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毕亚强 李永新 陈文科 马虎彪 于超 冯宇 周林 岳雷 杨在京 扈德峰

毕亚强, 李永新, 陈文科, 等, 2022. 内蒙古三河铅锌矿床的矿化特征及构造控矿规律. 地质力学学报, 28 (1): 36-49. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021131
引用本文: 毕亚强, 李永新, 陈文科, 等, 2022. 内蒙古三河铅锌矿床的矿化特征及构造控矿规律. 地质力学学报, 28 (1): 36-49. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021131
BI Yaqiang, LI Yongxin, CHEN Wenke, et al., 2022. Mineralization styles and structure-controlled mineralization rules of the Sanhe Pb-Zn Deposit in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (1): 36-49. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021131
Citation: BI Yaqiang, LI Yongxin, CHEN Wenke, et al., 2022. Mineralization styles and structure-controlled mineralization rules of the Sanhe Pb-Zn Deposit in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (1): 36-49. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021131


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021131

国家重点研发计划 2017YFC0601300


    毕亚强(1986-), 男, 工程师, 主要从事矿产普查与勘探研究。E-mail: 409561475@qq.com


    陈文科(1997-), 男, 在读硕士, 主要从事矿床学研究。E-mail: 1402147343@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.4

Mineralization styles and structure-controlled mineralization rules of the Sanhe Pb-Zn Deposit in Inner Mongolia


the National Key Research and Development Plan 2017YFC0601300

  • 摘要: 以内蒙三河铅锌矿床为研究对象,通过详细的野外和井下地质调研、勘查资料综合分析、构造地质测量、矿石和蚀变岩的岩石学和矿物学研究等,对矿区主要的构造类型、产状特征、脉体和蚀变的类型及矿化与断裂构造的关系进行了详细的研究。研究结果表明,矿区矿体主要呈脉状-网脉状产于北西西向断裂构造中。根据矿区断裂-脉体类型-蚀变的关系可以看出,走向北西西、倾向南南西的断裂为矿区主要的控矿断裂,主控矿断裂产状平直或呈舒缓波状,其间常发育铁锰碳酸盐-石英-硫化物脉,脉侧蚀变以硅化、黄铁矿化和绿泥石化为主。矿区主要矿体呈北西西走向,倾向南南西,其在走向和倾向上延伸规模大、产状稳定,地表常表现为蚀变片理化带,但其中常可见张性角砾岩脉或晶洞构造,其应为早期剪性断裂再次活化的产物。北北西和北北东向断裂为成矿后断裂,其间常被正长斑岩脉、闪斜煌斑岩脉充填,或发育方解石±石英±萤石±黏土矿物脉,可切穿含矿构造和含矿碳酸盐脉;成矿后断裂产状变化较大,分枝分叉和侧列现象常见,且其中常发育不规则状方解石-萤石脉及晶洞构造,显示了张性断裂的特征;同时对矿体有一定的错断,但断距不大,对找矿影响较小。无矿方解石-萤石-黏土矿脉两侧蚀变以黏土矿化为主,并发育少量浸染状黄铁矿化。铁锰碳酸盐脉两侧发育绿泥石化、硅化、黄铁矿化为矿区重要的找矿标志。这一认识对指导矿区及邻区同类矿床的找矿具有重要意义。


  • 图  1  额尔古纳及周边地区区域地质图(据武广等, 2014; 徐志刚等, 2008修改)

    a—蒙古-鄂霍茨克缝合带; b—额尔古纳及周边地区矿点分布

    Figure  1.  Regional geological map of Ergun and surrounding areas (modified after Wu et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2008)

    (a) Mongolia-Okhotsk suture zone; (b) Distribution of mines in the Ergun and surrounding areas

    图  2  三河铅锌矿床矿区地质图

    Figure  2.  Geological map of the Sanhe Pb-Zn deposit

    图  3  三河矿区双顶山矿段27号勘探线钻孔剖面图

    Figure  3.  Drilling profile of the No.27 exploration line in the Shuangdingshan section of the Sanhe mining area

    图  4  三河铅锌矿区双顶山矿段断裂构造简图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram showing the faulted structure in the Shuangdingshan section of the Sanhe Pb-Zn mining area

    图  5  北西西向断裂中碳酸盐脉的分支复合及边部的羽状裂隙

    Ank—铁白云石; Dol—白云石; Qtz—石英; Chl—绿泥石; Gn—方铅矿; Sp—闪锌矿
    a—碳酸盐脉的分支复合; b—碳酸盐脉边部的羽状裂隙

    Figure  5.  The branching and recombination of carbonate veins in the NWW-trending fault and the pinnate fissures at the edges

