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张浩 施刚 巫虹 邵磊 宋春华 郁飞

张浩, 施刚, 巫虹, 等, 2021. 上海罗店-周浦隐伏断裂第四纪活动性综合探测与研究. 地质力学学报, 27 (2): 267-279. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.025
引用本文: 张浩, 施刚, 巫虹, 等, 2021. 上海罗店-周浦隐伏断裂第四纪活动性综合探测与研究. 地质力学学报, 27 (2): 267-279. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.025
ZHANG Hao, SHI Gang, WU Hong, et al., 2021. Quaternary activity of the Luodian-Zhoupu buried fault in the Shanghai region: Integrated exploration and research. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (2): 267-279. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.025
Citation: ZHANG Hao, SHI Gang, WU Hong, et al., 2021. Quaternary activity of the Luodian-Zhoupu buried fault in the Shanghai region: Integrated exploration and research. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (2): 267-279. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.025


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.025

上海市财政资金项目 002021080001


    张浩(1990-), 男, 在读博士, 从事构造地质学、海洋地质学研究。E-mail: zhanghao330@tongji.edu.cn


    施刚(1963-), 男, 高级工程师, 从事城市地质调查、水文地质与工程地质学研究。E-mail: 454229705@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P534.63

Quaternary activity of the Luodian-Zhoupu buried fault in the Shanghai region: Integrated exploration and research


the Shanghai Municipal Financial Funding Project 002021080001

  • 摘要: 罗店-周浦断裂是纵贯上海市中心城区重要的北西向隐伏活动断裂,其第四纪活动性对城市地质安全至关重要。通过高精度重力勘探、浅层地震勘探及可控源大地音频电磁测深勘探等地球物理方法,结合钻探联井剖面及光释光年代学测定,对罗店-周浦断裂在区域内的展布特征及第四纪活动性进行了探测与研究。结果表明,该断裂在上海市南部区域仍具有较好的延展性,断裂行迹在重力剖面、可控源音频大地电磁测深剖面及浅层人工地震剖面上都有较好的反映。重力面积测量结果显示该断裂在上海市南部呈现为一组近平行断层行迹;浅层人工地震勘探与钻孔地层联合剖面揭露断层最浅上断点埋深相似(约为200 m),可控源大地音频电磁测深反映断裂深部特征明显。物探剖面及钻孔联合剖面综合显示,断裂并未明显错断上覆中更新统上部地层,结合光释光年代学标定,认为该断裂最新活动时代为早更新世。罗店-周浦断裂与区内历史地震事件关系密切,目前区域地应力环境为北西向压应力状态,该断裂易于发生张扭性活动,其活动性特征及地震危险性特征需要持续关注。


  • 图  1  研究区区域地质概况图

    a—研究区大地构造背景图(据杨明桂等,2015修改);b—上海市隐伏断裂分布示意图; c—上海市基岩地质及探测区域位置示意图(地震信息来自上海市地震局,1992)

    Figure  1.  Location of the study area and distribution of the detection work areas.

    (a)Tectonic background map of the study area(modified after Yang et al., 2015). (b)Schematic diagram of the distribution of buried faults in Shanghai. (c)Schematic diagram of Shanghai bedrock geology and location of the work areas (Earthquake Information is cited from Shanghai Earthquake Administration, 1992).

    图  2  研究区隐伏断裂综合地球物理探测测线及钻孔分布图


    Figure  2.  Integrated geophysical survey lines and borehole distribution map of the buried faults in the study area.

    (a) Detection work deployment map of the Haiwan town survey area.(b) Detection work deployment map of the Pengpu town survey area

    图  3  测区高精度重力剖面反演与构造解译


    Figure  3.  High-precision gravity profile inversion and tectonic interpretation in the survey area.

    (a) Line ZL1. (b) Line ZL2

    图  4  重力面积测量与断裂解译平面图

    Figure  4.  Plan showing the gravity area measurement and fault interpretation

    图  5  CS1测线CSAMT反演电阻率等值线图

    Figure  5.  CSAMT inverted resistivity contour map of the Line CS1

    图  6  DZ1测线浅层地震勘探剖面(剖面位置见图 2a)

    Figure  6.  Shallow seismic exploration profile of the Line DZ1 (The position of the profile is shown in Fig. 2a)

    图  7  罗店-周浦断裂钻孔联合剖面(钻孔位置见图 2a)

    Figure  7.  Joint borehole profile of the Luodian-Zhoupu fault (The borehole position is shown in Fig. 2a)

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