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李刚 王宁 张凯逊 白国平 贺昱搏 胡靖靖 孟秋含 邱海华

李刚, 王宁, 张凯逊, 等, 2023. 西巴伦支海盆地含油气系统分析与资源评价. 地质力学学报, 29 (2): 174-187. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022134
引用本文: 李刚, 王宁, 张凯逊, 等, 2023. 西巴伦支海盆地含油气系统分析与资源评价. 地质力学学报, 29 (2): 174-187. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022134
LI Gang, WANG Ning, ZHANG Kaixun, et al., 2023. Analysis of petroleum systems and assessment of petroleum resources in the West Barents Sea Basin, Arctic. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (2): 174-187. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022134
Citation: LI Gang, WANG Ning, ZHANG Kaixun, et al., 2023. Analysis of petroleum systems and assessment of petroleum resources in the West Barents Sea Basin, Arctic. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (2): 174-187. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022134


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022134

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 DD20221810

国家自然科学基金项目 91755104


    李刚(1994—),男,在读博士,主要从事非常规油气评价与勘探研究工作。E-mail: cup932014@163.com


    张凯逊(1985—),男,副研究员,主要从事储层成岩作用及油气资源评价研究。E-mail: zhangkaixun@163.com

  • 中图分类号: [TE122.3]

Analysis of petroleum systems and assessment of petroleum resources in the West Barents Sea Basin, Arctic


the Geological Survey Project of the China Geological Survey DD20221810

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 91755104

  • 摘要:

    北极西巴伦支海盆地是全球最具勘探潜力的含油气盆地之一。基于IHS数据库最新资料,分析了该盆地油气地质特征,揭示了盆地油气分布特征,划分了含油气系统和成藏组合,评估了盆地资源潜力,并优选了有利勘探区带。研究表明,区域上西巴伦支海盆地已发现油气藏主要分布于盆地的西南部;层系上油气主要富集于侏罗系和三叠系储层,其已发现控制和探明(2P)可采储量分别占盆地总2P可采储量的72.6%和15.5%。盆地内主要发育2个已知的含油气系统,分别为侏罗系/三叠系复合含油气系统和二叠系/石炭系复合含油气系统。蒙特卡洛模拟评估出西巴伦支海盆地石油、天然气和凝析油待发现可采资源量(均值)分别为487.4×106 t、1375.6×109 m3和84.6×106 t,折合成油当量为1681.9×106 t,其中天然气占66.0%。综合资源评价结果和油气成藏条件地质分析优选出2个有利勘探区带,分别是盆地南部的侏罗系成藏组合有利勘探区带和三叠系成藏组合有利勘探区带。


  • 图  1  西巴伦支海盆地构造分区图(据Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, 2019修改)

    Figure  1.  Structural subdivision of the West Barents Sea Basin (modified from Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, 2019)

    图  2  西巴伦支海盆地南部区域构造剖面示意图(据Colpaert et al., 2007修改; 剖面位置见图 1中A-A′)

    Figure  2.  Schematic geological cross-section of the southern West Barents Sea Basin (modified from Colpaert et al., 2007; The positon of the cross-section is shown as A-A′ in Fig. 1)

    图  3  西巴伦支海盆地已发现油气2P可采储量分布


    Figure  3.  Distribution of proved and probable reserves in the West Barents Sea Basin

    (a) Distribution of proved and probable reserves in the main tectonic units of the West Barents Sea Basin; (b) Distribution of proved and probable reserves at different burial depths in the West Barents Sea Basin; (c) Distribution of proved and probable reserves in different reservoirs in the West Barents Sea Basin; (d) Distribution of proved and probable reserves in different traps in the West Barents Sea Basin

    图  4  西巴伦支海盆地油气田分布和烃源岩展布图(据IHS Energy Group, 2020修改)

    Figure  4.  Distribution of oil and gas fields and source rocks in the West Barents Sea Basin (modified from IHS Energy Group, 2020)

    图  5  西巴伦支海盆地综合地层柱状图(据IHS Energy Group, 2020修改)

    Figure  5.  Integrated stratigraphic chart of the West Barents Sea Basin (modified from IHS Energy Group, 2020)

    图  6  西巴伦支海盆地侏罗系/三叠系复合含油气系统内成藏组合展布图

    Figure  6.  Plays of the Jurassic/Triassic composite petroleum system in the West Barents Sea Basin

    图  7  西巴伦支海盆地二叠系/石炭系复合含油气系统成藏组合展布图

    Figure  7.  Plays of the Permian/Carboniferous composite petroleum system in the West Barents Sea Basin

    图  8  西巴伦支海盆地待发现油气可采资源量评价结果类比图

    Figure  8.  Comparison of assessment results of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the West Barents Sea Basin

    表  1  西巴伦支海盆地成藏组合控制与探明可采储量一览表

    Table  1.   Proved and probable reserves of different plays in the West Barents Sea Basin

    含油气系统 成藏组合 油气藏数/个 石油/ ×106 t 天然气/ ×109 m3 凝析油/ ×106 t 油当量/ ×106 t 占总2P可采储量比例/% 平均规模/ ×106 t
    侏罗系/三叠系复合含油气系统 白垩系成藏组合 8 4.8 26.1 0.5 26.4 4.4 3.3
    侏罗系成藏组合 40 157.3 295.6 27.0 422.7 71.1 10.6
    三叠系成藏组合 25 32.2 63.7 3.5 87.1 14.6 3.5
    二叠系/石炭系复合含油气系统 侏罗系/三叠系成藏组合 9 22.5 26.9 0.4 44.6 7.5 5.0
    二叠系/石炭系成藏组合 5 7.9 7.5 0.1 14.1 2.4 2.8
    上古生界/中生界复合含油气系统 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0
    总计 87 224.7 419.8 31.5 594.9 100.0 6.8
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    表  2  西巴伦支海盆地待发现油气可采资源量评价结果汇总表

    Table  2.   Assessment results of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the West Barents Sea Basin

    资评结果 上古生界/中生界含油气系统 侏罗系/三叠系含油气系统 二叠系/石炭系含油气系统 合计
    白垩系 侏罗系 三叠系 侏罗系/三叠系 二叠系/石炭系
    石油/×106 t F5 48.7 2.3 126.6 26.7 9.4 7.2 220.8
    F50 101.0 6.5 261.7 55.7 23.9 16.7 465.4
    F95 175.2 14.6 444.7 103.5 53.4 29.2 820.5
    均值 105.3 7.2 271.7 59.3 26.7 17.2 487.4
    天然气/×109 m3 F5 111.7 156.0 343.8 105.7 34.4 18.5 646.3
    F50 231.6 72.4 657.4 207.9 89.2 51.3 1309.8
    F95 401.9 141.6 1165.5 326.7 171.0 105.8 2312.5
    均值 241.6 78.1 694.6 211.2 94.7 55.4 1375.6
    凝析油/×106 t F5 7.2 0.6 7.0 4.0 0.7 0.1 19.6
    F50 14.9 2.6 29.8 21.8 3.0 0.6 72.7
    F95 25.8 7.5 82.8 62.7 8.9 1.7 189.5
    均值 15.5 3.1 35.5 26.0 3.7 0.7 84.6
    油当量/×106 t F5 145.9 28.9 411.0 116.0 37.8 22.2 761.8
    F50 302.7 67.5 821.9 245.3 98.9 58.6 1594.9
    F95 525.2 136.4 1467.8 429.8 200.2 116.3 2875.8
    均值 315.8 73.3 867.7 255.7 106.7 62.7 1681.9
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