    (a) Branching complex of carbonate veins; (b) Pinnate fissures at the edges of carbonate veins
    Ank-Iron dolomite; Dol-Dolomite; Qtz-Quartz; Chl-Chlorite; Gn-Galena; Sp-Sphalerite

    图  6  矿区不同脉体之间的穿插关系

    Ank—铁白云石; Dol—白云石; Qtz—石英; Cal—方解石; Chl—绿泥石; Clay—黏土矿物; Gn—方铅矿; Sp—闪锌矿
    a—黏土矿物、石英和方解石脉切穿张性石英网脉; b—石英、方解石脉错断含矿铁锰碳酸盐脉

    Figure  6.  Interspersed relationship between different veins in the mining area

    (a) Clay minerals, quartz and calcite veins cut through tensile quartz veins; (b) Quartz and calcite veins discontinue ore-bearing iron-manganese carbonate veins
    Ank-Iron dolomite; Dol-Dolomite; Qtz-Quartz; Cal-Calcite; Chl-Chlorite; Clay-Clay mineral; Gn-Galena; Sp-Sphalerite

    图  7  矿区主要热液脉体类型

    Ank—铁白云石; Dol—白云石; Qtz—石英; Chl—绿泥石; Cal—方解石; Clay—黏土矿物; Gn—方铅矿; Sp—闪锌矿; Sulf—硫化物
    a—含暗色硫化物的铁锰碳酸盐脉; b—方解石脉错断含矿石英脉; c—含铅锌矿化的铁锰碳酸盐脉; d—黏土矿物脉切穿含矿铁锰碳酸盐脉

    Figure  7.  Main types of hydrothermal veins in the mining area

    (a) Iron-manganese carbonate veins with dark sulfide; (b) Calcite veins disjoint ore-bearing veins; (c) Iron-manganese carbonate veins with Pb-Zn mineralization; (d) Clay mineral veins cut through ore-bearing iron-manganese carbonate veins
    Ank-Iron dolomite; Dol-Dolomite; Qtz-Quartz; Chl-Chlorite; Cal-Calcite; Clay-Clay mineral; Gn-Galena; Sp-Sphalerite; Sulf-Sulfide

    图  8  矿区常见金属矿物组合

    Sti—辉锑矿; Py—黄铁矿; Ccp—黄铜矿; Sp—闪锌矿; Gn—方铅矿; Ank—铁白云石; Clay—黏土矿物
    a—与含铁白云石同期的辉锑矿、黄铁矿; b—与细晶石英同期的方铅矿、闪锌矿等金属硫化物

    Figure  8.  Common metal mineral combinations in the mining area

    (a) Stibnite and pyrite at the same time as iron-bearing dolomite; (b) Metal sulfides such as galena and sphalerite at the same time as fine-crystal quartz
    Sti-Stibnite; Py-Pyrite; Ccp-Chalcopyrite; Sp-Sphalerite; Gn-Galena; Ank-Iron dolomite; Clay-Clay mineral

    图  9  主要矿石矿物SEM/EDS分析

    Ank—铁白云石; Qtz—石英; Clay—黏土矿物; Ap—磷灰石; Rt—金红石; Brt—重晶石; Gn—方铅矿; Py—黄铁矿; Ccp—黄铜矿; Tet—黝铜矿

    Figure  9.  SEM/EDS analysis of main ore minerals

    Ank-Iron dolomite; Qtz-Quartz; Clay-Clay mineral; Ap-Apatite; Rt-Rutile; Brt-Barite; Gn-Galena; Py-Pyrite; Ccp-Chalcopyrite; Tet-Tetrahedrite

    图  10  部分脉体穿插关系的正交偏光和单偏光显微照片

    Ank—铁白云石; Qtz—石英; Chl—绿泥石; Clay—黏土矿物; Sp—闪锌矿; Py—黄铁矿; Ccp—黄铜矿
    a、b—石英脉切穿含矿铁白云石脉(a为正交偏光, b为单偏光); c、d—石英和黏土矿物脉切穿成矿期石英和绿泥石脉(c为正交偏光, d为单偏光)

    Figure  10.  Cross-polarized light (a, c) and single-polarized light (b, d) micrographs of the intervening relationship of part of the veins

    (a, b) Quartz veins cut through ore-bearing iron-manganese dolomite veins; (c, d) Quartz and clay mineral veins cut through ore-forming quartz and chlorite veins
    Ank-Iron dolomite; Qtz-Quartz; Chl-Chlorite; Clay-Clay mineral; Sp-Sphalerite; Py-Pyrite; Ccp-Chalcopyrite

    图  11  矿区主要矿体产状统计等密度图(n=69)

    Figure  11.  Isodensity map showing the occurrence statistics of the main ore bodies (n=69) in the mining area

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