摘要: 太平洋板块是一个中生代以来形成的地球上最大的大洋板块,但其起源机制、结构构造、构造演化等始终不清楚。太平洋板块内部的复杂性更是未受到重视,其内部的大火成岩省、海山链、微洋块、微陆块及其下部更深层地幔的微幔块都非常发育,这些复杂板内或板下构造代表的地球动力学含义亟待解决。文章基于最新的板块重建结果,试图分析其运动学过程,揭示太平洋板块形成与演化机制。研究表明,太平洋板块起源于RRR三节点,但不是一个纯粹的完整大洋板块,其增生演化过程经历了非威尔逊旋回模式,其板缘经历了一些外来微陆块或微洋块的并入,其内部也因各种原因出现了一些新生微洋块,总体表现为一个碎片化的镶嵌式板内格局。太平洋板块记录了与邻区板块相互作用的重要构造事件,大约55 Ma左右开始俯冲到东亚陆缘,导致东亚陆缘短暂的北西-南东向伸展,随后受印度-欧亚碰撞动力系统和太平洋俯冲动力系统联合控制,总体处于右行右阶的拉分背景,形成了一系列盆地群,俯冲后撤等逐渐形成了双俯冲系统。太平洋板块还记录了深浅部耦合过程,下地幔中的太平洋LLSVP通过遥相关对上部岩石圈微板块、大火成岩省分布具有决定性作用;火山链或热点揭示板块运动同时,也反映深浅部物质交换过程,海山群也揭示太平洋板块之下软流圈并非单一对流胞,其对流格局的多样性尚待深入研究。Abstract: The Pacific Plate is the largest oceanic plate on the Earth since Mesozoic, but its original mechanism, structure and tectonic evolution are still unclear. The complexity of the interior of the Pacific Plate has not been taken seriously. Large igneous provinces, seamount chains, oceanic micro-blocks, continental micro-blocks and mantle micro-blocks in the deeper mantle in or under the Pacific Plate are well developed. The geodynamic implications of these complex intraplate or sub-plate structures need to be solved urgently. Based on the latest results of plate reconstruction, this paper attempts to analyze its kinematic process and to reveal the formation and evolution mechanism of the Pacific Plate. The results show that the Pacific Plate originated from the RRR triple junction, but it was not a pure oceanic plate. Its accretion and evolutionary processes have undergone a non-Wilson cycle model. Its margins have undergone the incorporation of some exotic continental or oceanic micro-blocks, and some new oceanic micro-blocks have involved and appeared in its interior for various reasons. It made the Pacific Plate show as a fragmented mosaic pattern. The Pacific Plate recorded important tectonic events interacting with the adjacent tectonic plates. At about 55 Ma, it began to subduct under the East Asian continental margin, resulting in a short NW-SE-directed extension of the East Asian continental margin, which was subsequently jointly controlled by the Indian-Eurasian collisional dynamic system and the Pacific subduction dynamic system, and generally formed some pull-apart basins under the right-lateral dextral strike slipping. Then due to subduction retreat, this region gradually developed a double subduction system. The Pacific Plate also recorded the deep-shallow coupling process, and the Pacific LLSVP in the lower mantle played a decisive role in the distribution of the upper lithospheric micro-plates and large igneous provinces. In addition, volcanic chains or hotspots not only reveal plate movement, but also reflect the process of material exchange between deep and shallow parts, and seamounts also reveal the mantle flow under the Pacific Plate. The mantle circulation is not a single convective cell, and the diversity of its convective pattern needs to be further studied.
