XIANG Ling-zhi, et al., 2017. RISK ASSESSMENT OF SEISMIC LOESS LANDSLIDE BASED ON NEWMARK MODEL IN BEISHAN, TIANSHUI CITY. Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (2): 296-305.


More Information
  • Received: 2016-12-20
  • Published: 2017-04-01
  • Based on the method of field investigation and indoor analysis of Beishan in Tianshui City, Gansu Procince, the analysis of the hazard analysis of the seismic loess landslide is carried out in this article based on the Newmark accumulated displacement method. Through analyzing the disaster-forming environment, combining with the investigation data of the existing landslides and unstable slopes, in fully consideration of the angle relationship between the azimuth angle of the source and the slope angle of the area, the calculation and comparison of the slope prone angle under the dominant slope angle and the inferior slope angle are carried out.Then the accumulation of slope displacementis calculateby using the regression equation when the PGA is 0.3g. Finally, the probability of instability of slope under earthquake load is calculated. On this basis, the risk assessment of the Seismic loess landslide of Beishan area was carried out. The analysis results show that introducing the relationship between the slope angle and the azimuth of seismic source in the risk assessment of the Loess Landslide in the Newmark model is helpful to improve the accuracy of the risk assessment of the small area (large scale).


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