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沈骋 赵金洲 谢军 范宇 宋毅

沈骋, 赵金洲, 谢军, 等, 2020. 海相页岩缝网可压性靶窗空间分布预测——以川南长宁区块为例. 地质力学学报, 26 (6): 881-891. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.069
引用本文: 沈骋, 赵金洲, 谢军, 等, 2020. 海相页岩缝网可压性靶窗空间分布预测——以川南长宁区块为例. 地质力学学报, 26 (6): 881-891. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.069
SHEN Cheng, ZHAO Jinzhou, XIE Jun, et al., 2020. Target window spatial distribution prediction based on network fracability: A case study of shale gas reservoirs in the Changning Block, southern Sichuan Basin. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (6): 881-891. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.069
Citation: SHEN Cheng, ZHAO Jinzhou, XIE Jun, et al., 2020. Target window spatial distribution prediction based on network fracability: A case study of shale gas reservoirs in the Changning Block, southern Sichuan Basin. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (6): 881-891. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.069


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.069

国家科技重大专项 2016ZX05062

国家自然科学基金项目 51490653


    沈骋(1990-), 工程师, 博士, 主要从事碳酸盐岩与页岩气储层沉积和储层增产改造研究。E-mail:shenc_victor@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TE37

Target window spatial distribution prediction based on network fracability: A case study of shale gas reservoirs in the Changning Block, southern Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要: 靶窗的确定对海相页岩气储层增产改造具有重要意义。以川南长宁地区龙马溪组海相页岩气储层为研究对象,开展氩离子抛光扫描电镜、巴西圆盘实验和压裂施工统计,分析矿物颗粒粒径和断裂韧性、地应力对裂缝在水力压裂时能否快速穿透、稳定扩展、充分转向等方面的影响。针对现有方法未充分考虑储层压裂品质的情况,简化计算流程,分别采用声波、密度、伽马和矿物含量等建立脆延性指标,采用优化后的应力与应力差耦合模型建立应力差异指标,形成基于储层缝网可压性理论、根据测井解释曲线形态判别的靶窗预测方法。研究结果表明,脆延性指标和应力差异指标曲线呈现叠合度较高的Ⅰ类双"波谷"的层位最有利于开发,其次为Ⅱ类连续交错叠置的层位,最后为Ⅲ类不连续交错的层位。对长宁地区评价井、建产井的验证与实践表明,靶窗对应的指标多呈现双"波谷"形态,但靶窗对应的层位具有差异,区内自西向东靶窗呈现1小层—2小层—1小层的演化趋势。实现不同井区差异化靶窗的高钻遇率对单井获得较大储层改造规模、较高的测试产量和稳定的累计产量具有重要的控制作用。


  • 图  1  长宁区块位置及各小层厚度与0~8 m靶窗位置关系图


    Figure  1.  Location and relationship between thickness of each layer and target window of 0~8 m in the Changning Block

    图  2  大粒径、小粒径页岩平直、沿晶、穿晶断裂时压裂液流动微观路径示意和实际预测


    Figure  2.  Fluid sketch (left) and presupposed (right) path in straight, inter or trans-granular fracture with different particle size

    图  3  硅质含量大于60%、小于60%的样品石英颗粒粒径分布占比图


    Figure  3.  Quartz grain micro-size distribution with the higher (>60%) and lower (< 60%) silicon contents

    图  4  长宁地区单井最小水平主应力与单井平均停泵压力、施工压力关系

    Figure  4.  Relationship among minimum principal stress and shut-in pressure, operation pressure of single well in Changning

    图  5  根据测井解释曲线形态判别靶窗图版

    Figure  5.  Targetwindow chart by identifying the logging interpretation curves

    图  6  长宁区块缝网可压性靶窗空间分布预测

    Figure  6.  Predicted spatial distribution of network-fracturing target window in the Changning Block

    图  7  A、B、C区典型建产井组微地震监测事件点与层位关系


    Figure  7.  Relationship between micro-seismic events and layers of group wells in the blocks A, B and C

    图  8  B1-1井缝网可压性靶窗评价与产气贡献率对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of network-fracturing target window and gas contribution rate in the Well B1-1

    图  9  A区、B区单井90天累产与小层钻遇率关系


    Figure  9.  Relationship between cumulative productivity of single well in 90 days and drilled rate in the blocks A and B

