Volume 26 Issue 2
Apr.  2020
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YU Yuxi, WANG Zongxiu, ZHANG Kaixun, et al., 2020. Advances in quantitative characterization of shale pore structure by using fluid injection methods. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (2): 201-210. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.02.019
Citation: YU Yuxi, WANG Zongxiu, ZHANG Kaixun, et al., 2020. Advances in quantitative characterization of shale pore structure by using fluid injection methods. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (2): 201-210. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.02.019

Advances in quantitative characterization of shale pore structure by using fluid injection methods

doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.02.019
More Information
  • Received: 2019-07-12
  • Revised: 2019-12-20
  • Published: 2020-04-30
  • Shale is compact and has complex structure, which makes it hard to characterize its pore structure quantitatively; however, the pore structure of shale can provide important information for shale reservoir evaluation and sweet spot determination. The fluid injection methods, represented by the gas adsorption method and the mercury injection method, are the most commonly used techniques in shale pore structure characterization, but neither of them can provide the complete pore size range of shale. In this paper, the research results of previous studies were reviewed and summarized, and the key factors affect the test result of gas adsorption method and mercury injection method were analyzed. The problems and future directions in the combined characterization of shale pore structure in the complete pore size were pointed out. It is noted that the characterization results from the gas adsorption using particle samples do not match those from the mercury injection using bulk samples, which makes the data combination impossible. And the combined characterization results are hard to be verified. For mercury injection, the usage of particle samples can improve the data quality compared to the bulk ones, as well as the combined characterization results. The understandings about conformance correction, premium particle size and data compatibility are the key issues to improve the combined characterization of shale pore structure.


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