Volume 19 Issue 3
Sep.  2013
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  • Received: 2013-01-22
  • Published: 2013-09-01
  • The quantitative or semi-quantitative research of neotectonics and active tectonics largely relies on the establishment of stratigraphic sequence and the time scale, how to obtain relatively precise the stratigraphic ages and the age of occurrence of geological events is the key factor to determine the neotectonics and active tectonics degree of quantitative research. Currently, about 27 kinds of dating techniques can be applied to the dating of sediments and the deformation measurement of the late Cenozoic, these technical methods can be divided into numerical (absolute) dating, relative dating method and correction dating method. Numerical dating can get a relatively clear absolute age value, so it is commonly used, but is limited by test material or object, therefore it is necessarily in need with relative dating or correction dating method. The application scope of relative dating is widespread, but the lack of adequate accuracy, therefore it needs specific standard to compare. Correction dating is only partly applicable and its applicability depends on the approval of the known geological events, such as volcanic eruptions or pole reversals. All the dating method has its specific dating conditions and scope of application, and may be influenced by various factors leading to errors, such as in the process of numerical dating some non analytical errors may occur. So the reliability evaluation of age results in the study of the Quaternary dating in the neotectonics and active tectonics, needs the synthesis of sediment topography-formation relative temporal sequence, comparation of different dating methods, or the sequential consistency of the same way on the formation, etc. In recent years, the continuous improvement of existing methods and development of experimental methods makes that the precision and quantitative research degree of the neotectonics and active tectonics is improved greatly, especially common dating methods such as the 14C, OSL, U series, cosmogenic nuclides (10Be, 36Cl and 26Al, etc.) and thermochronological dating provide the important means and basis of chronology for the quantitative research of neotectonics and active tectonics. In addition, such as the degrees of soil development, rock weathering and topographical reforming, the development of relative dating also provide a lot of necessary, assistant age restriction for the neotectonics deformation and active tectonics research.


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