Volume 22 Issue 3
Sep.  2016
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Citation: CHANG Zu-feng, CHANG Hao, ZANG Yang, et al., 2016. RECENT ACTIVE FEATURES OF WEIXI-QIAOHOU FAULT AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HONGHE FAULT. Journal of Geomechanics, 22 (3): 517-530.


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  • Received: 2016-04-09
  • Published: 2016-09-01
  • According to geological and geomorphic field observations, in this paper, we mainly elaborate the late Quaternary active features of the Weixi-Qiaohou fault, and discuss its relationship with the Honghe fault. The fault have apparently dominated many late Cenozoic basins' development, showing dextral strike slip motion features as being documented by synchronous right-lateral dislocation of mountain ridges and rivers along it. It has displaced late Pleistocene to Holocene accumulations revealed by the exploratory trenches at Desheng and the site south of Changyi. Nearby Yanqu and Shiyan, there is a 3 km long, ~2.5 m high fault scarp on the river terraces and the alluvial fans. It is estimated the fault has a average rate of 1.8~2.4 mm/yr. horizontally and 0.3~0.35 mm/yr. vertically since late Pleistocene, based on displaced magnitude of the alluvial fans, gullies and river terraces. It is a significant link which connects with the Honghe fault in the south and with the Jingshajiang fault in the north. Since late Cenozoic, the Weixi-Qiaohou fault in kinematics is similar to the Honghe fault and the Jinshajiang fault, they having identical geological evolutionary history and tectonic deformation mechanism, accordingly, indicating that the Weixi-Qiaohou fault should be the northern segment of the Honghe fault. The Weixi-Qiaohou, Honghe, Jinshajiang as well as Deqin-Zhongdian fault composed of the western boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan active block all together.


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