    表  1  长宁区块典型井主力产气层各小层地质参数

    Table  1.   Geological parameters in each layer of a typical well in the Changning Block

    小层 岩性 平均埋深/
    N201 龙一14 灰黑色粉砂质页岩 2499.9 9.4 49.0 2.0 44.5 7.44 2.52 6.66
    龙一13 灰黑色灰质页岩 2508.4 7.5 42.5 11.3 41.6 8.82 4.14 7.83
    龙一12 黑色炭质灰质页岩 2516.0 7.7 54.6 18.1 24.2 6.51 3.38 7.21
    龙一11 黑色灰质炭质页岩 2520.7 1.7 46.4 17.0 31.8 8.56 5.61 9.62
    五峰组 黑色钙质页岩 2523.8 4.5 31.5 28.5 35.2 7.67 3.55 7.63
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    表  2  页岩Ⅰ型断裂实测与预测结果对比(裂缝与载荷加载方向为0°)

    Table  2.   Practical and calculated results of Ⅰ-type fracture toughness of shale (The angle between the fracture and the loading direction is 0°)

    编号 直径D/
    K1-1 5.28 2.2 0.8 9.876 0.858 89.6 2.57 67.3 0.893
    K1-2 5.16 1.98 0.8 8.66 0.855 70.4 2.49 58.3 0.836
    K1-4 5.52 2.12 0.8 10.354 0.893 79.7 2.64 75.6 0.914
    K1-6 5.24 2.42 0.8 10.458 0.832 72 2.51 67.5 0.825
    K1-8 5.36 2.24 0.8 11.544 0.97 91.2 2.61 125.9 0.935
    K1-9 4.92 2.16 0.8 9.66 0.917 79.4 2.53 99 0.891
    K1-11 5.18 2.22 0.8 9.322 0.818 63.3 2.47 62.4 0.844
    K1-13 5.64 2.1 0.8 10.236 0.872 75.5 2.52 70 0.861
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    表  3  页岩Ⅱ型断裂实测与预测结果对比(裂缝与载荷加载方向为30°)

    Table  3.   Practical and calculated results of Ⅱ-type fracture toughness of shale (The angle between the fracture and the loading direction is 30°)

    编号 直径D/
    K2-2 5.31 1.95 0.8 5.98 1.407 78.6 2.61 116.5 1.502
    K2-6 5.07 2.45 0.8 6.788 1.337 78.9 2.52 118.8 1.235
    K2-7 5.67 2.38 0.8 7.584 1.362 65.9 2.56 86.5 1.312
    K2-8 5.42 2.29 0.8 6.325 1.24 53.9 2.58 113.5 1.115
    K2-9 5.45 2.58 0.8 8.214 1.42 63.8 2.63 101.7 1.377
    K2-12 5.02 1.88 0.8 5.557 1.442 61.3 2.68 63.5 1.395
    K2-13 5.16 1.78 0.8 4.892 1.301 58.5 2.65 61.5 1.326
    K2-14 5.43 2.05 0.8 6.633 1.449 64.9 2.69 78.6 1.528
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    表  4  长宁区块部分井不同类型靶窗钻遇情况与产量的关系

    Table  4.   Relationship between the drilling-encounter rate of different target windows and productivity in the Changning Block

    井号 水平
    距底部8 m靶窗 缝网可压性靶窗 测试产量/
    (×104 m3/d)
    A13-5 1500 93.5 1403 78.7 1181 43.3
    A20-4 1400 100 1400 83.3 1166 40.5
    A26-3 1500 95.3 1430 83.3 1250 40.1
    B2-1 1447 96.6 1398 94.6 1369 62.02
    B3-3 1461 99.9 1460 95.5 1395 41.25
    B14-1 1483 100 1483 94.6 1403 41.63
    B14-2 1496 100 1496 97 1451 41.21
    B14-3 1496 98.3 1471 96.3 1441 40.8
    B14-4 1496 100 1496 96.9 1450 40.3
    B14-5 1479 100 1479 96.2 1423 40
    B29-3 1310 99.4 1302 55.4 726 8.98
    B29-9 1700 92.1 1566 26.5 451 3.9
    B22-11 1105 99.8 1103 55.2 610 8.51
    B1-7 1500 96 1440 69.9 1049 18.54
    B1-12 1300 95.5 1242 52.6 684 13.39
    A25-6 1440 99.3 1430 63.8 919 17.97
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