Volume 15 Issue 3
Sep.  2009
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ZHENG Ya-dong, ZHANG Jin-jiang, WANG Tao, 2009. THE MAXIMUM-EFFECTIVE-MOMENT CRITERION DEVELOPING IN PRACTICE. Journal of Geomechanics, 15 (3): 209-217.
Citation: ZHENG Ya-dong, ZHANG Jin-jiang, WANG Tao, 2009. THE MAXIMUM-EFFECTIVE-MOMENT CRITERION DEVELOPING IN PRACTICE. Journal of Geomechanics, 15 (3): 209-217.


More Information
  • Received: 2009-05-19
  • Published: 2009-09-01
  • Since the Maximum-Effective-Moment Criterion was published, it has been obtaining evidence in nature and the laboratory and supports from geologists home and abroad. Behavior of rock during deformation depends on mechanical property itself, structure levels (including such factors as temperature, pressure, fluid) and strain rate. The lozenge features and conjugate kink zones with obtuse angles in the contractional direction at shallow levels are consistent with the criterion and suggested as deformation at low strain rates and conform that the strain rate plays a more important role than the structure level in deformation. Coexistence of brittle and ductile features implies a tectonic evolution with alternation of high and low strain rates.


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