图 6 东北太平洋卫星重力异常与海山链[7]
十字线指示了科布和鲍伊热点的位置,推测的区域(宽为250 km)以浅色阴影表示海山名称:AX—洋中脊轴海山; BO—Bowie(鲍伊);CO—Cobb(科布);DA—Davidson(戴维森);DE—Denson(邓森);DI—Dickens(狄更斯);DK—Dellwood Knolls(德尔伍德海丘);EI—Eickelberg(艾克伯格);EX—Explorer(拓荒者);GI—Giacomini(贾克米尼);GR—Graham(格雷厄姆);HE—Heckle(赫克勒);HK—Hodgkins(霍奇金);HO—Horton(霍顿);KO—Kodiak(科迪亚克);MI—Miller(米勒);MU—Murray(默里);OS—Oshawa(奥沙瓦);PF—Pathfinder(探路者);PK—Parker(帕克);PT—Patton(帕顿);PR—Pratt(普拉特);QN—Quinn(奎恩);Su—Surveyor(调查者);TW—Tuzo Wilson(图佐·威尔逊);UN—Union(尤宁);WE—Welker(维尔克)
Figure 6. Satellite gravity anomaly and seamount chains in the Northeast Pacific Ocean[7]
图 7 翁通爪哇—马尼希基—希库朗基洋底高原地区等深线分布[29]
红线区域—翁通爪哇—马尼希基—希库朗基洋底高原范围;白线—磁条带;粗的绿色虚线—转换断层;细的绿色虚线—三节点轨迹;细的红色虚线—锯齿状裂谷边界(zigzag rift boundary);黑色实线—海沟;黑色虚线—缝合线;小黑点和数字—大洋钻探井位(圆形DSDP,正方形ODP);M0—M29—海底磁异常条带图中简写:OJP—Ontong Java Plateau (翁通爪哇洋底高原);MP—Manihiki Plateau (马尼希基洋底高原);HP—Hikurangi Plateau (希库朗基洋底高原);RR—Robbie Ridge (罗比海岭);CR—Chatham Rise (查塔姆海隆);CFZ—Clipperton Fracture Zone(克利珀顿破碎带);EB—Ellice Basin (埃利斯海盆);EMB—East Mariana Basin (东马里亚纳海盆);GS—Gilbert Seamounts (吉伯海山);NB—Nauru Basin (瑙鲁海盆);OT—Osbourn Trough (奥斯本海槽);SI—Solomon Islands (所罗门群岛);SB—Stewart Basin (斯图尔特海盆);TS—Tokelau Seamounts (托克劳海山);WS—Wishbone Scarp (许愿骨海崖)
Figure 7. Bathymetric map showing the location of the Ontong Java, Manihiki and Hikurangi Plateau[29]
图 11 核-幔边界剪切波或横波异常[55]
图示了现今非洲(A)和太平洋(P) “超级地幔柱”位置和侧向变化
白色圈为201~15 Ma期间的大火成岩省位置,大火成岩省名称字母缩略如下:C—CAMP(中大西洋火成岩省);K—Karroo(卡鲁);A—Argo margin(阿尔戈边缘);SR—Shatsky Rise(沙茨基海隆);MG—Magellan Rise(麦哲伦海隆);G—Gascoyne(加斯科因);PE—Parana-Etendeka(巴拉那-埃滕德卡);BB—Banbury Baslats(班伯里玄武岩);MP—Manihiki Plateau(马尼希基洋底高原);O1—Ontong Java 1(翁通爪哇洋底高原1);R—Rajmahal Traps(拉治马哈);SK—Southern Kerguelen(克尔格伦南部);N—Nauru(瑙鲁);CK—Central Kerguelen(克尔格伦中部);HR—Hess Rise(赫斯海隆);W—Wallaby Plateau(沃勒比洋底高原);BR—Broken Ridge(布罗肯海岭);O2—Ontong Java 2(翁通爪哇洋底高原2);M—Madagascar(马达加斯加);SL—S. Leone Rise(圣·利昂海隆);MR—Maud Rise(毛德海隆);D—Deccan Traps(德干高原);NA—North Atlantic(北大西洋火成岩省);ET—Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚);CR—Columbia River(哥伦比亚河)红色点为文献[12]认定的深起源热点Figure 11. Shear wave velocity anomalies near the core-mantle boundary[55]
