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陈柏林, 2020. 断裂构造发育过程与控矿构造形成演化——以邹家山铀矿床为例. 地质力学学报, 26 (3): 285-298. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.03.027
引用本文: 陈柏林, 2020. 断裂构造发育过程与控矿构造形成演化——以邹家山铀矿床为例. 地质力学学报, 26 (3): 285-298. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.03.027
CHEN Bailin, 2020. Development process of fault structure and formation and evolution of ore-controlling structure: A case study of the Zoujiashan uranium deposit. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (3): 285-298. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.03.027
Citation: CHEN Bailin, 2020. Development process of fault structure and formation and evolution of ore-controlling structure: A case study of the Zoujiashan uranium deposit. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (3): 285-298. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.03.027


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.03.027

国家重点研发项目 2017YFC0602602

国家重点研发项目 2016YFC0600207

中国地质科学院地质力学研究所基本科研业务费专项 JYYWF20180602

中国地质科学院地质力学研究所基本科研业务费专项 DZLXJK201904


    陈柏林(1962-), 男, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事区域构造、矿田构造和成矿预测研究。E-mail:cblh6229@263.net

  • 中图分类号: P613

Development process of fault structure and formation and evolution of ore-controlling structure: A case study of the Zoujiashan uranium deposit

  • 摘要: 热液脉状矿床主要受断裂控制,控制矿脉就位的含矿(赋矿)构造绝大多数是规模比较小的次级断裂或裂隙,而主干断裂普遍被认为是导矿构造或配(运)矿构造,但往往不含矿,甚至没有一点与矿化有关的蚀变痕迹、或成矿流体经过的痕迹。从岩石力学破裂准则看,是最先形成有微孔隙或缺陷存在的微破裂,微破裂逐渐扩展形成小断裂,最后贯通形成主断裂;相关模拟实验也证实存在基底断裂的情况下,盖层破裂的发育过程是最先出现R裂隙、其次是P裂隙、再是D裂隙,最后贯通成具辫状结构的主断裂带。邹家山铀矿床含矿构造是在"X"剪节理基础上发展起来并经持续(递进)变形而形成的"弧形断层面夹透镜状岩块"组合,控制矿带或矿体群的构造是北东东走向、倾向北北西中偏缓倾角、具有左行正断的隐性断裂带。含矿裂隙经历初成、成型和成矿三个阶段演化,成矿后经历邹家山-石洞主断裂贯通和隆升剥露两个阶段演化,最终形成目前的保存状态。


  • 图  1  相山铀矿田和邹家山铀矿床地质图(张万良等,2015年; 胡荣泉等, 2015)


    Figure  1.  Geological maps of the Xiangshan uranium ore field and the Zoujiashan uranium deposit(Zhang et al, 2015; Hu et al, 2015)

    图  2  走滑断裂带贯穿过程与发育模式图(据Dooley and Schreurs, 2012修改)


    Figure  2.  Model showing the through-going process and development pattern of the strike-slip fault zone(modified after Dooley and Schreurs, 2012)

    图  3  各种岩石破裂特征


    Figure  3.  Fracture characteristics in rocks

    图  4  邹家山铀矿床露天采场中段南东侧铀矿体及含矿构造展布(平面)图


    Figure  4.  Sketch and picture showing the distribution of ore-bearing structure and ore-body in the open pit mining of the Zoujiashan uranium deposit(plan)

    图  5  邹家山铀矿床露天采场中段南东侧铀矿体及含矿构造展布图(XS74点)


    Figure  5.  Sketch and picture showing the distribution of ore-bearing structure and ore-body in the open pit mining of the Zoujiashan uranium deposit(XS74)

    图  6  邹家山铀矿床露天采场铀矿体及含矿构造展布(平面)图


    Figure  6.  Sketch and picture showing the distribution of ore-bearing structure and ore-body in the open pit mining of the Zoujiashan uranium deposit (plan)

    图  7  邹家山铀矿床矿带分布图和15线地质剖面图(据魏祥荣等,2006修改)


    Figure  7.  Distribution map of ore belts and the geological profile of Line 15 in the Zoujiashan uranium deposit(modified after Wei et al, 2006)

    图  8  含矿构造形成至矿化时构造应力方向演化示意图


    Figure  8.  Sketch showing the evolution of the structural stress orientation from the formation of ore-bearing structure to the mineralization

    图  9  邹家山铀矿床成矿后构造演化图


    Figure  9.  Evolution of the post metallogenic structures of the Zoujiashan uranium deposit

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