QI Jia-xiang, JI Hong-guang, PENG Hua, et al., 2013. EARTHQUAKE RISK ANALYSIS IN THE ENGINEERING AREA OF BOHAI STRAIT CROSS-SEA CHANNEL. Journal of Geomechanics, 19 (1): 93-103.
Citation: QI Jia-xiang, JI Hong-guang, PENG Hua, et al., 2013. EARTHQUAKE RISK ANALYSIS IN THE ENGINEERING AREA OF BOHAI STRAIT CROSS-SEA CHANNEL. Journal of Geomechanics, 19 (1): 93-103.


More Information
  • Spatial temporal features for regional historical earthquake of Bohai Strait area has been studied, and location and law of the earthquake been analyzed. We discussed the impact of the historical earthquake to the construction area, and provided a theoretical basis for the site choice of the Bohai Strait Cross-Sea Channel, so that the construction area could avoid active faults to the greatest extent, reduced the influence of earthquake to the Bohai Strait Cross-Sea Channel, increased the factor of engineering stable judgment, and made the evaluation more exactly and reliable.


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