图 12 环太平洋板块的运动学重建[57]
BIS—Biscoe;CHS—Chonos;FAR—法拉隆;GUE—格雷罗;IZA—依泽奈崎;KUL—库拉;MAC—Mackinley;PAC—太平洋;PEN—Penas;PHO—菲尼克斯;WAK—Washikemba;WRA—Wrangellia;YAK—Yakutata—168.2 Ma (M42)太平洋板块初始形成,同时Pigafetta盆地(PIG)形成;b—139.6 Ma (M16)为太平洋下地幔低速区北北东部边缘的活动上涌时期,太平洋板块东北侧脊-柱相互作用触发了沙茨基海隆(SHA)形成于大约144 Ma, 尼科亚Ⅰ (NIC Ⅰ)海台和中太平洋海山群(MPM)形成于大约140 Ma,麦哲伦海隆(MAG)形成于大约135 Ma;c—120.4 Ma (M0)为一个新的活动上涌时期,太平洋板块南侧脊-柱相互作用激发了翁通爪哇海台(OJP)、马尼希基(MAN)和希库朗基海台(HIK)形成事件;尼科亚Ⅱ (NIC Ⅱ)海台也属于这次事件, 其喷发发生在太平洋下地幔低速区北部边缘脊-柱交接区,还是这次, 中太平洋海山群再次活跃,形成了几个具有OIB典型特征的次级水下海山;同时,太平洋下地幔低速区西缘附近的东马里亚纳海盆(EMB)先后发生了127 Ma和120 Ma的板内岩浆脉冲事件;d—112 Ma太平洋下地幔低速区南缘依然活动,并与洋中脊相互作用,形成了希库朗基海台、瑙鲁海盆(NAU)和东马里亚纳海盆;e—95 Ma太平洋下地幔低速区最东缘变得活跃,在与洋中脊相互作用的地区形成了加勒比海台(CAR)Figure 12. Kinematic plate tectonic reconstructions for circum-Pacific Plate[57]
图 14 塔穆地块内的磁异常条带重建及多幕洋中脊跃迁[59]
Figure 14. Reconstruction of magnetic anomaly formation within Tamu Massif and multiple ridge jumping[59]
图 15 翁通爪哇高原—所罗门岛汇聚带的自由空气重力异常[60]
NB—瑙鲁盆地;ER—欧里皮克(Eauripik)隆起;LP—路易(Louisiade)高原;OJP—所罗门岛—翁通爪哇高原;VAT—瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)海沟;VT—勇士(Vitiaz)海沟;NFP—北斐济高原;MP—马尼希基高原;SHS—萨摩亚热点;TT—汤加海沟;LR—路易斯维尔海脊;HP—希库郎伊高原;THS—塔斯马尼亚(Tasmanid)热点;LHS—豪勋爵热点Figure 15. Free-air gravity anomalies of the Ontong Java Plateau-Solomon Islands convergent zone[60]
图 18 俯冲的太平洋板块年龄分布图[62]
红色和蓝色分别指示低速和高速扰动;每个横剖面上部标有蓝色数字的色标指示俯冲的太平洋岩石圈从西(中国东部)到东(海沟轴附近)的年龄;每个剖面的地形显示在岩石圈色标之上;每个横剖面下部标有红色数字的色标指示了太平洋板片的俯冲年龄;每个横剖面之上的红色和粉色三角分别指示了活动火山和新生代玄武岩的位置;背景层析成像中的地震和大地震(M≥7.0)分别以白色圆圈和红色五角星表示;两条黑色虚线指示了410 km和660 km不连续面
CCO—中国中央造山带;NCC—华北克拉通;SCC—华南克拉通;ECS—东海陆架盆地;Ryukyu Arc—琉球岛弧;PHS—菲律宾海板块;Izu Arc—伊豆岛弧;Bonin Arc—小笠原岛弧;Yellow Sea—黄海;Korea—韩国;Japan Sea—日本海;Japan Arc—日本岛弧;Big mantle wedge—大地幔楔;Flat Pacific slab—呈水平状俯冲的太平洋板片;Mantle transition zone—地幔转换带Figure 18. Age distribution of the subducting Pacific Plate[62]
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